Recipes for puff pastries with filling. Baking from puff pastry: forming puffs. Baked goods made from yeast-free puff pastry

Frozen puff pastry- a universal product subject to long-term storage and goes well with berries, fruits, chocolate, meat, fish, poultry and vegetables. Therefore, it is especially appreciated by many working housewives who are accustomed to regularly pampering their relatives with all sorts of goodies. It makes delicious pies, puff pastries, croissants and even cakes. Today's publication will present the simplest and most popular recipes for baking from store-bought puff pastry with with different fillings.

If you want to bake something delicious, but don’t have time to fuss with preparing the dough, you can buy it in any modern supermarket. But in order not to run into a spoiled product, it is important to know how to choose it correctly. Before purchasing, you must carefully examine the packaging for its integrity. After all, the slightest violation of the tightness leads to premature damage to the frozen puff pastry, a photo of which will be posted in this publication. It is also advisable to pay attention to the production date, since the finished product can be stored for no more than 180 days from the date of manufacture. In addition, the label must indicate the number of layers in the dough. The more there are, the tastier the baked goods will be.

It is recommended to defrost the product gradually. To do this, it is placed in the refrigerator and kept there for eight hours. If you leave the frozen puff yeast-free dough at room temperature, then problems may arise with it later.

Envelopes with apples

This sweet pastry with a light fruity aroma will especially appeal to girls and children. It remains fresh for a long time and does not lose its taste after cooling. Therefore, you can take it with you to the office or school. To prepare these envelopes, you will need:

  • 1 package frozen puff pastry (unleavened).
  • 2 ripe apples.
  • 3 tbsp. l. ordinary sugar.
  • Vanilla and cinnamon (to taste).

The defrosted dough, without rolling it out, is cut into fourteen identical pieces. Each of them is filled with chopped apples, sprinkled with sugar, vanilla and cinnamon, decorated in the form of envelopes and placed on a baking sheet lined with a sheet of parchment. The products are baked at 160 o C for about a quarter of an hour.

Cabbage pie

Fans of savory baked goods will certainly want to add the frozen puff pastry recipe discussed below to their collection. A pie made from it will be a great addition to a mug of hot tea or a bowl of warm soup. To treat your family to it, you will need:

  • 700 g white cabbage.
  • 1 onion.
  • 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce.
  • 1 tbsp. l. tomato paste.
  • Salt, spices and vegetable oil.

Start playback this recipe For a pie made from frozen puff pastry, you need to prepare the filling. To do this, finely chopped onions are sauteed in heated oil, and then supplemented with finely chopped cabbage and continue to fry. After a few minutes, add to the vegetables tomato paste, salt, spices and soy sauce. All this is brought to full readiness and left to cool. The cooled filling is placed in a refractory mold, the bottom of which is lined with a portion of the frozen dough. At the next stage, the future pie is covered with the remaining layer and sent to the oven. Bake it at moderate temperature for about half an hour.


Prepare this delicious and incredible delicate cake, soaked in sweet custard, even someone who has nothing to do with cooking can do it. To do this you will need:

  • 1 kg frozen puff pastry.
  • 1 liter of pasteurized milk.
  • 100 g unsalted butter.
  • 2 cups regular white sugar.
  • 4 raw selected eggs.
  • 4 tbsp. l. baking white flour.
  • Vanillin.

Having figured out what is included in Napoleon, you need to figure out how to cook it. Leave the frozen puff pastry in the refrigerator until it thaws. Then it is rolled out into a thin layer, cut into pieces and cakes are baked. The next step is to deal with the cream. To obtain it, eggs are beaten with granulated sugar, and then supplemented with flour and milk. All this is brought to a boil, boiled to the required thickness, cooled and processed with a mixer, not forgetting to combine with softened butter. The baked cakes are covered with the resulting cream, stacked on top of each other, decorated to your liking and left to soak.


Connoisseurs Georgian cuisine Be sure to pay attention to the recipe described below. Frozen puff pastry makes excellent khachapuri with a delicate cheese filling. To prepare them, you will need:

  • 200 g suluguni.
  • 100 g good butter.
  • 500 g store-bought puff pastry.
  • Vegetable oil, herbs and seasonings.

