Presentation: Vegetable dishes and side dishes. Fried vegetables Presentation on the topic of fried vegetables

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Fried vegetables Vegetables are fried using the basic method and deep-fried. Before frying, the vegetables are chopped. After slicing, zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, and eggplants are breaded in flour. Vegetables are fried using the basic method with any fats. Prepared vegetables are placed in a frying pan or baking sheet with fat heated to 140-150 ° C and fried until cooked and crispy.

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They take 4-5 times more fat than vegetables. The dishes are filled halfway with fat, as it can foam a lot, heat it to 180-190 ° C and immerse the prepared vegetables. Deep frying time 2-8 minutes. Fried vegetables are used as an independent dish and as a side dish.

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Deep-fried potatoes Potatoes are cut into cubes, strips, slices, cubes, balls, shavings, washed and dried well. Place prepared potatoes into fat heated to 180-190° C and fry until golden brown crust and readiness. Frying time depends on the temperature of the fat and the shape of the cut. Remove the finished potatoes, allow the fat to drain, sprinkle with fine salt and shake. You cannot salt the potatoes before frying, as they will become soggy and the fat will foam strongly. Potatoes cut into cubes, slices, cubes, balls and deep-fried are called French fries. Potatoes cut into strips are called pai. It is used as an independent dish and as a side dish. When leaving, place the potatoes on a plate with a paper napkin and decorate with sprigs of parsley.

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Bloated potatoes (soufflé) Potatoes are cut into slices 3-4 mm thick, washed and dried. Prepared potatoes are first immersed in fat heated to 120-130 ° C and lightly fried so that a golden brown crust does not form, while a dense film is formed on the surface due to gelatinization of starch. Then the potatoes are transferred to fat heated to 180-190°C and fried. The potatoes puff up as the moisture inside the pieces turns to steam. Remove the fried potatoes with a slotted spoon, sprinkle with salt, and shake. Used as an independent dish and as a side dish.

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Fried zucchini with boiled potatoes. Peeled zucchini and grains are cut into slices 0.5-1 cm thick, 2-3 pieces each. per serving, breaded in flour mixed with salt, placed on a heated baking sheet with fat and fried in the main method until golden brown on both sides, and finished in the oven. When releasing, the zucchini is placed on a plate or portioned frying pan and placed next to it boiled potatoes, pour with sour cream or milk sauce, sour cream, sour cream with tomato, sprinkle with herbs. Fried zucchini can be sold without potatoes; in this case, the rate of zucchini addition increases. Sometimes fried zucchini is used as a side dish. They are cut into slices or cubes.

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Cutlets carrots Carrots chop into strips or pass through a vegetable cutter, place in a deep bowl, add water, broth or milk and butter, simmer until almost done. Then pour in semolina while stirring, boil. The resulting mass is cooled to 40-50°C, add raw eggs, salt and grated cottage cheese, mix everything well. You can make cutlets without cottage cheese, and replace semolina with thick milk sauce or semolina porridge. The resulting mass is cut into portions, breaded in breadcrumbs, and shaped into cutlets. Before leaving, the cutlets are placed on a heated baking sheet with fat, fried on both sides and finished in the oven. When releasing, cutlets are placed in 2 pieces. per serving on a plate or serving dish, pour over butter. Separately, sour cream, milk or sour cream sauce is served in a sauce boat.

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Potato cutlets First, prepare the potato mass. To do this, peeled potatoes are boiled, dried, rubbed hot, then cooled to 40-50 ° C, raw eggs are added and mixed well. You can add sautéed to the mass onions- 10-15 g, respectively, the yield of the dish is great. The resulting mass is cut into portions, breaded in breadcrumbs or flour and shaped into cutlets. The prepared semi-finished product is placed on a heated baking sheet with fat, fried on both sides and finished cooking in the oven. When leaving, put 2 pcs. on a plate or portioned dish, pour over butter or add sour cream, onion, mushroom, tomato sauce. Sour cream is served separately.

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Potato croquettes Wipe hot boiled potatoes, add 1/3 of the flour specified in the recipe, raw egg yolks, butter and mix. The resulting mass is cut into balls, pears, cylinders (3-4 per serving), breaded in flour, moistened in egg white and breaded in breadcrumbs. Croquettes are fried in a large amount of fat (deep-fried). You can add mushrooms to the croquette mixture. When leaving, the croquettes are placed on a serving dish or plate, decorated with sprigs of parsley, and sprinkled with butter. Tomato, mushroom, red sauce with onions and gherkins, and onion sauce are served separately in a gravy boat. Croquettes can be used as a side dish, in which case they are made smaller. List the range of dishes made from vegetable masses. Create a technological sequence for preparing carrot cutlets. Specify the temperature for frying potatoes depending on the frying method: main-..., deep-frying-..., in the oven-...? Why, for frying in the main way, are potatoes placed in a heated frying pan with fat, and not in a cold one? Why are potatoes salted at the end of frying, and not at the beginning?

