Requirements for the quality of egg and cottage cheese dishes, storage conditions and periods. Preparation of fried and baked egg dishes, holidays, quality requirements, storage conditions and periods Requirements for egg dishes

Boiled eggs soft-boiled eggs should have a liquid yolk and semi-liquid white. Eggs “in a bag”: the yolk is semi-liquid, the white is thickened on top, and semi-liquid in the center. The shelled egg is slightly deformed. Hard-boiled eggs have a completely set white and yolk. Boiled eggs should not be dirty, cracked or leaking. There should be no dark layer on the surface of the boiled egg.

Fried eggs should have a semi-liquid yolk that has retained its shape. The edges of the fried eggs are not dry, the bottom part is not dirty. White spots on the yolk from salt are undesirable. In scrambled eggs with a side dish, the products are lightly fried and cut into a uniform shape.

The fried omelette has the shape of a pie, light yellow and fluffy when cut, with a slightly brownish crispy crust. In a mixed omelet, the ingredients are finely chopped and distributed evenly throughout the mixture. For stuffed omelettes, the side dishes are juicy and seasoned with sauce. Baked omelettes should have a slightly browned crust on the surface.

Drachena should be dense and well baked. The surface should not be burnt, and the products should not be over-salted. The taste and smell of egg dishes correspond to the smell of fresh eggs and products added to dishes.


Recipe No. 438

Natural omelette

Cooking technology:

Eggs (eggs are pre-treated according to SanPin, mixed with milk, salt added, lightly beaten until foam appears on the surface. The omelette is baked on a baking sheet greased with oil with a thick bottom, which ensures gradual, uniform heating of the egg mass. Heat the baking sheet well and pour the omelette mixture into it in a layer of 2.5-3 cm. First, the omelette is baked at low heat until a light soft crust forms, then cooked in the oven for 8-10 minutes at a temperature of 180-2000C. When serving, cut into portions.

Quality requirements: The color is light yellow. The consistency is lush, foamy, porous, elastic. Taste and smell characteristic of a set of products, layer thickness ready-made dish no more than 2.5-3 cm.


Recipe No. 442

Omelette with cheese

Cooking technology:

Eggs (eggs are pre-treated according to SanPiN are mixed with milk, salt is added, lightly beaten until foam appears on the surface. The omelette mixture is mixed with grated cheese. The omelette is baked on a baking sheet greased with oil with a thick bottom, which ensures gradual, uniform heating of the egg mass. Heat the baking sheet well and pour the omelette mixture into it in a layer of 2.5-3 cm. First, bake the omelette at low heat until a light soft crust forms, then cook in the oven for 8-10 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 C. When serving cut into portions.

Quality requirements: Color light yellow. The consistency is lush, foamy, porous, elastic. The taste and smell are characteristic of the set of products, the thickness of the layer of the finished dish is no more than 2.5-3 cm.

Should I make a lot of them and store them in the refrigerator? I love them for breakfast, but I don't like making them every morning. How long can I store them?


If you're looking to save time on cooking scrambled eggs, you'll be better off cooking them in the microwave, since you'll probably want to reheat previously cooked eggs anyway. Another small time saver is to make what my grandfather called "silver and gold" eggs - crack them directly into a warm frying pan and then beat them.


@Joe: I've always just added the eggs directly to the pan, but that was so it would be one less dish to clean up.



What Tim Said Eggs just don't hold up very well, and they're very temperature sensitive - reheating them will basically mean re-cooking them. I will never store eggs this way because the deterioration in texture and flavor will make them unpalatable to eat.

However, to really answer your question - and again, I encourage you not to do this because stored and reheated eggs will taste like garbage - cooked eggs should last up to 72 hours in the refrigerator. Be sure to refrigerate them as quickly as possible after cooking, and you may want to lightly parboil them to minimize reheating problems.

I would use 72 hours as the absolute maximum, especially if you are undercooking. 48 hours is probably wiser.