It is very simple and easy to prepare from frozen puff pastry. The thawed layer is cut into equal squares. Each of them is grated cheese mixed with seasonings and herbs. All this is flavored with pieces of butter, rolled into triangles, placed on a greased baking sheet and sent to the oven. Khachapuri is baked at 200 o C for about half an hour.


Those who have not yet decided what to make from frozen puff pastry can be advised to make the famous French bagels with sweet filling. Crispy croissants with thick apricot jam will be a great addition to a cup of aromatic morning coffee and will give you a great mood for the whole next day. To bake them you will need:

  • 200 g puff pastry yeast dough.
  • 150 g thick apricot jam.
  • Nuts.

The previously defrosted dough is rolled out and cut into triangles. Each one is filled with apricot jam and nuts, then rolled into bagels and placed on a baking sheet lined with parchment. The future croissants are kept warm for a short time and baked at 250 o C for about a quarter of an hour.

Fish pie

Frozen puff pastry goes well not only with sweet, but also with savory fillings. Therefore, it is often used as a basis for fish pies. To bake such a treat for yourself and your family, you will need:

  • 400 g cod fillet.
  • 500 g unleavened puff pastry.
  • 250 g salmon fillet.
  • 180 g non-acidic sour cream.
  • 100 g of good hard cheese.
  • 70 ml dry white wine.
  • 50 ml vegetable oil.
  • 5 eggs.
  • 1 onion.
  • Salt, parsley and spices.

Finely chopped onions are sautéed in hot oil, added with wine and simmered for about ten minutes. Then it is cooled slightly and sent to a bowl that already contains minced fish, cheese shavings, two eggs, sour cream and chopped herbs. All this is salted, seasoned with spices and distributed into a mold, the bottom of which is lined with a rolled out layer of thawed dough. Place two on top boiled eggs, cut into thin slices. The future pie is decorated with ribbons made from leftover dough and baked at moderate temperature.


This aromatic pastry is equally good warm or cooled. Depending on your mood, it can be a great addition to a bowl of hot soup or a hearty snack. To bake frozen puff pastry pies, you will need:

  • 300 g beef liver.
  • 500 g store-bought puff pastry.
  • 1 white onion.
  • 1 yolk.
  • Vegetable oil, salt and seasonings.

The soaked liver is freed from all unnecessary things, cut into cubes and sent to a frying pan, which already contains sautéed onions. All this is salted, seasoned and brought to readiness. While the filling is cooling, you can make the dough. It is rolled out into a thin layer and cut into equal squares. Each of them is filled with chilled liver, decorated in the form of pies, placed on an oiled baking sheet and brushed with beaten yolk. The products are baked at 200 o C for about twenty-five minutes.

Apple strudel

For those who can't resist baking with... fruit filling We advise you not to lose sight of one more simple recipe from frozen puff pastry. You can see the photo of the strudel baked using it a little later, but for now let’s figure out what products are needed to prepare it. In this case you will need:

  • 2 sheets of store-bought puff pastry.
  • 3 large sweet apples.
  • 2 tbsp. l. ordinary sugar.
  • 2 tbsp. l. baking flour.
  • 1 tbsp. l. brown sugar.
  • 2 tbsp. l. breadcrumbs for breading.
  • ½ tsp. powdered cinnamon.
  • ½ cup chopped nuts.
  • 1 raw egg.
  • 1 tsp. water.

The defrosted sheets of dough are rolled out into thin layers. Each of them is sprinkled with sweetened nut crumbs and breadcrumbs, covered with chopped apples combined with cinnamon, flour and sugar, and then rolled into rolls. The resulting products are transferred to a baking sheet, brushed with beaten egg and water and sent to heat treatment. Strudels are baked at 190 0 C for about forty-five minutes.

Snails with raisins

These delicious little rolls are loved by both big and little lovers of baked goods with dried fruits. Therefore, it is possible that they will often appear on your family’s menu. To prepare them, you will definitely need:

  • 500 g frozen puff pastry.
  • 100 g regular sugar.
  • 200 g white raisins.
  • 20 g melted butter.
  • 1 protein.

The thawed dough is rolled out into a five-millimeter layer and brushed with melted butter. One side is covered with a layer of raisins. All this is rolled up, cut into approximately equal pieces and placed on a baking sheet. The resulting blanks are greased with protein, crushed with sugar and sent to the oven. Bake them at moderate temperature for about a quarter of an hour.