Vegetable dishes and side dishes

Vegetables are used to prepare side dishes for meat and fish products, as well as independent dishes. The weight of side dishes should be about 150–200 g, independent ones – at least 200–250 g.

Primary processing of vegetables is carried out in compliance with all sanitation rules applicable to plant food raw materials. Remove spoiled, rotten leaves, stems or parts of roots and root crops, peel, and wash repeatedly in running cold water.

Dried vegetables are also washed in cold water, poured in for 1-2 hours to swell and boiled in the same water so that minerals are not lost. It is advisable to heat green vegetables immediately after the initial cooking; frozen vegetables are placed in boiling water without defrosting.

The best view Heat treatment of vegetables is considered to be steaming, which ensures the safety of all biologically active substances. To do this, place a grill with vegetables over a boiling liquid (in a saucepan or cauldron), in which they cook until tender.

If cooking is carried out o in water, then add salt (this does not apply to beets and dried green peas) at the rate of 10 g of salt per 1 liter of water and cover the vegetables with no more than 1 cm of water. After boiling for 15–20 minutes, the potato broth is drained, and the potatoes themselves are steamed.

If cooked vegetables are intended to be pureed dishes, then they are passed through a meat grinder with a fine grid or rubbed through a sieve, sieve, or other device that helps homogenize the product. As a rule, boiled vegetables are rubbed half-cooled, potatoes – only hot.

Baking vegetables is carried out after they have been processed by any thermal method: boiling, stewing, frying. The prepared vegetables are cut and, having given them the required shape, baked until tender in sour cream or white (milk) sour cream sauce.

For peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, chronic intestinal diseases, hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, for acute infectious diseases, when it is necessary to puree vegetables to give the desired shape to the culinary product, semolina is added to the resulting puree and the mass is boiled.

This is how they cook vegetable casseroles, cutlets, soufflé. If necessary to cook stuffed dish, then to soften dietary fiber, vegetables are also exposed to heat. Minced meat is obtained from stewed vegetables, doused with milk or sour cream sauce. This minced meat is stuffed into vegetables and baked in the oven.

Stuffed cucumbers, zucchini, turnips, peppers, beets, eggplants, tomatoes, cabbage rolls, cabbage rolls, and carrot zrazy are prepared this way. – For preparing cutlets, pancakes, zraz, casseroles, rolls, etc. Prepared vegetables and roots are cut into cubes and simmered in water or milk until tender.

If, according to indications, a homogeneous mass should be obtained, then they are passed through a meat grinder, brought to a boil again, semolina is added, boiled for 10 minutes, allowed to cool slightly, added egg, salt and kneaded well. The mass is given the required shape and baked or fried. Before frying, raw potatoes are cut, washed in a colander with water, allowed to drain and only then fried.

The importance of vegetables in human nutrition

The importance of vegetables in nutrition is very great because they are a valuable source of vitamins, carbohydrates, organic acids, mineral salts, and various flavoring substances, without which food becomes tasteless and of little use. The main advantage of vegetables is that they can be used to prepare various, healthy and delicious dishes, side dishes and snacks that are easily digestible by the human body and, in addition, contribute to better absorption of any other food consumed along with vegetables.

Vegetables occupy one of the leading places in the diet, and enterprises catering are obliged to offer consumers the largest possible choice of excellent, deliciously prepared dishes and side dishes from vegetables. Individual types of vegetables vary greatly in their merits. So, for example, potato rich in starch, white cabbage – vitamin C, carrot – provitamin A (carotene), beet – sugar. There is very little fat in vegetables, only from 0.1 to 0.5%. Among the mineral substances, we note the potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium and sodium contained in vegetables.

Garlic and onion They have a predominantly taste value and are very widely used in cooking. These vegetables, like horseradish and some others, are rich in phytoncides - special bactericidal substances that destroy pathogenic microbes. Therefore, it is necessary to use not a monotonous, but a varied assortment of vegetables for preparing vegetable dishes and side dishes.

The cook must take care to preserve as much as possible the nutrients and vitamins found in vegetables. Vitamins are best preserved in fresh, raw vegetables immediately after they are harvested. Therefore, all kinds of salads from raw vegetables: from cabbage, carrots, radishes, tomatoes, green onions. The successes of the canning industry not only make it possible to sharply reduce seasonal fluctuations in the consumption of vegetables, but also make it possible to supply public catering establishments with the selected, highest quality vegetables at any time of the year, and these vegetables are preserved in such a way that they almost completely retain all their nutrients and taste. .

