Important information for every housewife: learning how to fry fish correctly. How to fry fish correctly

Fish is not only tasty, but also useful product, as it contains a huge amount of microelements and vitamins. True, its preparation requires certain skills and dexterity. But there is no need to worry: little secrets will help even a novice housewife to surprise her household with delicate fish with a crispy, appetizing crust.

Preparing fish for frying or the beginning of the process

Difficulties in preparing fish can await you from the very beginning and forever discourage you from doing it in the future. For example, defrosted pollock simply falls apart in your hands, and hake resembles porridge. Before you start frying fish, you need to select it and prepare it properly. And this matter requires certain knowledge. The cooking method depends, first of all, on the type of fish. Frying pike and capelin are significantly different from each other. Breading also has an effect, which can be used as:

  • flour;
  • crackers;
  • a mixture of various herbs and spices.

There are also certain rules for the preparatory stage:

  1. Defrosting. Place the frozen carcass on a flat container and wait until it thaws completely. At room temperature this process will take a sufficient amount of time. You can place the fish in cold water, but in no case use warm or even hot water, it will completely spoil the product and deprive it of all its taste properties. Use a little trick: add a pinch of regular water to the water. table salt. True, this can only be done if the fish is not cut.
  2. Cleaning. The melted carcass needs to be cleaned. It is most convenient to do this under water pressure, using a special metal brush, or after dousing it with boiling water, then the scales will come off much easier. Unpleasant mucus will go away if you first rub the fish with salt and then wash off this deposit with running water. Gut the fish should be carefully, otherwise damaging the gallbladder, you will get a bitter dish.
  3. Elimination of specific marine odor. Experienced Chefs They have long known the secret of how to get rid of the fishy smell. For flounder, it is enough to remove the skin from the dark side. The smell of cod can be removed with a solution of vinegar or lemon juice. River fish can also emit a not very pleasant aroma, but this can also be removed: cover the pieces with bay leaves and pour warm water.

Frying fish: step-by-step technology

How to fry fish in a frying pan in flour? Traditionally, the fish is cut into portions, rolled in flour and fried in vegetable oil. And the recipe for such a dish is simple, it consists of several basic steps:

  1. Defrost the carcass;
  2. Clean it;
  3. Cut into pieces no more than 3 centimeters thick. There is no need to remove the peel;
  4. Salt and pepper the prepared frying ingredients;
  5. Dip them in the beaten chicken egg mixture;
  6. Roll in flour;
  7. Pour oil into a frying pan, heat it;
  8. Place the pieces of fish, fry on one side, then on the other, do not cover with a lid.

Fried pollock pieces in flour with a crispy crust

The finished fish can be served with various side dishes:

  • buckwheat;
  • rice;
  • vegetables.

So, what ingredients will you need for 4 servings:

  • 400 grams of pollock;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 100 grams of flour;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking time is short - 15-20 minutes.

This dish is perfect for dinner; its calorie content is 150 kcal per 100 g.

The preparation method consists of performing these simple steps:

  1. Defrost the pollock carcass;
  2. Clear it of scales;
  3. Cut into portions;
  4. Salt;
  5. Whisk the egg in a shallow bowl;
  6. Dip the pollock pieces first in egg mixture, then in flour;
  7. Fry in hot oil on both sides until golden brown.

Trout in egg and flour, fried in a frying pan

Tasty and tender trout can also be cooked in a frying pan. To do this you need to take the following products:

  • trout – 1 kilogram;
  • lemon - half;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • flour - two tablespoons;
  • sunflower oil - three tablespoons;
  • spices - to taste.

Cooking time – 50 minutes.

Calorie content - 170 kcal per 100 g.

And here is the recipe fried trout whole in flour and egg in a frying pan has several minor differences from cooking pollock:

You can decorate the dish with herbs and the remaining half of a lemon, and serve with boiled potatoes.

  1. It is better to cut fish with a large carcass, such as salmon, trout, into portioned pieces, but roach or crucian carp can be fried whole, having previously cut on the sides;
  2. To improve the taste sea ​​fish, at the preparatory stage after defrosting and cleaning, it is marinated in lemon juice or wine;
  3. It is easy to avoid sticking to the bottom of the pan using breading: flour, eggs, crackers or seasoning;
  4. It is better to fry fish in sunflower or olive oil; if desired, you can add a little butter;
  5. The fire should be medium, fast fish will burn and not cook properly;
  6. Wipe all utensils that were used for cooking fish with vinegar or lemon juice, this will easily remove unpleasant odors and mucus;
  7. It is better to immediately remove all waste after cleaning and cutting the carcass to avoid the spread of infection.

Cook with pleasure and enjoy juicy fish with a crispy crust.

preparation: 10 minutes

cooking time: 25 minutes

total time: 35 minutes

serving: 4

calorie content: 162

We will tell you in detail how to fry fish correctly and study all the subtleties of how to fry fish correctly.

