How to store homemade butter. How to store butter without refrigeration. How to determine if the oil is spoiled

Often butter is stored for future use, and in this case you need to be aware of how long the product is stored in the freezer. Despite the fact that most often it is kept in the refrigerator, sometimes you have to make do with camping conditions, for example, while traveling or in a remote village. Experienced housewives use some tricks that will allow them not to lose freshness even in the absence of kitchen appliances.

In GOST 32261-2013 “Butter. Specifications» you can find information about what quality the product should be, under what conditions it should be stored and transported. As stated in the document, shelf life varies depending on the composition, type of packaging and temperature.

Standard portioned pieces in foil packaging according to GOST are stored for up to 15 days at a temperature of 2 to 5 degrees above zero - such conditions are maintained by refrigerators. The product is stored wrapped in parchment for the same amount of time. As for the freezer, when the temperature drops to minus 18 degrees, the shelf life increases to 120 days, provided there is packaging made of foil, parchment or polymer materials.

How to store it correctly

Most housewives when asked about the ideal storage place butter They will answer absolutely correctly - this tasty and healthy dairy product should be kept in the refrigerator. However, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances:

  • a shelf on the door is not the most suitable place, since the temperature will constantly change when opening and closing the refrigerator;
  • the vegetable drawer at the bottom of the appliance will allow the product to remain soft enough to be conveniently spread on sandwiches;
  • The coolest place in the refrigerator will maximize shelf life.

In manufacturer's packaging

Most often, the manufacturer uses foil as packaging for portioned bars. In this case, the purchase can be moved to the home refrigerator in the same form in which it was on the store shelf. This also applies to situations where the manufacturer has chosen parchment, a plastic box or other opaque container for packaging. Goods purchased in bulk, wrapped in plastic film, must be transferred to an oil can or wrapped in a suitable material.

In the oil can

When choosing an oiler, it is better to give preference to materials such as porcelain and stainless steel. If the container is made of plastic, then its walls will be permeable to the odors of surrounding products. In addition, it may be difficult to wash.

The basic requirements for a container for storing butter are as follows:

  • opaque walls;
  • tight-fitting lid.

In a properly selected butter dish or container suitable for its characteristics, butter can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 weeks.

In foil

To delicate taste has not deteriorated, foil is perfect for packaging. A product wrapped in this material will not lose its properties for up to 20 days.

In parchment paper

Paper is a breathable material, so the product will not suffocate. At the same time, the parchment will protect against weathering. For storage, the piece is wrapped in 2 layers. The quality will last up to 10 days.

Can it be stored in the freezer?

An excellent characteristic of the product is that it tolerates freezing remarkably well. Big piece It is advisable to cut into portions - this way there will be no need to defrost completely in order to cut off the part required by volume. The butter is wrapped in several layers of parchment paper and then in cellophane. This will prevent aromas from being absorbed from nearby foods such as meat and fish.

The shelf life in the freezer is given in the table below.

If the oil sits for longer, it will negatively affect the taste characteristics.

How to store without refrigeration

At room temperature, butter will begin to deteriorate within two days. However, there are several ways to help maintain freshness a little longer.


The simplest and yet most effective method is to place a piece of butter in a bowl of cold water and place it in the coolest place in the house. The method works even in the warm season. There is another storage option using liquid. The product is placed in glass jar. Place it in a pan of water so that the liquid reaches the middle of the container. A cotton cloth, previously moistened and well wrung out, is placed on top of the jar. The ends of the flap should fall into the water.


To keep butter fresh you will need:

  • salt - 20 g;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • parchment paper;
  • deep dishes (it is best to take enamel or glass).

The piece is pre-cut into portions weighing 150-200 g, and each part is wrapped in parchment. For these purposes, baking paper is suitable, which every housewife can find. The cubes are placed in a pan or jar and filled with cool water with salt dissolved in it. The fluid must be changed daily. The method works better if you use oppression. This way the product will last up to three weeks.


Vinegar is an excellent preservative and will help extend shelf life at room temperature. To do this, you need to prepare a vinegar solution and pour it into a glass jar. Oil placed in such a liquid will last longer. For another method of storing a product using vinegar, you will need a cotton cloth. The flap is moistened in a solution prepared from water and table vinegar, after which it is wrapped in butter. The prepared product is placed in a pan or other container, sprinkled with sugar and covered with a lid.

When the fabric dries, it is necessary to re-moisten it with a vinegar solution.

Signs of a spoiled product

If the butter begins to spoil, it is easy to notice. First of all, the color will change: the product will acquire a yellowish tint. Smell is another indicator of freshness. Spoiled oil smells damp. A stale product tastes bitter.