The cook should know that vitamin C is destroyed by prolonged heat treatment of vegetables, contact with atmospheric oxygen, and improper storage. When to cook vegetable soups, cabbage soup, borscht in meat, fish or mushroom broths, vegetables are placed in ready-made boiling broths, and vegetables that cook faster are added only when vegetables that require longer heat treatment are almost ready.

The container in which vegetables are cooked must be tightly closed with a lid during the entire cooking time - this makes it difficult for the vegetables to come into contact with atmospheric oxygen. Vegetables should not be cooked long before serving, since when a prepared vegetable dish is stored for a long time, even over low heat or when it is heated, the vitamins are destroyed.

Changes in food products during heat treatment


At a temperature of 70 C, coagulation (clotting) of proteins occurs. They lose their ability to retain water (swell), i.e. from hydrophilic they become hydrophobic, and the weight of meat, fish and poultry decreases. The tertiary and secondary structure of protein molecules is partially destroyed, some proteins are converted into polypeptide chains, which facilitates their better breakdown by proteases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Proteins, which are in the form of a solution in products, coagulate into flakes when cooked and form foam on the surface of the broth. Collagen and elastin in connective tissue are converted into glutin (gelatin). The total loss of protein during heat treatment ranges from 2 to 7%.

Exceeding the temperature and processing time contributes to the compaction of muscle fibers and deterioration of the consistency of products, especially those prepared from liver, heart and seafood. With strong heating, starch is destroyed on the surface of the product, and reactions occur between sugars and amino acids with the formation of melanoids, which give the crust a dark color, a specific aroma and taste.

When boiling and frying, meat products lose up to 30–40% of their mass as a result of compaction of proteins, melting of fat and the transfer of moisture and soluble substances into the environment. The least losses are typical for breaded products made from cutlet mass, since the moisture pressed out by the proteins is retained by the filler (bread), and the breading layer prevents its evaporation from the fried surface.


When heated, the fat from the food is rendered. Nutritional value it decreases due to the breakdown of fatty acids. Thus, the loss of linoleic and arachidonic acids is 20–40%. During cooking, up to 40% of the fat goes into the broth, some of it emulsifies and oxidizes. Under the influence of acids and salts contained in the broth, the emulsified fat easily decomposes into glycerol and fatty acids, which make the broth cloudy and give it an unpleasant taste and smell. In this regard, the broth should be cooked at a moderate boil, and the fat that accumulates on the surface should be periodically removed.

Profound changes in fat occur during frying. If the temperature of the frying pan exceeds 180 C, then the fat breaks down with the formation of smoke, and the taste of the food sharply deteriorates. Food should be fried at a temperature 5–10 C below the smoke point.

When frying, the main way to lose fat is by spattering it. This is due to the rapid evaporation of water when fat is heated to more than 100 C. Fat loss during splashing is called waste, and it is significant in fats that contain a lot of water (margarine), as well as when frying moistened foods ( raw potatoes, meat, etc.). Overall fat loss is less for breaded products.

The most significant chemical changes fats are observed during deep frying. As a result of hydrolysis, oxidation and polymerization, harmful compounds accumulate, giving the fat an unpleasant odor and rancid taste. Toxic products of thermal oxidation of fats (aldehydes and ketones) are adsorbed on the surface of fried products. In addition, the fat becomes contaminated with particles of the product that gets into it.

To prevent unwanted changes in fat, deep fryers are used, in the lower part of which there is a so-called cold zone, where the temperature of the fat is much lower, and product particles that fall there do not burn. To protect deep fat from spoilage, a number of technological techniques are used: deep fat is periodically filtered, hands and equipment are lubricated vegetable oil Products intended for deep frying are not breaded in breadcrumbs.


When starch is heated with a small amount of water, it gelatinizes, which begins at a temperature of 55–60 C and accelerates with increasing temperature to 100 C. When potatoes are cooked, gelatinization of starch occurs due to the moisture contained in the potato itself.

When baking dough products, the starch gelatinizes due to the moisture released by the coagulated gluten proteins. A similar process occurs when cooking legumes that have been pre-swollen in water. Starch contained in dry products (cereals, pasta) gelatinizes during cooking due to the absorption of environmental moisture, and the mass of the product increases.

Raw starch is not digestible in the human body, so all starch-containing foods are eaten after heat treatment. When starch is heated above 110 C without water, the starch breaks down into dextrins, which are soluble in water. Dextrinization occurs on the surface of baked goods during the formation of a crust, during browning of flour, frying cereals, baking pasta.