So I thought about it and realized that there are many egg dishes that work well out of the refrigerator, but the thing is that you don't reheat them, you serve them at room temperature:

  • quiche
  • fritatta
  • pizza rustica
  • tortilla ( spanish dish, not the South American dish of the same name)

I mean, it's not the same as making it fresh and serving it warm, but the problem is reheating the eggs when you tend to overcook it. (I once turned a rustic pizza into a dirty puddle of water when I tried to heat it up)

So my thought on this is that you can probably take it off, just don't heat it up. Maybe, you can cook in microwave oven over very low heat just to take the cold off... but don't try to reheat it.

You'll have to try it for yourself to see if it's an acceptable taste/texture/temperature for your palette. You can also serve it with something else heated to allow some of the heat transfer (like placing it on top of a freshly toasted bagel or English muffin)


When it comes to taste, eggs are very difficult to preserve. When they warm up after cooling, they cook further and the scrambled eggs have a narrow window in which they taste great.

Spencer Ruport

I don't know how long they stay sanitary, but when I make omelets for a lot of people and need to keep them in the oven to keep warm, I always cover them with slices of cheese. This seems to help keep them tasting like they came straight from the pan and prevents the surface of the eggs from drying out and forming a crust. This might improve their refrigeration life, eh?


I collected three large eggs simultaneously. I eat one and store the rest in a sealed plastic container in the refrigerator. I do egg salad from the leftovers for sandwiches over the next two days, adding various bits such as onion pieces, dill, mustard, hot sauce, lemon pepper, cheese chunks, etc. The eggs taste great. The sealed container keeps them moist.


Do you make egg salad from scrambled eggs? I've never tried this before. I have to check this out.


Interesting. I know what I had potato salad With mashed potatoes, which was delicious, and this sounds like a similar variation.


I make veggie omelettes in muffin trays in the oven every Sunday morning, refrigerate them for a whole week, and have them every day for breakfast and I've never had a problem. I did this for several months. They taste delicious in the microwave for one minute. You people are crazy. They are "sanitary" and tasty. I would say they last between a week and a week and a half.


I cooked the eggs in a small round frying pan. To maintain this shape, I will make 4 batches, 4 days at a time, and then put them in the refrigerator. Wake up, take one round boiled egg, beat in the microwave for 30 seconds and it tastes great to me on a piece of Ezekiel bread. I have three small children and busy mornings, so I need something healthy and quick without a mess in the morning.

rumtscho ♦

So what's your answer? “They are good for at least 4 days”? I'm not sure what exactly you are trying to tell us.

Boiled eggs should have a runny yolk and semi-liquid white. Eggs “in a bag”: the yolk is semi-liquid, the white is thickened on top, and semi-liquid in the center. The shelled egg is slightly deformed. Hard-boiled eggs have a completely set white and yolk. Boiled eggs should not be dirty, cracked or leaking. There should be no dark layer on the surface of the boiled egg.

Fried eggs should have a semi-liquid yolk that has retained its shape. The edges of the fried eggs are not dry, the bottom part is not dirty. White spots on the yolk from salt are undesirable. In scrambled eggs with a side dish, the products are lightly fried and cut into a uniform shape.

The fried omelette has the shape of a pie, light yellow and airy when cut, with a slightly brownish crispy crust. In a mixed omelet, the ingredients are finely chopped and distributed evenly throughout the mixture. For stuffed omelettes, the side dishes are juicy and seasoned with sauce. Baked omelettes should have a slightly browned crust on the surface.

Drachena should be dense and well baked. The surface should not be burnt, and the products should not be over-salted. The taste and smell of egg dishes correspond to the smell of fresh eggs and products added to dishes.

Egg dishes cannot be stored. Omelettes, egg porridge, fried eggs, soft-boiled eggs, and fried eggs are prepared according to demand and immediately released. Hard-boiled eggs, after immersion in cold water, are kept dry in their shells, and eggs boiled “in a bag” can be stored in salted cold water. Cold egg products are stored at a temperature of 0-6 °C.

After cooking, lazy dumplings retain their shape (diamonds, rectangles, circles). Products are soft, but not stuck together into lumps, weighing up to 15 g; color - white, consistency soft and delicate.