Substandard oil is dangerous for consumption because pathogenic microorganisms develop in it as a result of oxidation processes. If a spoiled product enters the human gastrointestinal tract, it can cause severe poisoning.

Resuscitation of spoiled oil

It is better to throw away rancid oil. However, there are situations when it becomes necessary to revive the product. There are several ways to help give spoiled oil a second life:

  • If the outer surface turns yellow during storage, the discolored layer should be removed. This advice can be used when a change in color is the only sign of damage. After cutting off the top layer, you need to change the storage conditions for the remaining part.
  • Spoiled butter can be melted. Subsequently, the product is used for cooking.
  • The simplest way is to rinse with plain water. Afterwards, you need to salt the product and mix it with a small amount of carrot juice.
  • A soda solution will help revive spoiled butter. The product is first treated with a liquid prepared from a teaspoon of soda dissolved in a glass of water, then washed and a pinch of salt is added.
  • Stale butter can be mashed in milk. Then the product must be washed under running water.

When storing, it is important to remember that the most destructive factors are high temperature and light. Accordingly, if you provide appropriate conditions and packaging that will protect against these risks, you can significantly extend the shelf life. Some tips and recommendations will help ensure long-term preservation:

  • Products that have already been stored there and have been thawed should not be re-placed into a freezer. This will worsen the taste.
  • Salted butter lasts longer because the salt in it prevents the development of bacteria.
  • When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the expiration date indicated on the packaging.
  • The oil is characterized by its ability to absorb odors well. Therefore, it is not recommended to store it open, especially near foods with strong aromas.
  • Plastic bag is not suitable for long-term storage, since in such packaging the properties deteriorate.
  • A little trick that will extend the shelf life when stored in a butter dish: place a small piece of sugar in the container.

Storing butter at home is not so difficult if you follow a number of nuances. The refrigerator is best suited for the product for every day; for long-term storage, the freezer is preferable. However, the oil will not go rancid even at room temperature if it is protected from light and high temperatures.

It would seem that this topic is not very relevant these days. After all, there are so many different types of butter on store shelves now that you don’t have to think about how to store this product, but buy it as needed.

But many thrifty housewives try to buy food, including butter, immediately after payday, as they say, while there is money. Or wholesale, which is much cheaper than buying one pack at retail.

How to properly store butter in the refrigerator

Butter easily absorbs all foreign odors. This means that it needs to be isolated from other products. Foil or parchment paper works well for this purpose.

  • If the butter is purchased by weight, then it must be divided into pieces acceptable for each family. What they will be depends on the appetites of family members, the number of eaters, and also on the culinary abilities of the hostess. After all, a lonely old woman will eat a 200 g piece of butter for two weeks, and a large family who loves sandwiches and porridge will destroy it in three days.
  • It must be remembered that butter in parchment paper stored at 0-6°C for about a week without losing its original taste. And foil extends the shelf life by another ten days. Therefore, a piece of butter is wrapped in paper or foil and sent to the top shelf of the refrigerator - closer to the freezer.
  • Nowadays, cling film or plastic bags are widely used for food packaging. And some housewives boldly wrap butter in them. But you shouldn’t do this, as it suffocates in the bag, turns yellow and becomes tasteless.
  • If the oil is going to be used in the coming days, then it is placed in an oil dish. The choice of oiler also affects the taste of the oil. Porcelain or stainless steel containers are best suited for this purpose. An oil dish made of this material is easy to wash, removing the smell. But plastic dishes strongly absorb foreign odors, and the oil in them is stored worse. The exception is high-quality food-grade plastic utensils.
  • If you don’t plan to use butter for food in the near future, it should be put in the freezer.

How to store butter in the freezer

  • The butter is wrapped in parchment or foil and then placed in a thick plastic bag.
  • Tie it well so that the oil does not absorb the odors of vegetables or meat (fish). Put it in the freezer.
  • In the freezer, butter can be stored without loss of taste for about 9 months if the temperature in the compartment is -12°, and at -18° - up to a year.
  • Peasant oil is stored a little less - from 6 to 11 months (depending on the temperature in the freezer).
  • But if the oil is not real, but a spread, then such a product should be consumed no later than 2-3 months from the moment of freezing.

How to store butter without refrigeration

Sometimes there are situations when oil has to be stored at room temperature. What do you do in this case?

  • Place the butter in an enamel or glass container and fill it with very cold water. Close with a lid. In this form you can store it for a very long time. The main thing is that you need to change the water twice every day.
  • The butter is placed in a container and filled with salt water. In such water, the oil does not turn yellow or become rancid. But the water also needs to be changed daily.
  • Portioned pieces of butter are wrapped in parchment and placed in a pan. Pour in a salty solution (a spoonful of salt per liter of water) and press down with a small weight. The water is changed daily.
  • A piece of butter is wrapped in a cloth soaked in a vinegar solution and placed in a pan. Place a piece of sugar next to it and cover with a lid.
  • Sometimes housewives store butter in a glass jar into which cold water acidified with vinegar is poured.
  • The oil is placed in a jar, and that, in turn, is placed in a pan with cold water. The jar is covered with a damp cotton cloth, the ends of which are dipped in water.