Heat treatment promotes the transition of protopectin, which holds plant cells together, into pectin. At the same time, the products acquire a delicate consistency and are better absorbed. The rate of conversion of protopectin into pectin is influenced by the following factors:

properties of products: in some, protopectin is less stable (potatoes, fruits), in others it is more stable (legumes, beets, cereals);

cooking temperature: the higher it is, the faster the conversion of protopectin into pectin occurs;

reaction of the environment: an acidic environment slows down this process, therefore, when cooking soups, potatoes should not be placed after sauerkraut or other acidic foods, and when soaking legumes, they should not be allowed to sour.

Fiber, the main structural component of plant cell walls, changes slightly during heat treatment: it swells and becomes more porous.


Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) are well preserved during heat treatment. Thus, sautéing carrots does not reduce its vitamin value; on the contrary, carotene dissolved in fats is more easily converted into vitamin A. This stability of carotene allows sautéed vegetables to be stored in fats for a long time, although during long-term storage the vitamins are partially destroyed due to exposure to atmospheric oxygen. Water-soluble B vitamins are stable when heated in an acidic environment, and in an alkaline and neutral environment they are destroyed by 20–30%, and some of them turn into a decoction. The greatest losses of thiamine and pyridoxine occur during combined heating (quenching, etc.). High preservation with short-term heat treatment and a small amount of leaking juice. Vitamin PP is the most resistant to heat. Vitamin C is most severely destroyed during heat treatment due to its oxidation by atmospheric oxygen, which is facilitated by the following factors:

cooking food with the lid open;

placing food in cold water;

increase in heat treatment time and long-term storage hot food on a steam table;

increasing the surface of contact of the product with oxygen (grinding, rubbing).

An acidic environment helps preserve vitamin C. When cooked, it partially turns into a decoction. When deep-frying potatoes, vitamin C is destroyed less than when frying in the main way.

Minerals. Maximum losses (25–60%) of minerals (potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, etc.) occur when boiling in large quantities of water due to their transition into a decoction. That is why decoctions from organic vegetables are used to prepare first courses and sauces.

Dyes. When cooked under the influence of acids, the chlorophyll of green vegetables is destroyed to form brown-colored substances. Anthocyanins in plums, cherries, black currants, as well as carotene in carrots and tomatoes are resistant to heat treatment. Beet pigments turn brown, so to preserve it bright color create an acidic environment and increased concentration of the decoction. The meat changes color from bright pink to gray due to changes in hemoglobin.

The maximum loss of nutrients is observed during cooking using the main method compared to other types heat treatment of products . Increasing complexity of technology (grinding, mashing raw and boiled foods, stewing) also contributes to the loss of nutrients.

Lesson topic:“Preparing dishes from fresh and boiled vegetables. Salads."

Practical work “Preparation of vinaigrette”.

Objective of the lesson:

To familiarize students with the types of heat treatment of vegetables;

Develop skills in preparing dishes from fresh and boiled vegetables;

  • methods of thermal cooking;
  • technologies for preparing vinaigrette from boiled vegetables;

Planned results:

Students must:

  • types of thermal culinary processing: boiling, poaching, blanching, frying, stewing, sautéing, baking;
  • methods of thermal cooking;
  • prepare a vinaigrette from boiled vegetables;
  • evaluate the quality and presentation of the finished dish.

Lesson type: combined

Forms of work: Group work, individual work

Technical equipment: Textbook, notebook, computer, technological maps,

To do practical work: vegetables for making vinaigrette, cutting board, knife, kitchen utensils.



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Slide captions:

Preparing dishes from fresh and boiled vegetables. Salads. Technology teacher, MBOU Secondary School No. 1, Sharypovo, Krasnoyarsk Territory Natalya Viktorovna Travkina

Salad is a cold dish consisting of one or more vegetables, as well as in combination with meat, fish, and eggs.

The products included in the salad may be raw (radish, green salad, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions), boiled (beets, potatoes, carrots), pickled, salted (cucumber, cabbage), and products that have undergone complex and lengthy processing (sausages, smoked fish, canned food).

Technological sequence for preparing salads from fresh vegetables Primary processing of vegetables. Cutting vegetables. Vegetables for salad should be cut equally. Flavoring. The products must be mixed carefully so that they do not wrinkle. Place in a salad bowl and decorate.

Cutting vegetables to decorate dishes.

Rules for preparing vegetable salads. Fresh vegetable salad should be prepared immediately before serving. All products must undergo primary processing, and some of them must undergo primary and thermal processing. You can’t combine warm and cold vegetables—the salad will quickly spoil. Vegetables for salads can be prepared in advance (1-2 hours before serving). Salads should be dressed and decorated immediately before serving. Do not prepare or store salads in metal containers. Observe the shelf life of salads in the refrigerator; for undressed salads – no more than 12 hours, for dressed salads – 6 hours.