Cheesecakes are round-flattened in shape with smooth edges, without cracks, with a browned, uniform crust. The consistency is homogeneous, the taste and smell of cottage cheese, the color is golden. Baked cottage cheese products have a smooth surface with a dark yellow crust, the color when cut is white or yellowish, the taste is sweet and sour, without pronounced acidity. Cracks, liquid consistency, and bitter taste are unacceptable.

Hot dishes made from cottage cheese - dumplings, cheesecakes - are stored for 15 minutes before serving, puddings - 30 minutes, casseroles - up to 1 hour in a heated place.

Commodity characteristics of eggs and cottage cheese and basic sanitary and hygienic rules for storing these products and dishes made from them

Egg is a valuable food product with high nutritional value. Eggs are classified according to the type of bird: chicken, goose, duck, turkey, the most valuable are chicken eggs. Goose and duck eggs are not supplied to the FPP, as they can be a source of disease.

An egg consists of a shell, white and yolk.

Chemical composition and nutritional value eggs. The egg contains all the nutrients necessary for human life. Chicken eggs contain (in%): water - 74, proteins - 12.6, fats - 11.5, carbohydrates - 0.6 - 0.7, minerals - 1, vitamins A, E, B1, B2, PP.

The white makes up 56% of the mass of the egg, consists of several layers and is a transparent, almost colorless (or with a greenish tint) mass, which, when whipped, can form a strong foam.

The most valuable egg proteins are ovoalbumin and conalbumin, containing all essential amino acids in ratios close to optimal.

However, one of the egg proteins - avidin - binds vitamin H (biotin), which regulates neuro-reflex activity, therefore, with too many egg dishes in the diet, H-avitaminosis can occur.

Egg white ovomucoid inhibits the action of the pancreatic enzyme trypsin, so raw eggs are not only poorly digestible, but also reduce the absorption of other foods. In addition, their proteins are partially absorbed without being completely digested, and sometimes this leads to allergic diseases.

During heat treatment, ovomucoid loses this antienzyme effect, and when beating egg whites, it is significantly weakened.

The egg also contains the protein lysozyme, which has an antimicrobial effect, but if storage conditions are violated, lysozyme can enhance the growth of microorganisms and eggs can become a source of severe toxic infections. Therefore, the processing of eggs in enterprises catering Particularly strict sanitary requirements are imposed.

Eggs contain a significant amount of lipids (11.5%), which are concentrated mainly in the yolk (their content reaches 37%). Egg lipids are characterized by a high content of biologically active arachidonic and linoleic acids and phosphatides. In addition, eggs contain phosphatides such as lecithin and choline. The cholesterol content in the yolk reaches 1.6%. This explains the limitation of the amount of egg yolks in the diets of older people, since cholesterol can accelerate atherosclerotic processes.

The densest white is located inside the egg, the strongest is the hailstones that hold the yolk in the center of the egg.

The yolk makes up 32% of the mass of the egg, covered with a thin shell, and is a thick mass of light and dark layers, alternating with each other. In the upper part there is a germinal disc.

There is practically no weight loss when boiling eggs in their shells. The weight loss when frying scrambled eggs is 12%, and the yield depends on the weight of raw eggs and the amount of fat.

When cooking eggs, the temperature does not exceed 100°C, the heating time is insignificant and therefore there is no significant loss of vitamins and a decrease in the biological value of lipids. Egg proteins are denatured, resulting in coagulation with the formation of a continuous gel, since the concentration of protein sol in the egg is very high (10-16%); the antienzyme activity of ovomucoid disappears; The ability of avidin to bind vitamin H decreases or disappears.

Cottage cheese is a protein fermented milk product. It contains (in%): water - 64.7 - 77.7, proteins - 13 - 18, fat - 0.6 - 18, milk sugar - 1 - 1.5, minerals - 1 - 1.5.