Tubes with protein cream

Many of us have been familiar with the taste of this sweet delicacy since childhood. But not everyone knows how to cook it at home. To pamper your loved ones with these straws, you will need:

  • 500 g of purchased dough.
  • 150 g regular sugar.
  • 2 raw eggs.
  • A pinch of salt and a little oil.

The thawed dough is rolled out and cut into long thin strips. Each of them is screwed onto a special greased form, treated with a brush dipped in egg yolks, and bake in a moderately heated oven. The browned tubes are slightly cooled and filled with cream made from salted egg whites whipped with granulated sugar.

Apple puffs

From frozen puff pastry you can bake open buns with fruit filling relatively quickly. To do this, you must have in your home:

  • 300 g of purchased dough.
  • 70 g thick apricot jam.
  • 30 ml of drinking water.
  • 2 apples.
  • 1 yolk.

The thawed dough is rolled out into a thin layer and cut into four identical rectangles. Each of them is transferred to a baking sheet, covered with apple slices and greased with jam boiled with water. The edges of the products are treated with beaten yolk. Bake puff pastries at medium temperature for no more than fifteen minutes.

Tarte Tatin

This one is amazing French pastries will not leave indifferent even the most demanding sweet tooth. It is a very successful combination of thin puff pastry, apples and sweet caramel. To prepare it, you will need:

  • 100 g good oil.
  • 200 g regular sugar.
  • 500 g apples.
  • 1 sheet of prepared dough.
  • 1 vanilla pod.
  • ½ tsp. ground cinnamon.

First you need to make caramel. Sugar is poured into a saucepan and placed on the stove. Immediately after this, it is supplemented with vanilla seeds and cooked until caramel is obtained. The resulting sweet, sticky mass is poured into a baking dish and covered with apple slices sprinkled with cinnamon. All this is covered with pieces of butter and a rolled out layer of dough. Bake the tart at medium temperature for about forty minutes. Before serving, cool it and turn it over so that the apples are on top.

Berry tart with meringue

This delicious and very presentable dessert can become a worthy decoration for any holiday. Therefore, any housewife should know how to cook it correctly. Since you will need several more ingredients in addition to frozen puff pastry and berries, it is better to make sure in advance that you have on hand:

  • 2 tbsp. l. dry semolina.
  • 2 egg whites.
  • 1 sheet of prepared puff pastry.
  • 40 g brown sugar.
  • 400 g of fresh berries.
  • 60 g sweet powder.
  • A pinch of vanillin.

The thawed dough is rolled out and placed in a mold lined with parchment. They pour it on top semolina, berries and brown sugar. All this is baked in a moderately heated oven. After about twenty minutes, the almost finished tart is covered with egg whites, beaten with vanillin and powdered sugar, and then returned for heat treatment.

Puff pastries with raspberry confiture

Store-bought dough goes well not only with fresh, but also with heat-treated berries. To bake delicious puff pastries for your evening tea, you will need:

  • 9 tbsp. l. raspberry jam.
  • 500 g store-bought puff pastry.
  • 1 raw egg.

The thawed dough is divided into three pieces. Each of them is rolled out into a thin layer and cut into 3 parts. The resulting blanks are filled with raspberry confiture, shaped into closed rectangles and brushed with beaten egg. Bake puff pastries on a baking sheet covered parchment paper, at a temperature of 200 o C. Optional finished goods crush with powdered sugar.


Those who love various sweets should try the famous Portuguese dessert. To prepare it you will need:

The milk is sweetened with the right amount of sugar and heated on the stove. Then a little of the resulting liquid is poured into a separate container, supplemented with starch, vanillin and turmeric, closed and shaken vigorously. At the next stage, all this is combined with warm sweet milk, brought to a boil and cooled. Now it's time to start testing. It is defrosted, removed from packaging, rolled out and placed in a heat-resistant form. All this is covered with thickened milk cream and sent to the oven.

Pie with zucchini and mozzarella

This aromatic pastry with cheese and vegetable filling can replace a full dinner for the whole family. To prepare it, you will need:

  • 500 g puff pastry without yeast.
  • 200 g mozzarella.
  • 2 young zucchini.
  • Salt, basil, sesame and vegetable oil.

The thawed dough is divided into two pieces and rolled out into thin layers. Place one piece on the bottom of a pre-greased pan. Grated fried zucchini mixed with basil and salt are distributed on top. The whole thing is topped with chopped mozzarella and the remaining dough. The future cake is sprinkled vegetable oil, sprinkle with sesame seeds and bake at moderate temperature.