Safety rules when performing culinary work TB when using an electric stove. 1. Before turning on, check that the power cord is in good condition. 2. When turning on the tile, insert the plug into the sockets of the plug socket as far as it will go. Do not unplug the plug by pulling the cord. 3. When cooking on an electric stove, use only enamel cookware. Safety precautions when working with hot liquids. 1. Make sure that when boiling, the contents of the pan do not spill over the edge. If it boils too hot, reduce the heat or turn off the stove. 2. Take the lids of hot dishes with a towel and open them away from you. 3. Place and remove the frying pan with a frying pan with a wooden handle.

Types of heat treatment of vegetables Cooking is heating a product in water, broth, milk or steam. Frying is heating a product in a hot frying pan with fat. Baking – frying a product in the oven. Stewing - the product is first fried, and then poured with sauce and brought to readiness. Poaching - boil in a small amount of juice or liquid. Sautéing – the product is lightly fried with or without fat. Blaching - quick scalding or scalding.

Rules for cooking vegetables Never overcook or overcook food. Fry or boil vegetables first over high heat and then over low heat. Vegetables should be placed in boiling salted water and cooked at a low simmer, covered with a lid, this way the nutrients are better preserved. When cooking, water should only cover the vegetables, as too much water will lead to loss of nutrients. Beets and carrots are cooked without salt; if the vegetables are salted, they acquire an unpleasant taste and take longer to cook. Vegetables for salads are boiled in their skins.

Technological sequence for preparing the vinaigrette Cut the beets into cubes measuring 5 by 5 mm, place them in a salad bowl, add a spoonful of sunflower oil and mix so that other vegetables do not take on the color of the beets. Cut potatoes, carrots, cucumbers into 5 by 5 mm cubes and place in a salad bowl. Cut the onion into small cubes. Add sauerkraut, beans. Add salt to taste, add sunflower oil, mix all ingredients. Design ready dish, put in a salad bowl.

Methodological development

industrial training lesson:

"Cooking fried foods from vegetable mass"



Profession: “Cook, pastry chef”

Developed by: Industrial Training Master

Kaneva M.G.

open lesson of educational practice

master p/o Kaneva M.G.

Profession: 01/19/17 Cook, Confectioner.


Group 21, 1st year.

PM.01. Cooking dishes from vegetables and mushrooms

Lesson topic No. 5 Preparation of fried dishes from vegetable mass.

Lesson type: study of labor techniques and operations

Lesson type: lesson - workshop

Teaching methods: verbal, visual demonstration, practical

Venue: dining room

Lesson Objectives:

. Learning Objective:

Consolidation of acquired knowledge and skills in preparation various types raw materials for heat treatment;

Mastering new techniques when preparing and serving fried vegetable dishes;

Formation of skills in preparing a variety of semi-finished products and dishes from fried vegetables and mushrooms;

. Developmental goal:

Development of skills in preparing a variety of dishes and side dishes from fried vegetables;

Development of independence, observation, hard work;

Development of skills to analyze and summarize the information received;

Development of skills to work in a team, communicate effectively with classmates and management.

. Educational purpose:

Fostering a sense of personal responsibility and a conscious attitude towards the chosen profession;

Creating conditions for the development of professional creativity, increasing the prestige of the profession “Cook, confectioner”.

. Methodological goal:

Creating conditions for students to demonstrate cognitive activity;

Using interactive teaching methods (observation, comparison, analysis, group work).

Interdisciplinary connections:

MDK.03.01 “Technology for preparing soups and sauces.”

OP.01 “Fundamentals of microbiology, sanitation and hygiene in food production.”

OP.02 “Physiology of nutrition with the basics of commodity science of food products.

OP.03 “Technical equipment and organization of the workplace.”

Material, technical and methodological lesson equipment:

1. Didactic material:

1.1.Lesson plan (course and lesson outline)

1.2.Regulatory documents:

Collection of recipes

1.3 Handouts and assignments:

Card - mutual control (Appendix 1),

Test tasks (Appendix 2),

Instructional - technological map(Appendix 3),

Labor protection requirements when working with an electric stove, weighing equipment (Appendix 4),

Tables of food deficiencies (Appendix 5),

Evaluation criteria (Appendix 6),

Cooking plans (Appendix 7),

2. Tools and equipment:

Production tables,

Electric stoves,


Cutting boards,


Frying pans,


Serving utensils.

Products according to the collection of recipes.

4. Technical equipment:

Multimedia projector,

Laptop for showing a presentation.