Festive video recipe:

Note to the hostess

  • Butter should not be left on the table. So it spoils quickly.
  • Oil becomes rancid if exposed to light for a long time. Therefore, the oil dish should not allow light to pass through.
  • If the package of butter says “butter”, then it is real butter. In all other cases it is margarine. Or, as it is fashionable to call it now, “spread”.
  • The color of butter is sometimes unreal, as it is often tinted with carotene.
  • If the butter begins to deteriorate, then you need to mercilessly cut it off on all sides and melt it.
  • Butter is not recommended for frying, as it then forms carcinogenic substances.

These simple tips will help any housewife keep butter fresh and tasty.

Butter is a frequent guest in our kitchen. It is tasty and healthy if you choose a quality product and store it properly. To keep the oil fresh longer, it should be kept in the refrigerator or freezer. But there are situations when this is not possible. In this case, you can also extend the life of the product if you know some secrets. Let's talk in more detail about each storage method.

How to store butter in the refrigerator

Eliminate foreign odors

The oil absorbs any odors very quickly. Therefore, during storage, it is important to ensure its isolation from other products, as well as reliable packaging. Foil or parchment paper works best for this.

Choose the right packaging

Butter purchased in bulk is divided into portions and wrapped in parchment. In this form, at temperatures from 0 to +6 °C, it will retain its original taste for 7 days.

Oil packed in foil stays fresh longer, a little over 2 weeks. And it is advisable to refuse common cling films and plastic bags. The oil in such packaging quickly begins to suffocate, turn yellow, and become bitter.

Note: the shelf life of the oil can be extended by as much as 2 weeks if you repackage the product after 14 days. In this case, it is transferred to a washed butter dish or wrapped using new foil.

Use an oil can

The butter, which is planned to be consumed in the next 2–4 days, is placed in a butter dish. There are certain requirements for this type of cookware:

  • It must have a lid and close tightly.
  • Choose an opaque container as the oil begins to deteriorate when exposed to light.
  • Preference should be given to a porcelain or stainless steel oil dish. But plastic containers are difficult to wash, and they also strongly absorb odors, which are very difficult to get rid of. It has been noticed that butter spoils faster in plastic containers.

Long-term storage - only in the freezer

It is worth keeping oil in the refrigerator, which will quickly be used in food. For longer storage, place it in the freezer.

Salted butter lasts longer

Sandwich butter that tastes salty can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 1 month. Salt inhibits the proliferation of bacteria that participate in the oxidation process.

Storing butter in the freezer

All valuable qualities of the oil will be preserved for 1 year if the temperature in the freezer is within - 18 °C. At -12 °C the product shelf life is 9 months.

Unnatural oil with additives, the so-called spread, can be frozen for no more than 3 months.

To prevent the butter from spoiling in the freezer, it must be packaged into pieces, each of which should be wrapped in foil or parchment. You can additionally protect the product from foreign odors if you place the packaged pieces in a thick plastic bag and tie it tightly.

Secrets of storing butter without a refrigerator

It happens, especially during a hike, a trip to the country, or when the refrigerator breaks down, that you need to keep the oil fresh. They will tell you what you can do people's councils. Butter will not spoil within 3 weeks if you use one of the suggested methods.

Cold water

Take an enamel or glass container and place the oil in it. All that remains is to pour cold water and close the lid. The oil will not spoil for a very long time, provided that the water is replaced twice every day.


It prevents the growth of bacteria, so you can save oil by placing it in a container and filling it with salt water. The solution should be changed daily to avoid yellowing and rancid taste.

Complicated option. Cut the creamy product into pieces, wrap in foil or parchment. Take a pan in which to place the packed pieces. Prepare a solution of 1 liter of cold water and 20 g of salt, pour oil into it. Cover with a plate on top and place the press. Replace water once a day. Place the container with oil in a dark place.


You need to do the following: moisten a clean cloth in vinegar and wrap the creamy product in it. Place everything in the pan, and pay attention - be sure to leave a piece of sugar next to the bottom. Cover the dish with a lid.

Another vinegar-based method. Place the oil in a glass container, then add cold water and vinegar.