Puff pastry is a unique product that allows you to prepare varied, tasty, and impressively presented dishes. It is used as a base for cooking various types meat, fish, vegetables, salty pastries, sweet desserts with cream, fruit, berry, chocolate, cheese and curd fillings. Thin, crispy, melt-in-your-mouth puff pastry is an indispensable ingredient for almost all national cuisines, and the exquisite culinary masterpieces created with its help decorate receptions and festive events.

It is quite difficult to knead puff pastry on your own; it is a long and labor-intensive procedure. The ideal solution to the problem would be ready-made frozen puff pastry from the store, which is in no way inferior to classic homemade one. The product is already formed into portioned plates, packaged in special packaging and stored at temperatures up to -20° for 5-60 days. When purchasing it, you need to pay attention to the date of manufacture.

  1. Defrost gradually, on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or at room temperature;
  2. Start work when the product still retains its elasticity;
  3. Roll out thinly, in one direction only;
  4. Cut with a very sharp knife;
  5. Place on parchment soaked in oil;
  6. Bake at a temperature of 180-220°.

Puff pastry dishes - simple and tasty

Cooking dishes from puff pastry is a pleasant and aesthetic process that opens up wide opportunities for creativity and imagination. The collection on the website contains photos of a variety of dishes and step by step recipes their manufacture.

What you can cook:

  • confectionery products - cookies, pastries, cakes, croissants;
  • snacks - pies, corners, tongues, puff pastries;
  • dishes with national flavor - khachapuri, quiche, pasties;
  • holiday and everyday food - meat and vegetable rolls, salads, soups.

Little secrets:

  • the more layers, the tastier the baked goods will be;
  • to get beautiful, golden crust the surface to be baked should be greased with egg;
  • 100 g of product contains approximately 360 kcal; to maintain your figure, you should use it in moderation.

We wish you pleasant gastronomic travels!

Not everyone has time to deal with the dough, wait for it to “ripen” and make complex pretzels or pies. Many people simply don't know how to do this. In modern conditions, special culinary skills are not required. From ready-made puff pastry you can make delicious filled puff pastries or even simple pizza in a matter of minutes. This delight takes only 20 minutes to bake and is eaten even faster.

Roll out the layer of puff pastry a little, cut into squares or rectangles. Place the filling in the middle and seal the edges, firmly “pinching” them together. Filling for puff pastry puffs, which will cause you the least hassle:

  • Raspberries with sugar (you literally need a couple of berries for one puff pastry);
  • Cherry;
  • Apples in pieces;
  • Meat or fish cutlet (in this case, everything is easy: only the corners of the square of dough are stuck together, above the finished chilled cutlet);
  • Sausage (you will get an unusual “sausage in dough”, with crispy layers);
  • Banana (cut into slices);
  • Ham and cheese.

In a step-by-step photo recipe we will tell you how to make quick sweet puff pastries filled with bananas and strawberries.

Sweet puff pastry made from ready-made dough


  • 500 g ready-made puff pastry (yeast-free),
  • 200 g strawberries (fresh or frozen),
  • 1-2 bananas,
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of starch,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar,
  • 1 egg for brushing puff pastry
  • Wheat flour for sprinkling the work surface.

Cooking process:

If you have already bought ready-made yeast-free puff pastry, you probably noticed that the packaging is different, as well as the contents. Manufacturers offer frozen dough in rolls or square layers. The latter option is easier to work with, since it requires less time to defrost. Frozen plates need to be separated from each other and laid out on the table. In just 10 minutes you can start working.

In the meantime, you can make the filling and preheat the oven.

Fresh strawberries are sorted, washed and chopped into large pieces. Frozen strawberries do not need to be thawed on purpose to prevent them from becoming soggy. The banana is cut into cubes or circles.

Sugar and starch are added to the filling. The starch will thicken the syrup released from the berries and retain it in baking as much as possible.

Dust your work surface with flour and roll out lightly soft dough. Cut it into long rectangles. You can use a special roller for pasties.

Place the filling on one half, moving away from the edge, and cover with the other half.

The edges need to be pinched very well so that all the juice remains inside and does not run away. Place the puff pastries on a greased or lined baking sheet, brush with beaten egg and immediately bake. Immediately, because there is no need to waste time rising and proofing, the dough is not yeast. If desired, you can make cuts on each rectangular pie.

