Make a fruit drink from frozen cherries. Cranberry and cherry fruit drinks - how to cook correctly? Preparing a delicious fruit drink from cherry berries

Compotes are very good, but vitamin fruit drinks are much healthier. During cherry season, I recommend preparing a very tasty cherry juice. When cold, fruit juice is a good tonic and thirst quencher. And if you need to warm up, there is nothing better than hot cherry juice. So, I’m telling you how to make cherry juice.


  • 200 gr. ripe cherries
  • 1 l. water
  • 120 gr. Sahara
  • Wash the ripe cherries and remove the pits. If there is no special device, then we use grandma’s method: take a large safety pin (clean), and use the side opposite the clasp to pry up the bones.
  • Mash the cherries with a wooden spoon. Wooden so that vitamins do not oxidize when in contact with metal. This is why it is not advisable to use a blender, although it is quick.
  • Carefully squeeze out the juice. Drain the cherry juice into a clean glass jar, cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator.
  • Fill the pomace with hot water, cook for 10-15 minutes, strain.
  • Combine the cooled cherry broth with fresh cherry juice, add sugar to taste, stir well until all the sugar dissolves. Serve the cherry juice chilled.
  • That's the whole recipe - quick and simple, but what are the benefits of cherry juice: fruit juice helps reduce the level of bad cholesterol, it is also an excellent remedy for the prevention and treatment of intestinal infections, and is simply very delicious drink. I also recommend

If at the beginning of summer you took care of your berry reserves, then at the end of the summer season you can safely use your preparations to prepare delicious healthy drink. Frozen cherry fruit drink is one of those drinks that you can afford to prepare at home; this culinary procedure will not take much of your time, but will give you an excellent opportunity to enjoy the wonderful taste of ripe fruits. It is not necessary to make a drink from only one type of berries; they can easily be mixed with any other fruits and fruits, such a mix will taste even better.

How to make cherry juice: recipe


  • frozen cherries— 200 g + -
  • — 120 g + -
  • — 1 l + -
  • Ice cubes - to taste + -

Step-by-step recipe for making cherry juice

Making fruit juice from cherries (frozen) by hand is quite simple. If you have a blender or slow cooker, you can use them to make the cooking process easier, but this is not at all necessary.

The recipe for cherry juice is so simple that any novice housewife can make it by hand.

  1. Defrost the berries and remove the seeds.
  2. Place the cherries in a separate bowl and mash them with a wooden pestle.
  3. Squeeze out the juice, pour it into a glass jar, cover with a lid and put it in the refrigerator to cool.
  4. Fill the cherry pomace with hot water and cook for 10-15 minutes.
  5. After cooking, strain the pulp and pour the previously squeezed (cold) juice into the strained mass.
  6. Finally, add sugar, mix everything thoroughly, pour the drink into a jug, and add ice cubes to it to further cool the fruit drink.

At this point the preparation is complete, the finished cherry drink with ice can be served.

Recipe for cherry fruit juice in a slow cooker

If you have a multicooker at home, then use it to prepare fresh, delicious fruit juice. The cooking technology is very similar to that described in the recipe above, only with the help of a multicooker everything will turn out much easier.


  • Water – 3 l;
  • Cherry (frozen) – 2/3 cup;
  • Sugar – ½ tbsp.;

Making cherry juice in a slow cooker

  1. We do not defrost the berries, but immediately place them in the multicooker bowl.
  2. Add the required amount of sugar and fill the product up to the top mark with cold water.
  3. Cook the fruit drink from frozen cherries for 25 minutes in the “Steam Boiler” mode, after which we switch to the “Heating” mode and simmer the drink for about 1 hour.

If you like to drink mixed drinks, then you can add other berries to the frozen cherries. Goes great with ripe cherries, plums, cranberries, chokeberry, currants, blueberries and other fruits. Cranberry and cherry juice is especially popular. The drink made from cranberries and cherries has a pleasant sweet and sour taste, which perfectly tones the body and quenches thirst.