Since more and more people on the Internet are asking how to fry red fish, we will look at frying trout, kunja, pink salmon, taimen, chum salmon and others, so we will fry correctly using these fish as an example.

A huge number of dishes can be prepared from salmon fish; the fish is suitable for frying, hot, stewing and many other dishes.

Probably the easiest thing is to take it and fry it correctly, but many people don’t know how to fry fish correctly. And that’s why they don’t even buy it to cook fish at home.


  • Salmon fish cut into pieces no more than 2.5 cm wide for better cooking - 1 pc.
  • Wheat flour for breading – 200g.
  • Vegetable or olive oil for frying – 100g.
  • Lemon juice – 50g.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.


  1. HOW TO PROPERLY FRY LENA, SALMON, TROUT OR OTHER SALMON FISH. You need to salt and pepper the fish pieces. Sprinkle with lemon juice and let sit for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Place the frying pan on the fire, pour in the oil and let it heat up.
  3. Each piece should be rolled in flour and placed in a frying pan.
  4. Now you need to fry each piece on all sides until golden brown. Therefore, you need to turn it often so that it does not burn, but is fried evenly.

Video on how to properly fry fish in a frying pan:

I hope this recipe helped you and you got a wonderful fried fish with a golden crust. Bon appetit!

Fish is one of the main and irreplaceable human foods. Fish has been fried and baked since ancient times, but despite the extreme simplicity of cooking fish in a frying pan, you should still know a few simple rules on how to fry fish so that it turns out tasty, juicy and with a crispy crust. I tell you how to prepare delicious fried fish in a frying pan.


(4 servings)

  • According to this recipe, you can fry any fish, silver carp, hake, hake, salmon, etc., and it will suit both fish fillet, and steaks - fish slices cut crosswise. I have a hake in the photo, it’s pretty big fish, so it’s convenient to cut and fry in circles. If your plans include frying a whole fish, then the main points of this recipe will also be very useful.
  • We clean the fish, gut it, and then rinse it under running cold water. We remove the black films that give the fish bitterness.
  • Salt the fish on one side and the other. You can sprinkle with ground fish spices.
  • Dip each fish piece in flour. Why is this being done? Firstly, the fish does not stick to the frying pan (this is in case the frying pan is ordinary, without a special coating). Secondly, thanks to a thin layer of flour, the fish turns out with a crispy crust.
  • We take a clean frying pan; there should be no old fat or food residues from previous frying.
  • Pour vegetable oil into the frying pan.
  • A separate question is which fat is best to use for frying fish. Sometimes you can come across advice like, if you mix sunflower and olive oil, or add butter, margarine, etc., then the fish will taste divine. Dietitians and many chefs do not advise doing this. Different fats have different boiling points, so mixed fats form carcinogens faster, and such fats are more absorbed into foods.
  • In addition, olive oil has a specific taste, and if you or your family are not used to this taste, then even well-fried fish may seem strange. Therefore, I recommend using regular vegetable oil, it is important that it is fresh (fresh from the bottle) and without bitterness. Pour a little oil so that the oil covers the bottom of the pan.
  • Heat the frying pan with oil well. The oil should sizzle when moisture or a drop of water gets into it.
  • Place the fish pieces in a well-heated frying pan at a short distance from each other. There is no need to try to dump all the available fish into the frying pan; it is better to fry it in several stages.
  • We fry the fish over fairly high heat so that it forms on its surface faster. golden brown crust. This is an important point, because thanks to the fried crust, the fish juice does not leak out, and the fish ultimately turns out juicy.
  • If you suddenly see that the fish begins to “release” juice into the frying pan, immediately turn up the heat. And the second extreme, if the fire is too strong, the fish will burn, so we carefully monitor the frying process.
  • Fry the fish on one side for 2-3 minutes. The time depends on the thickness of the piece. For a thin fillet, one and a half to two minutes is enough, for a thick steak, 3-4 minutes.
  • When one side is browned, turn the fish over to the other side. The second side cooks faster than the first. Don't forget this, otherwise there is a risk of drying out the fish.
  • Place fried fish pieces on napkins or paper towels to absorb excess fat. One minute is enough for this procedure.
  • Serve hot fish fried in a frying pan. best side dish are

Let's start with the choice of fish. Not every fish is suitable for frying. For example, the vast majority of varieties of sea fish are not suitable in this case. This is explained by the fact that fish with low-fat meat predominate, which becomes dry and tasteless when fried. Best used for frying river fish. Ideal - carp or crucian carp (carp in the photo), carp, bream, roach, tench, lamprey, eel, navaga are also suitable.

Before cooking, the fish must be gutted, scaled and the fins and tail cut off. To remove mucus from fish, you need to thoroughly wipe it with salt and then rinse it.

To ensure that the fish is evenly fried, it is cut into pieces no thicker than 3 cm, since the top layer of a thick piece may be overcooked before it is all ready. Small fish are fried whole. To make the fish tastier and not fall apart, you should not remove the skin before frying.