Preheat the oven in advance, bake puff pastry products at 180 degrees. The top of the dough will change shade, and the layers on the sides of the products will become clearly visible.

Congratulations, you have learned how to bake excellent puff pastries for tea without any extra hassle! In the same way, you can prepare sweet puff pastries with cottage cheese, apples, cherries, as well as unsweetened ones with cheese, ham, minced meat, and salted cottage cheese.

Remove the baked goods from the baking sheet onto a wide dish and boil the kettle.

Or serve in portions with berries. By the way, a scoop of ice cream would be quite appropriate here.

In addition, from puff pastry you can make buns with sausages and delicious quick pizza, this time both yeast-free dough and yeast dough can be used.

Pizza with puff pastry

Place the rolled out layer of puff pastry on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil, spread with ketchup and mayonnaise (or just ketchup), lay out pieces of boiled chicken, sausage or frankfurters, sprinkle with grated cheese (or simply lay out in pieces). You can bake it! For color, you can add chopped olives, sweet bell pepper or pickled cucumber.

Best regards, Anyuta.

We thank Svetlana Kislovskaya for the photo of the puff pastry recipe.

We decided to diversify regular menu and cook delicious pastries? Looking for dough options that keep their shape and freshness for a long time? Then read what you can make from puff pastry.

Puff pastry is an exceptional option for baking. If you don’t have the desire or time to cook it yourself, you can always buy a few sheets at the store, throw it in the freezer and use it as needed.

Puff pastry pastries are an excellent option for a hearty breakfast, snack and a delicious addition to tea. It doesn't go stale for a long time.

If you are thinking about what to make from puff pastry, then we suggest you familiarize yourself with the most interesting and simple options:

Open puffs

Yeast puff pastry is suitable for this baking. You will need 0.3 kg of this base.

The filling consists of:

  • chicken eggs - 5–6 pcs.;
  • ham;
  • cheddar;
  • greens (dill, parsley, cilantro).

Add seasonings based on your own taste.

To quickly make delicious puff pastries, follow these steps:

  1. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 5–7 mm.
  2. Cut it into portions measuring 15x15 cm.
  3. Fold the edges of the squares slightly so that the filling does not spread out.
  4. Place a slice of ham in each preparation.
  5. Break the egg and pour it in so that it covers the ham. Season the dish.

Before placing the puff pastries in the oven, sprinkle the tops with finely chopped herbs mixed with grated cheddar. Spend 10 minutes preparing the dish if you preheat the oven to 200 degrees.


This puff pastry dish is a great addition to breakfast and can be offered to your husband and children as a midday snack.

To prepare you will need half a kilogram of dough, and for filling:

  • ham or doctor's sausage- 300 g;
  • cheese - 250 g;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • ketchup or any other sauce.

Add garlic for added spice.

Preparation consists of two stages, namely:

  1. Preparing the filling. To do this, cut the sausage/ham into strips and fry in a frying pan; beat the eggs and pour into the pan where you are preparing the sausage or ham.
  2. Formation of puff paste. To prepare it, you will have to work some magic on the dough:
  • roll it out so that the thickness is small - 3–4 mm, and the diameter does not exceed 30 cm;
  • Place a glass in the center of the rolled out circle and cut out the circle;
  • stepping back 5 cm from the central circle, cut the dough into triangular wedges so that they resemble flower petals;
  • grease the circle with ketchup mixed with chopped garlic;
  • Place the filling around the ring and fold the petals, pressing them in the center.

You will get an original braid. Bake it in the oven for 15 minutes at 200 degrees.

Mince pie

Prepare a hearty addition to the first courses - bake a puff pastry pie with minced meat. Use yeast dough - 0.5 kg.

For filling use:

  • beef or minced chicken- 0.3 kg;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • greens (cilantro, parsley).

If desired, diversify this filling by adding diced tomatoes, bell peppers, cut into thin strips.

Pre-fry the onion and minced meat and simmer with vegetables, add salt and pepper to taste. Next, follow these steps:

  1. Divide the dough into two equal portions. This is the base and top of the pie. Roll them out so that the dough is not too thin, but does not tear during baking.
  2. Prepare a baking sheet by lining it with paper.
  3. Lay out one part and form sides.
  4. Sprinkle the filling onto the dough.
  5. Cover the top of the minced meat with the second part of the dough and press the edges tightly.