5. Educational and reference literature

After the practical training lesson, students must master the following professional and general competencies:

PC 1.1 Perform primary processing, cutting and shaping of traditional types of vegetables and mushrooms, preparation of spices and seasonings

PC 1.2 Prepare and arrange basic and simple dishes and side dishes from traditional types of vegetables and mushrooms

OK 1 Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show sustained interest in it

OK Organize your own activities based on the goal and methods of achieving it, determined by the manager

OK 3 Analyze the work situation, carry out current and final monitoring, assessment and correction of one’s own activities, take responsibility for the results of one’s work

OK 6 Work in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, clients

Lesson progress:

Structural elements of the lesson

Activities of a p/o master

Student activities

Time, min

Introductory briefing

Checking attendance.

Checking appearance in accordance with sanitation and personal hygiene requirements.

Organizing attention to the lesson.

The training master notes the attendance of students, pays attention to the presence and condition of special equipment. clothing, personal hygiene, availability of diaries.

Greets students and listens to the duty officer's report.

Checks readiness for the lesson.

Report of the duty officer, reports to the master of the training center about the attendance of students and readiness for the lesson.

The duty officer checks the sanitary condition of students.

Reports attendance and readiness for class.

Motivation of students.

The teacher informs the topic and goals of the lesson.

Introduces assessment criteria.

Updating basic knowledge.

Foreman conducts testing

View the presentation

They listen to the training master and answer the tests.

2. Presentation of new material.

Instructing students on organizing workplaces, selecting utensils and equipment, observing industrial safety precautions, rules for sanitary processing of raw materials and personal hygiene when performing practical assignments, using safe working methods on technological equipment.

The foreman pays attention to the rules of personal hygiene, compliance with sanitary requirements, organization of the workplace, shows and explains the use of the necessary utensils, equipment, tools used in the preparation of fried and baked dishes from vegetable mass

Everyone is listening and watching.

Consolidation of skills and abilities, taking into account the acquired theoretical knowledge.

The cooking master explains the main technological operations in the process of preparing fried dishes from vegetable mass, and highlights important points that influence the final result.

Presentation display, instructional and technological maps.

Instructing students based on existing knowledge and skills

The cooking master instructs on the rules of serving, paying attention to the technology for preparing fried dishes from vegetable mass. Safety questions.

Sign in the safety log.

Doing practical work

The teacher divides students into 3 teams and issues individual assignments for each team to complete during the lesson. Informs about the standard time and assessment criteria.

They receive tasks, work with instructional and technological maps, and move to the hot shop.

Distribution of tasks - issuing specific tasks to students;

Individual instructions for a specific task.

1st team - preparing carrot cutlets;

2nd team - preparing beetroot cutlets.

3rd team - preparing potato cutlets.

Current briefing

Introduction to cooking technology.

The teacher demonstrates the method of preparing carrot cutlets; the demonstration is accompanied by a conversation with students.

Demonstrates the preparation of beetroot cutlets.

Demonstrates the preparation of potato cutlets.

They wash their hands, listen, observe, answer questions.

Independent work of students

The master walks around the workplaces, gives additional instructions, corrections, and explanations.

Organizes a workplace, performs mechanical and culinary processing of raw materials and begins preparing fried dishes from vegetable mass.

Targeted workplace walkthroughs:

Additional instructions

The sequence of adding products when preparing dishes from vegetable mass.

The master demonstrates techniques for cutting products for preparing dishes from vegetable mass, and draws attention to possible types of mistakes.

Monitors compliance with the preparation process, sanitary standards and safety regulations, rational use working hours.

They acquire skills in bringing sauces to taste, design and serving. Preparing for vacation and tasting dishes made from vegetable mass.

They acquire skills in bringing dishes from vegetable mass to taste, in design and serving. Preparing for vacation and tasting dishes made from vegetable mass.

Final briefing

Consolidating the acquired knowledge and skills in the lesson: rejecting ready-made dishes.

Master p/o

Asks questions to students about the topic they have covered and worked on.

Carries out the selection of dishes together with students. Asks questions about the requirements for quality and shelf life, and the sale of dishes made from vegetable mass.

Listen and respond

They listen and answer, taste. Fill out the cards “Organoleptic indicators of food quality”

Summing up the lesson

The teaching assistant sums up the lesson, analyzes the mistakes made by the students during the lesson. Recognizes the best students and evaluates their knowledge and practical skills. Indicates whether lesson objectives have been achieved.

They listen and respond, analyze their activities.


The teaching assistant asks what points you liked or didn’t like about studying the topic.

They listen and respond.

Evaluation of work by students

Fill out the self-assessment card.

Assessment of student work

Master p/o.

Everyone is listening

Homework assignment.

The teacher informs the topic of the next lesson: “Cooking stewed vegetable dishes”, names a topic to repeat at home.

The supervisor names the date for the next practical work.

Recorded in notebooks according to UP.

List of used literature

Anfimova N.A., Tatarskaya L.L. Cooking. M.: Academy, 2013

Collection of recipes and culinary products for catering establishments. - M.: Economics, 1983 - 720 p.