Secrets of successful cherry juice

Cherry jam fruit drink

You can make cherry juice not only from fresh or frozen berries; cherry jam is also great for making. To make fruit juice from cherry jam– you will need 3 liters of boiling water and 1 glass of cherry jam.

  • First, bring the container with clean water to a boil, then turn down the heat and transfer the prepared jam into the water.
  • Cook the product for 5 minutes over medium-moderate heat in a saucepan without a lid.

After cooking, remove the container from the heat, let the product brew for 10 minutes, then pour the freshly prepared fruit drink into cups or glasses.

To somehow embellish the taste of a refreshing drink, if desired, you can add cinnamon, star anise, ginger, lemon juice, mint leaves, lemon zest, etc.

If you have frozen cherries in your bins, then be sure to make a refreshing, delicious fruit drink out of them for your whole family. Frozen cherries make a drink no worse than fresh ripe cherries, and if the berries are not defrosted before cooking, almost all their benefits will be preserved. Experiment with the composition of your favorite product - and enjoy the passing days of bright summer.

Bon appetit!

Ripe, beautiful cherries are a storehouse of vitamins and valuable substances. You can quickly and very easily prepare a wonderful refreshing fruit drink from it. This drink will quench your thirst and improve your health. How to cook cherry juice?


Cherry 2 tbsp. Water 2 liters Sugar 1 stack

  • Number of servings: 8
  • Cooking time: 15 minutes

The benefits of cherry juice

Fresh cherries have healing properties. They are especially evident in the fight against intestinal ailments and in violation of digestive processes. A handful of ripe, juicy berries helps cope with gastrointestinal infections - just an hour after drinking cherry juice, E. coli dies. Cherries help improve the functioning of the stomach, gall bladder, pancreas, increase appetite and relieve constipation.

However, the list of useful qualities of the popular garden berry does not end there:

  • Cherries lower cholesterol levels, which prevents atherosclerosis;
  • strengthens the circulatory system;
  • has an expectorant effect;
  • increases immunity;
  • has antipyretic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

During heat treatment, some vitamins and nutrients are lost. However, when preparing fruit juice, the effect of high temperature on the berries is minimal. This means that the benefits of cherry fruit juice are only slightly less than the benefits of fresh cherry juice or berry pulp.

The basic recipe for fruit drink made from ripe cherries is not much different from preparing a drink from other garden or forest berries. You need to make a concentrated brew from cherry pomace, enhance its taste with fresh juice and sweeten it a little.


2 tbsp. ripe or overripe cherries;

2 liters of drinking water;

1 tbsp. Sahara.


You need to remove the pits from washed and dried cherries. It is convenient to do this with a special device for squeezing out seeds or with a regular safety pin. Mash the prepared cherry pulp with the end of a wooden mortar or marble pestle (the iron surface of a potato masher or blender knives will destroy many vitamins, so you should avoid using them).

Squeeze out the cherry juice through 2-3 layers of gauze, pour it into a glass container and put it in the refrigerator. Pour water into the cherry pomace, put on fire and let it boil. Boil at a low boil for 10 minutes, then strain through a sieve, additionally squeeze the cake through cheesecloth and drain the resulting broth a little.

Pour sugar into the hot liquid (depend on your taste, you can slightly reduce the amount or, on the contrary, increase it), pour in fresh juice, stir.

In this case, you just need to mash the berries together with the seeds, and then proceed in a similar way.

You can make a fruit drink from frozen cherries: recipes with photos convince you that the drink will turn out just as beautiful as from fresh berries. This is actually true, because frozen cherries do not lose their beneficial qualities. In this case, the seeds are also not removed, and the berries, after defrosting, are prepared according to the basic recipe.

Cherry juice is very popular. During a fruitful summer, you can treat yourself to a glass of tasty and healthy drink every day. And if you want to enjoy it in winter, you can easily make a fruit drink from frozen berries.

Our ancestors, who had heroic strength and good health, knew how to make cherry juice and how healthy it is, and all because they consumed this healthy berry drink. Let's now figure out how to make cherry juice old recipe at home.