The pie will look delicious if you brush the top with beaten egg before putting it in the oven. It will take 20–25 minutes to prepare the pie. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

To prevent the crust from cracking during cooking, let the pie sit for 10 minutes before placing the pan in the oven.

Prepare pies with fish or curd filling. Household members will also like puff pastry pies with cabbage. In addition, this type of dough is an excellent base for pizza.

Puff pastry snacks

If you want to prepare a portioned appetizer that you can take to a picnic or serve with beer, then do:

For rolls Roll out the dough into a rectangle, brush it with ketchup and add 250 g of ham or boiled sausage, chopped herbs and garlic (3 cloves). Pour mayonnaise (2-3 tbsp) on top and sprinkle with grated cheese (250 g). Roll it up. Cut it into portions. Place on a baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes at 200 degrees.

From home hot dogs the children will be delighted. To prepare them, roll out the dough (0.4 kg), cut it into strips 3–4 cm wide. Lubricate each piece with the sauce you like and wrap it around the sausage. Pinch the edges. The baking mode is the same as for making rolls.

Braids with chicken fillet and cheese Beer lovers will love it. Everything here is elementary simple: cut the rolled out dough into strips 4–5 cm wide. Place chopped smoked meat on one half of the strip, sprinkle grated cheddar on top. Fold the second part of the dough over so that it covers the filling and pinch the edges. It will take 15 minutes to prepare it if the oven is preheated to 180 degrees.

These snacks look presentable if you brush them with yolk before putting them in the oven.

If you've figured out the salty pastries, then it's time to think about what to bake for tea. Here are a few options that will definitely suit the taste of any housewife:

Cheese pie

Do you want to make a puff pastry pie and are looking for a simple recipe? Then the most basic option is cheese pie.

Yeast dough is not suitable for its preparation, so limit yourself to 0.5 kg of puff pastry without yeast.

For the filling you will need:

  • cream cheese or full-fat cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • sugar - 175 g.

To make the pie aromatic, add a little vanilla sugar to the filling.

Follow this algorithm:

  1. Divide the dough in half and roll out each piece.
  2. Prepare a baking sheet (cover it with parchment) and place one part of the dough on it.
  3. Beat the cottage cheese with a blender, first mixing it with sugar and vanilla.
  4. Place the filling on the workpiece, and cover the top with the second part of the rolled out dough.

Creative housewives can make weaves from the second piece of dough. The pie will need 20 minutes in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees.

Puff pastry buns

Buns with apples are amazing in taste and very beautiful in appearance. To prepare them, take:

  • puff pastry - 0.3 kg;
  • apples - 4 pcs.;
  • lemon - ½ piece;
  • apple or orange jam - 3 tbsp. l.

To bake delicious and original apple buns, follow these steps:

  1. Cut the washed apples in half and remove the seeds.
  2. Chop the fruit into thin slices.
  3. Place them in a deep container, fill with two glasses of water, into which pour the juice of ½ lemon. Boil the apples over low heat for 5 minutes and drain the water.
  4. Cut the rolled out dough into strips 7–10 cm wide.
  5. Grease each strip with jam, roughly divide it in half and place apples on the top so that each subsequent one covers the edge of the previous one.
  6. Cover the apples halfway with the other half of the strip.
  7. Roll it up.

The result will be beautiful rose. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake the buns for at least 20-25 minutes. Once you take it out and let it cool, sprinkle some powder on top.

You can make poppy seed buns in a similar way. To do this, do poppy seed filling, mixing a glass of poppy seeds with 150 g of raisins and chopped nuts. Add protein to this mixture.

Place the filling on the rolled out rectangle of dough. Roll it up and cut it into portions. Place them on a baking sheet with the cut side up. During baking, the dough will expand and form a rose.

The baking mode is the same as for apple buns. By the way, instead of apples, you can use any berries (cherries, currants), apricots and peaches will do. Such sweet pastries made from puff pastry delight both adults and children.

Banana chocolate puffs

This pastry is an exquisite addition to a festive tea party. To prepare it, use:

  • puff pastry - 0.3 kg;
  • “Nutella” - 5–6 tbsp. l.;
  • bananas - 3 pcs.;
  • cinnamon.