The energy value of 100 g of cottage cheese is 86 - 226 kcal, or 360 - 945 kJ. Cottage cheese proteins are complete, contain all essential amino acids, have a beneficial effect on fat metabolism, which makes it recommended for diseases of the liver, kidneys, stomach, and atherosclerosis. Cottage cheese is rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, which are necessary for the growth of a young body.

To produce cottage cheese, pasteurized and unpasteurized milk is used. Cottage cheese from unpasteurized (raw) milk is used in public catering networks to produce semi-finished products that undergo mandatory heat treatment before consumption. The prepared milk is fermented with pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria with or without the addition of rennet and calcium chloride. The resulting curd is cut and pressed to obtain curd of a certain moisture content.

Depending on the production method and the raw materials used, cottage cheese is divided into types: fat, semi-fat, low-fat, premium and 1st grade.

Before preparing dishes, the cottage cheese is screened, rubbed through a sieve or passed through a rubbing machine.

To improve the aroma, you can add grated zest and vanillin to the cottage cheese.

All curd dishes are divided into cold and hot. Based on the type of heat treatment, cottage cheese dishes are divided into boiled, fried and baked.

Semi-finished products and cold products from cottage cheese are stored at a temperature of 0-6 °C. Dumplings, cheesecakes, pancakes with cottage cheese are stored for no more than 15 minutes in a warm place before leaving, puddings - 30 minutes, and casseroles - up to 1 hour. Cottage cheese and curd mass are stored in a non-oxidizing container, sealed, in the cold for 6 to 24 hours.

Cottage cheese itself is a product that does not require mandatory heat treatment, so cottage cheese dishes are prepared in a cold or confectionery shop. Hot dishes from cottage cheese (casseroles, puddings and cheesecakes) are prepared in a hot shop in the kitchens of small enterprises or in a confectionery shop, if it operates separately.

Boiled eggs should have a runny yolk and semi-liquid white; eggs “in a bag” - the yolk is semi-liquid, the white is thickened on top, and semi-liquid in the center. The shelled egg is slightly deformed. Hard-boiled eggs have a completely set white and yolk. Boiled eggs should not be dirty, cracked or leaking. There should be no dark layer on the surface of the boiled egg.

Fried eggs should have a semi-liquid yolk that has retained its shape. The edges of the fried eggs are not dry, the bottom part is not dirty. White spots on the yolk from salt are undesirable. In scrambled eggs with a side dish, the products are lightly fried and cut into a uniform shape.

The fried omelette has the shape of a pie, the color is light yellow with a slightly brownish crispy crust. In a mixed omelet, the ingredients are finely chopped and distributed evenly throughout the mixture. For stuffed omelettes, the side dishes are juicy and seasoned with sauce. Baked omelettes should have a slightly browned crust on the surface.

Drachena should be dense and well baked. The surface should not be burnt, and the products should not be over-salted. The taste and smell of egg dishes correspond to the smell of fresh eggs and products added to the dish.

Egg dishes cannot be stored. Omelettes, egg porridge, fried eggs, soft-boiled eggs, and fried eggs are prepared according to demand and immediately released. Hard-boiled eggs, after washing with cold water, are stored dry in their shells, and eggs boiled “in a bag” can be stored in salted cold water. Cold egg products are stored at a temperature of 0-6 °C.

Chapter xCottage cheese dishes

The importance of cottage cheese dishes in nutrition is extremely high, since cottage cheese contains up to 16.5% protein, up to 18% fat, a large amount of calcium (140%), vitamins A and E, group B, etc.

The high concentration of milk proteins and fat in cottage cheese, the presence of essential amino acids, calcium and phosphorus salts - all this makes it a product necessary for the normal development of the human body.

Due to the medicinal properties of the proteins contained in cottage cheese, as well as due to the high content of minerals, cottage cheese dishes are especially recommended for use in baby food, for teenagers and in dietary nutrition.

Full-fat cottage cheese with a fat content of up to 20%, semi-fat cottage cheese containing 910% fat, and low-fat cottage cheese are produced. Full-fat cottage cheese is usually used to serve in its natural form or to prepare curd mass. Low-fat cottage cheese is used to prepare cheesecakes, casseroles, pudding, dumplings, and minced cottage cheese. You can add butter to cottage cheese dishes.