Preparing a delicious fruit drink from cherry berries

The recipe for making cherry fruit juice is not that complicated, but we’ll talk about it a little later; now we’ll go through the list of necessary ingredients for preparation. The list of products listed below will allow you to prepare cherry juice per liter of drink. But if you want to cook more, then you need to increase the amount of products, accordingly, several times.

List of required ingredients

To prepare the drink you will need:

  • Ripe berries - 200 grams.
  • Boiled water - 1 liter.
  • Sugar - 120 grams.

Cooking process

Everything here is simple and clear, we just follow our instructions step by step.

  1. Before preparing cherry juice, the berries must be washed and left in slightly salted water for half an hour so that all pests float to the surface. Drain and wash the berries again, and then carefully separate the pulp from the seeds.
  2. Soften the berries with a wooden spoon or wooden pestle. You can, of course, use more modern devices for grinding: kitchen blenders, mixers and all sorts of food processors, but this is an extremely undesirable step. In this case, the cherry juice may disappear prematurely, since the berries may oxidize when they come into contact with metal.
  3. Squeeze out the finished juice, pour it into a glass or other container and send it to cool, closing it with a lid.
  4. Pour the remaining pulpy mass, along with the skins, with water, bring to a boil, and then cook over low heat for about 10-12 minutes.
  5. After this, filter the resulting brew and pour it into the previously cooled juice.
  6. According to the recipe, add sugar and mix everything thoroughly. But if you wish, you can leave it in this sour form, without adding sugar.

Cherry fruit juice is served in a jug or large transparent decanter, which will also give this occasion a pleasant aesthetic atmosphere. You can add pieces of oranges and lemons to the cherry fruit drink, and adding edible ice to the drink will allow it to remain chilled for a long time.

Frozen Cherry Drink

A fruit drink made from frozen cherries is in no way inferior to a drink made from fresh berries and has the same benefits. Ice cream fruit drink with cherries will be very good on hot summer days, aromatic, bright, tasty - not only you, but also your guests will definitely like it.

Ingredients for cooking

  • Frozen scarlet fruits - 200 grams.
  • Water - 1 liter.
  • Sugar - 120 grams.
  • Ice - to taste.

Preparing a soft drink

  1. Thaw the berries, separate from the seeds, pour into a bowl and mash with a wooden spoon or wooden pestle.
  2. Squeeze out the juice, pour it into a glass jar, cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator.
  3. Pour the pomace with hot water and cook for 10 or a little more minutes, then filter and mix with the previously cooled juice.
  4. Add sugar, stir and cool in a pitcher with ice cubes. Delicious scarlet drink is ready!

Morse is one of the oldest soft drinks. Its preparation, as a rule, does not require special equipment or any unusual products. And it cooks very quickly. But the benefits of fruit juice are simply enormous. After all, it is prepared from a wide variety of fruits.

Quite often, fruit juice is added to fruit drinks. But there are recipes for vegetable fruit drinks. But the most useful, according to many experts, is cherry juice, the recipe for which is presented below. How to make cherry juice?

The cherries are thoroughly washed and pitted. Using a wooden spoon or wooden pestle, carefully knead the cherries. The resulting mixture is thoroughly squeezed out. The cherry juice is poured into a glass container, closed with a lid and placed in the refrigerator for further cooling.

The resulting pomace is poured with hot water and placed on fire. It is necessary that they boil for ten to fifteen minutes. Remove the hot mixture from the heat, cool slightly, strain and add sugar, which can be replaced with honey. Leave to cool.

After the fruit drink has cooled, you need to pour the cooled juice into it. After this, it should be put back in a cool place. In fact, cherry fruit juice can be consumed both cold and warm. In addition to the fact that fruit juice is a very tasty drink, it also has healing properties.

Firstly, it is rich in vitamins such as A, PP, C, as well as B vitamins. And secondly, it contains microelements necessary for the human body. Mors should be taken by people who have suffered from various diseases, as well as by children.