These puff pastries are easy to prepare. To do this you need:

  1. Cut the rolled out dough into triangles.
  2. Spread each piece with Nutella.
  3. Cut bananas into large pieces.
  4. Place one piece of banana on each triangular piece.
  5. Fold the wide edge of the workpiece over and pinch the edges, then roll each triangle into a roll.

To achieve the perfect appearance such sweets, brush with beaten egg and sprinkle with sugar mixed with cinnamon. Bake for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.

Croissants with jam or condensed milk

Chocolate croissants are even easier to prepare. For them you will need 200 g of dough and 300 g of any jam, boiled condensed milk.

You should prepare it like this:

  1. Roll out the dough to a thickness of at least 5 mm so that you get a circle with a diameter of 25–30 cm.
  2. Cut it into equal parts of a triangular shape.
  3. Place 2 tsp at the base of each piece. fillings and wrap them to make rolls.

To prevent the dough from burning, line the baking sheet with baking paper. Sweets are ready in 20 minutes, if the temperature oven at least 200 degrees.

Puff pastry cookies

This type of baking is the simplest and least labor-intensive of all. The most important thing here is a beautiful presentation. Use different baking pans.

Here are a few options that will not require much effort from the hostess:

  • do « Crow's feet» . To do this, you will need round shapes (press them onto the dough with a glass). Fold into quarters. Bake for 15–20 minutes at 180 degrees. Once cooked, sprinkle with powdered sugar;
  • bake "Ears". Sprinkle the thinly rolled dough with sugar. Roll it up and cut it into pieces. Make sure that their thickness does not exceed 2 cm. Cooking “Ears” in an oven preheated to 190 degrees will take 15 minutes;
  • do "Braid". Cut the rolled out dough into strips and intertwine them.

This is just a small part delicious dishes which can be made from puff pastry. These pastries are easy to feed your family with a hearty breakfast and dinner, treat your friends and pamper children with a sweet tooth.

If you don’t have time to knead dough, but still want delicious homemade baked goods, then buy ready-made puff pastry in the supermarket and bake delicious puff pastries.
Recipe contents:

Puff pastries - delicious and quick baking. This product is very popular all over the world. So, classic sweet pastries from puff pastry glorified the cooking of France, savory puff pastries with meat are loved in Germany, and Australians love pastries and cakes. Puff pastry is a great invention for preparing many desserts and quick snacks. Now, in the conditions of modern cooking, special confectionery skills are not required. From purchased ready-made puff pastry you can make delicious puff pastries with any filling in a matter of minutes.

Puff pastry has been sold in supermarkets for many years and is very convenient, especially for busy housewives. Dishes made from it are prepared extremely quickly. For example, such a delight, puff pastries, will be ready in 20 minutes. They can be baked even when there is no energy, desire or time for baking. After all, to prepare them you just need to defrost and roll out the dough, wrap the filling in it and bake. Fast and easy. What could be better for delicious dessert. Each layer of puff pastry makes two pockets.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 352 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 4
  • Cooking time - 20-25 minutes (not counting the time for defrosting the dough)


  • Frozen puff pastry - 2 sheets
  • Any jam - 4-6 tbsp.
  • Eggs - for brushing puff pastries

Step-by-step preparation of puff pastry from store-bought puff pastry

1. Remove the dough from the freezer in advance and leave to defrost. Keep in mind that puff pastry is not refrozen. Therefore, defrost as much as you plan to cook at a time. Place the defrosted dough on a flat surface sprinkled with flour and roll out a sheet with a rolling pin to a thickness of 3-5 mm. Roll in one direction so as not to disturb the layering of the dough.

2. Cut the dough sheet in half. This will be two puffs. Place 1-2 tbsp on one half of two pieces of dough. jam, which can be any to your taste and preference. In addition, you can add grated cheese, minced meat, stewed vegetables etc.

3. Cover the jam with the other half of the dough and firmly seal the edges of the dough.

4. Using a sharp knife, make transverse cuts on the top layer of dough to allow air to escape. Transfer the puff pastries to a baking tray. The baking tray does not need to be greased with anything, because... There is quite a lot of fat in the dough, so the product will not stick to the surface.

5. Using a pastry brush, brush the surface of the future puff pastry with a loose egg or melted egg butter. If desired, for beauty, you can sprinkle the puff pastry with sesame seeds.