L. G. Shatun. Cooking: a textbook for beginners. prof. education. - 3rd ed., erased. - M.: Academy, 2011. - 320 p.

Tatarskaya L.L. Laboratory and practical work for cooks and confectioners: a textbook for beginners. prof. education. -M: Academy, 2011

Matyukhina Z.P. Food merchandising: A textbook for beginners. prof. education. Publishing center "Academy", 2007

Zolin V.P. Technological equipment of public catering enterprises: A textbook for the beginning. prof. education. Publishing center "Academy", 2005.

Appendix 1

Mutual control card

Carrot cutlets

Assessment Indicators




Consistency- soft, slightly crispy crust.


Taste and smell

Total score

Mutual control card

PM.01 “Cooking dishes from vegetables and mushrooms”

Topic: “Cooking fried dishes from vegetable mass.”

Potato cutlets

Assessment Indicators




Consistency- soft, crust - dense.


Taste and smell

Total score

Master of industrial training Kaneva M.G.

Mutual control card

PM.01 “Cooking dishes from vegetables and mushrooms”

Topic: “Cooking fried dishes from vegetable mass.”

Beetroot cutlets

Assessment Indicators




Consistency- soft, crust - dense.


Taste and smell

Total score

Master of industrial training Kaneva M.G.

Appendix 2

Full name test taker _____________________________________________

Group _________________ Date ____________________________

Test task

1. Frying in the main way is:

A). Frying the product with a small amount of fat at 130-150oC;

b). Frying the product and then heating it in an oven;

V). Frying the product in heated fat at 160-180 oC.

2. What shape should the cutlets have?:

A). Oval shape;

b). In the form of a brick;

V). In the form of a drop.

3. Choose the right way to process vegetables:

A). Sorting, washing, cleaning;

b). Cleaning, slicing, sizing;

V). Cleaning, cutting, washing.

4. Culinary uses of cutting potatoes into strips:

A). Potatoes in milk;

b). Deep fried potatoes;

V). Salads.

5. Store peeled potatoes:

A). In boxes indoors at 20-25 oC;

b). In a solution of citric acid;

V). The sulfitation method is used.

A; 2 - in; 3 - a; 4 - b; 5 - c.

Correct answers ______________

Grade _______________

Teacher __________ __________________________

(signature) (full name)

Appendix 3

Potato cutlets

Inventory and equipment: Scales, production table, knife, pan, spatula, spoon, el. stove, frying pan, small dinner plate.

Product name

Weight in grams

Quality requirement


Peeled potatoes are placed in boiling water, boiled, dried and rubbed hot.

The mashed potatoes are cooled to 40 - 50*C. Add eggs, mix and form cutlets, 2 pieces per serving, bread in breadcrumbs, fry on both sides. Serve on a small dinner plate with sour cream.

Appearance- oval-flattened shape with one pointed end, surface without cracks, evenly baked.

Color— the crust is golden, the cut is yellow.

Consistency- soft, crust - dense.

Taste and smell- moderately salty, characteristic of potatoes, smell of baked potatoes.

Weight of semi-finished product


Mass of fried cutlets

Yield with sour cream:

Instructional and technological map

Topic: Cooking fried dishes from vegetable mass

Carrot cutlets

Product name

Weight in grams

Sequence of work

Quality requirement

The carrots are cut into strips and simmered with fat in milk, at the end add semolina in a thin stream, mix and cook until tender. The mass is cooled to 40 -50°C, salt, eggs and grated cottage cheese are added, mixed and cutlets are formed, 2 pieces per serving, breaded in breadcrumbs, fried on both sides. Serve on a small dinner plate with sour cream.

Appearance- oval-flattened shape with a pointed end, surface without cracks, evenly breaded.

Color- the surface of the cutlets is light brown, at the break - orange.


Taste and smell- sweetish, characteristic of carrots, the smell of carrots and the products included in the dish.



Weight of semi-finished product


Mass of fried cutlets

Yield with sour cream:

Instructional and technological map

Topic: Cooking fried dishes from vegetable mass

Beetroot cutlets

Inventory and equipment: Scales, sieve, production table, knife, pans, spatula, spoon, electric. stove, frying pan, small dinner plate.

Product name

Weight in grams

Sequence of work

Quality requirement

The beets, boiled in their skins, are peeled, wiped and heated with fat, then semolina is added in a thin stream while stirring and cooked until tender.

The mass is cooled to 40 -50°C, salt, eggs and grated cottage cheese are added, mixed and cutlets are formed, 2 pieces per serving, breaded in breadcrumbs, fried on both sides. Serve on a small dinner plate with sour cream.

Appearance- oval-flattened with one pointed end, surface without cracks, evenly baked.