Before preparing dishes, the cottage cheese is examined, rubbed through a sieve (in a small amount) or passed through a rubbing machine. Losses amount to 2% of its mass.

If the cottage cheese contains a lot of moisture, then it is wrapped in a clean, thick cloth and pressed. To improve the aroma, you can add grated zest and vanillin to the cottage cheese. All curd dishes are divided into cold and hot. To prepare cold dishes, you can only use cottage cheese made from pasteurized milk.

Based on the type of heat treatment, cottage cheese dishes are divided into boiled, fried and baked.


Eggs in beetroot marinade

Eggs in dough

Egg meatballs

Fry finely chopped onions. Beat 5 eggs in a bowl with 2 tbsp. spoons of milk, salt and pepper, pour on the onion and lightly fry.

After cooling, pass the scrambled eggs through a meat grinder along with the bread soaked in milk and squeezed out, mix everything well, add raw egg, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour and finely chopped greens.

Form small meatballs from the resulting mass, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry in butter or melted lard.

Boil hard-boiled eggs, peel and cut lengthwise into two halves.

Prepare the dough: pour 1 teaspoon into the sifted flour vegetable oil, yeast diluted in warm water (1 teaspoon) and knead well so that there are no lumps and the dough acquires a creamy consistency. Cover it with a lid and let it rise for 2-3 hours. Before using, add whipped egg white to the dough.

Dip a piece of egg into it and immediately fry it in heated vegetable oil or in a mixture of vegetable oil and melted lard.

Fried eggs, both hot and cold, can be served with any sauce, sprinkled with herbs.

Eggs Benedict– a great option for a gourmet breakfast. We put our favorite ingredients on toasted toast - bacon, ham or salmon, greens, and put a poached egg on top of the crispy bread. The most important thing is to prepare hollandaise sauce, which gives this dish a piquant and delicious taste.

Hard-boil the eggs, but do not overcook them (then the yolks will acquire an unpleasant greenish tint), cool, and remove the shells. Place grated beets, peeled garlic cloves, chili and peppercorns in a saucepan with heated vinegar. Bring to a boil. Add olive oil to the slightly cooled marinade. Place the eggs in a jar and fill with liquid. Shake the marinade throughout the day.5. Store in the refrigerator for 4-5 days.

Finely chop the onion, chop the garlic, grate the cheese. Beat the egg with water. Salt and pepper. Cut the ham into thin narrow strips and add to egg mixture. Fry an omelette on olive oil, then divide into quarters. Place part of the omelette on each tortilla, onion, beans mixed with garlic, sprinkle with cheese and roll. Heat the rolls in the microwave or oven.

Boiled eggs should have a runny yolk and semi-liquid white. Eggs “in a bag” - the yolk is semi-liquid, the white is thickened on top, and semi-liquid in the center. The shelled egg is slightly deformed. Hard-boiled eggs have a completely set white and yolk. Boiled eggs should not be dirty, cracked or leaking. There should be no dark layer on the surface of the boiled egg.

The fried egg should have a semi-liquid yolk that has retained its shape. The edges of the fried eggs are not dry, the bottom part is not dirty. White spots on the yolk from salt are undesirable.

The fried omelette has the shape of a pie, light yellow and fluffy when cut, with a slightly brownish crispy crust. In a mixed omelet, the ingredients are finely chopped and distributed evenly throughout the mixture. For stuffed omelettes, the side dishes are juicy and seasoned with sauce.

Drachena should be dense and well baked. The surface should not be burnt, the products should not be resettled.

Dishes cannot be stored; they are prepared according to demand and immediately released.

Hard-boiled eggs are stored dry in their shells, and eggs boiled “in a bag” can be stored in salted cold water.

Cold egg products are stored at a temperature of 0-6 0

Requirements for the quality of egg dishes - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Quality requirements for egg dishes" 2017, 2018.