First, cut off the head just below the gill slit. I got 5 pieces from a carp weighing half a kilo.

Many people do not like river fish because of its specific “swamp” smell. However, it is very easy to get rid of. To do this, sliced ​​fish should be soaked 20 minutes before frying in milk mixed with salt and pepper (1/4 cup milk, ½ teaspoon salt). Milk will eliminate the unpleasant odor and make the meat soft and tender. Fish soaked in salt will not fall apart when fried.

After soaking the fish in milk, place it in a colander, let the milk drain and blot each piece with a paper napkin to remove excess liquid. I don’t salt the fish anymore, because for me it is saturated with salt in sufficient quantities. But my husband adds salt right on the plate, so the amount of salt is not everyone’s taste.

The next stage is breading. I use regular wheat flour. I don’t recommend rolling it in breadcrumbs, as the breadcrumbs greatly interrupt the very taste of the fish. A little trick: I pour the flour into a plastic bag. It’s more convenient than in a plate to roll each piece on all sides.

The frying pan needs to be heated up, put in the oil, and then the fish. You need so much oil that the fish is half immersed in it. You shouldn’t be afraid of this amount of oil - the fish won’t absorb the excess, but it will be covered with a tasty crust and fried evenly.
I highly recommend using not just vegetable oil, but a mixture of equal parts vegetable oil and butter.

It is necessary to fry until it forms golden crust. To ensure a crispy crust, do not cover the pan with a lid. In the first 5-8 minutes (depending on the intensity of the fire), do not touch the fish or try to turn it over.

Under these conditions, it will have time to brown and will not fall apart. After the fish is fried on one side, turn it over with a wooden spatula and fry the pieces on the other side. Frying will take 10-15 minutes.

That's it, the fried fish is ready. Can be served. Believe me, fish cooked according to these rules will be very tasty and tender: nothing in common with that fried fish, which is served in school canteens or public catering establishments.

Lyrical addition: the head of a fish is usually not fried, but you shouldn’t throw it away either. While the fish is soaked in milk and fried, I manage to cook it. To do this, remove the gills and eyes and place the fish in boiling water. After 15 minutes, add potatoes, carrots and onions. Thus, by the end of frying the fish I get two dishes at once: soup and a main dish. I take the head out of the soup and give it to the cat to be torn to pieces - it turns out to be a waste-free production :)

Bon appetit!

Such dishes do not require any special manipulations; the whole process can be done even by an inexperienced housewife. However, even here there are some peculiarities. You need to cook more than just fish fried in oil on each side. It should turn out appetizing in appearance, very tasty and aromatic. How to fry fish correctly to get this result?

Well can be served even to festive table. But first you need to properly defrost it, if necessary, and clean it. Its entrails, fins and scales are removed. Then you need to separate the fillet from the bones. Sometimes fish can have a specific smell. This problem can be solved in several ways. You can keep the fish in water with vinegar (add two tablespoons per liter). It is also recommended to sprinkle it with lemon juice. To make the fish juicy and not have an unpleasant odor, you can keep it in milk for some time.

Next, we proceed to the frying process itself. Before properly frying fish, you need to decide what portions will be. Perhaps the fish needs to be cut into pieces of a certain size, or you can fry it whole. Small fish are cooked whole. But at the same time, cuts are made on it so that it does not curl.

How to fry fish correctly so that the pieces do not become deformed during frying?

Sprinkle the prepared fish with salt and leave for 15 minutes. This simple action will make it stronger and prevent it from falling apart in the pan. If it belongs to the sturgeon breed, then before frying it must be immersed in hot water for 3 minutes, and then rinsed with cold water.

When talking about how to properly fry fish, special attention should be paid to the breading. It is necessary for the fish to have a beautiful appearance and did not stick to the pan. Mostly flour is used for breading, but a more complex mixture can be made. To do this, the fish needs to be rolled in flour, then in a beaten egg, and then in breadcrumbs. This breading will make it not only tasty, but also juicy.

When frying fish, vegetable oil is used mainly. But you can add a little cream to make the dish more flavorful. There should be enough fat in the pan so that the pieces are fried not only from the bottom, but also from the sides. If there is little fat, the fish will turn out to be dry, and if there is too much fat, it will be too fatty.

The oil needs to be heated well, and then put the prepared pieces of fish into the frying pan. The pieces should not lie tightly. Set the heat on the stove to medium so that the fish browns but does not burn.

How long does it take to fry fish? This, of course, depends on the size of the pieces. But generally the fish does not fry for very long. It is enough to brown it well on each side. If there is enough oil in the pan, then during this time it will have time to fry well.

If fish is cooked in a large amount of oil, deep-fried, then you should choose those species that have a denser structure. This is, for example, pike perch, hake or Pieces can be dipped in batter. And then lower it into well-heated fat. How long to fry fish this way? Until it acquires a golden color.