Color- crust - brown, cut - raspberry.

Consistency- soft, slightly crispy crust.

Taste and smell- sweetish, characteristic of baked beets.

Mass of boiled peeled beets



Weight of semi-finished product


Mass of fried cutlets

Yield with sour cream:

Appendix 4

Labor protection requirements when working in a hot shop

1. General requirements security

Persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone appropriate training, instructions on labor protection, medical examination and who have no contraindications due to health conditions are allowed to perform culinary work.

Students assigned to kitchen work (duties) must undergo training in performing auxiliary work (peeling potatoes, washing dishes) to work in the kitchen.

Instructions on ore safety related to auxiliary work are carried out by the head of the canteen (with an entry in the journal).

When performing culinary work by service personnel, exposure to the following dangerous harmful production factors is possible:

cuts of fingers with a knife due to careless handling;

injury to fingers when working with a meat grinder;

burns from hot liquid or steam;

electric shock when using electric stoves and other electrical appliances.

When performing culinary work, the following special clothing should be used: a cotton robe, an apron and a headscarf (cap).

Kitchen workers are required to comply with fire safety rules and know the location of primary fire extinguishing equipment. Fire extinguishers must be available in cooking areas.

In the event of an accident, the victims or an eyewitness to the accident must immediately notify (the head of the canteen, the duty officer), who will inform the administration of the institution about this. If the equipment malfunctions, stop working and report it (to the canteen manager, to the duty officer).

During work, follow the rules of wearing special clothing, using individual and collective protective equipment, observe the rules of personal hygiene, and keep the workplace clean.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

Put on overalls, tuck your hair under a headscarf (cap).

Check the serviceability of kitchen equipment and the presence of their markings.

Check the integrity of the enamel cookware, the absence of chips in the enamel, as well as the absence of cracks and chips of the tableware.

Make sure that the body of the electric stove and other electrical appliances are properly grounded, and that there are dielectric mats on the floor near them.

3 . Safety requirements during operation

3.1. Before turning on the electric stove and other electrical appliances, stand on a dielectric mat. Before plugging in the tabletop electric stove, check that the power cord and plug are in good working order, and place the stove on a fireproof stand. Do not use an electric stove with an open spiral.

Be careful when peeling vegetables. Peel potatoes with a grooved knife.

Cut vegetables and other products with well-sharpened knives on cutting boards in accordance with their markings.

When working with a meat grinder, push meat and other products into the meat grinder not with your hands, but with special wooden pestles.

Make sure that when boiling, the contents of the cookware do not splash out over the edge of the lid of the hot dish; take it with a towel and open it away from you.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situationssituations

If kitchen equipment malfunctions or cutting knives become dull, stop work and inform the teacher or foreman.

When spilling liquids or fat, immediately remove it from the floor.

If the tableware breaks, do not remove the fragments from the floor with your hands, but use a broom or brush and dustpan.

5. Safety requirements after completion of work

Turn off the electric stove and other electrical appliances; when unplugging from the electrical outlet, do not pull the cord.

Thoroughly wash work tables, dishes and kitchen utensils.

Take out waste and cleaning waste to a designated place.

Carry out a wet cleaning of the room, turn off the exhaust ventilation, take off your overalls and wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

Conclusions from the survey

Step-by-step consolidation of initial skills with demonstration of workplace organization, demonstration of operations, analysis of typical errors and ways to eliminate them.

Appendix 5

Table of disadvantages of potato cutlets



Cutlets with potato lumps

Poorly mashed potatoes; potatoes are undercooked

Liquid potato mass, violation of heat treatment and molding

The product is over-salted

Large amount of salt added

Burnt taste of the product

Long frying time

Incorrectly formed, violation of the thermal regime, liquid consistency of the potato mass

Table of disadvantages of carrot cutlets



Cutlets with lumps of carrots

Poorly mashed carrots; carrots are undercooked

The shape of the product does not match

Liquid carrot mass, violation of heat treatment and molding

Burnt taste of the product

Long frying time

The surface of the product is covered with cracks

Incorrectly formed, violation of the thermal regime, liquid consistency of the carrot mass

Table of disadvantages of beet cutlets



Cutlets with lumps of beets

Poorly pureed beets; beets are undercooked

The shape of the product does not match

Liquid beet mass, violation of heat treatment and molding

There are lumps of cottage cheese in the cutlets

We used not pureed cottage cheese; used low-fat cottage cheese

Burnt taste of the product

Long frying time

The surface of the product is covered with cracks

Incorrectly formed, violation of the thermal regime, liquid consistency of the beet mass


Appendix 8

Technological diagram preparing “potato cutlets”»

Technological diagram preparing “Carrot cutlets”»

Technological diagram preparing “Beetroot cutlets”»