Note to the hostess

It so happened that they didn’t pay attention and left the butter on the table. As a result, under the influence of sunlight, it turned yellow on top. But all is not lost - the damaged piece can still be saved. In this situation, do this:

  1. Carefully cut off the top layer of oil that has turned yellow.
  2. The rest is placed in the pan. Heat it up and wait for the butter to melt.
  3. When the oil boils, add 3 slices of fresh apple.
  4. After a minute, remove the pan and leave the oil to cool. Remove the apple pieces.
  5. When the oil has cooled, you need to put it in an oil dish and keep it out of the sun's rays.

And finally, some tips on how to distinguish real oil from a surrogate:

  • Good oil has a light, whitish or slightly yellow tint.
  • Real oil has virtually no odor, and it melts in your mouth.
  • When cut, a frozen product will break off into pieces, but not crumble.
  • A natural creamy product, after taking it out of the refrigerator, will never have droplets of moisture on the surface.
  • If you put a piece of butter in a heated frying pan, it will melt slowly, without crackling or unpleasant odor.

Why is it worth buying domestic oil? We recommend watching this video.

Butter is a popular and useful product nutrition. It is used for frying vegetables and meat, making sandwiches, and adding to baked goods. This explains the interest in the shelf life of butter, the value of which depends on a number of factors. We'll talk about this in the article.

The shelf life and storage conditions of fat and oil products are stipulated by the current GOST 32261-2013 “Butter. Technical conditions". The shelf life of a product is determined by its type, technical characteristics of manufacture and storage mode.

Oil is divided into 2 types:

  • sweet creamy;
  • sour cream.

Each category additionally includes a salted and unsalted variety. The difference between them is in the initial components that are used in manufacturing. Sweet is made from pure cream, and sour is made with the addition of lactic acid bacteria.

The product is divided into 3 types according to the amount of milk fat in the composition:

  • Traditional butter with a fat content of 82.5%;
  • Amateur – 80%;
  • Peasant - 72.5%.

Oil products are classified as perishable. Because of this, their storage duration is short. The shelf life of butter according to GOST, depending on packaging and temperature conditions, is indicated in the table:


The shelf life of butter produced during the grazing period, regardless of the type and quantity of milk fat packaged in foil, is 270 days. Provided that the standards are met temperature regime(not higher than -18 °C) and humidity (70-90%).

How to store at home: conditions, place, container, timing

How long butter is stored in the refrigerator does not depend on the production method. Both home and factory products have the same terms, which are determined by packaging and storage location.

  1. In packaging from the manufacturer. If the factory wrapper is not transparent, then the product can be stored for the time indicated on it without changing to an oil can or foil.
  2. In an oil can, a tightly closed container made of opaque plastic. An oil dish is a recommended container for storing the product in the refrigerator. There is an important criterion - it must be opaque and covered with a lid. Such packaging will prevent exposure to light and the absorption of specific odors. The shelf life of butter under such conditions is 20 days.
  3. In foil The storage duration is 21 days.
  4. In parchment paper. Butter wrapped in two layers of paper can be stored in the refrigerator for 10 days. Saving appearance, taste, safety for food consumption is guaranteed.

You can increase the storage time by placing the product on a shelf with the lowest temperature. It is forbidden to put it in the door, as there are constant changes in degrees due to its opening and closing.

Note to the hostess

There is no need to store the oil and fat product in a plastic bag. Such containers contribute to the loss of taste.

The best option is to choose an oiler made of porcelain and stainless metal. Plastic products are bad because they are difficult to clean and quickly absorb odors, which are difficult to deal with.

Can butter be stored in the freezer?

A freezer with a temperature of -24 to -18 °C is optimal.

How long butter is stored in the freezer depends on its type:

  • Salted food will last up to 1 year under the above conditions, and 9 months at -12 °C.
  • The usual one will retain its properties for 5 and 3 months, respectively.

Tip of the day

Due to the fact that natural butter freezes at sub-zero temperatures, before sending it to the freezer, it is necessary to divide it into portions and wrap it in foil or parchment paper for ease of further use.

Storage without refrigeration

The first method will require enamel or glass containers, parchment, and salt.

  1. The product is divided into parts and wrapped in parchment paper.
  2. The briquettes are placed in a pan, into which a brine solution is then poured (25 g of salt per 1 liter of drinking water).
  3. Portions of oil are pressed down, for example, using a massive plate, so that they do not float to the surface.
  4. Cover the pan with a lid and put it in a cool, dark place.

You can also place the oil, divided into parts, into a clean cloth previously soaked in table vinegar. Place in a cool, dark place. It is important that there is no exposure to sunlight.

The methods will preserve the freshness and taste of the product for several weeks at a relative humidity of no more than 90%. Without special preparation, butter can be stored in conditions room temperature without exposure to ultraviolet rays for one week.

Sunlight accelerates product deterioration: reduced nutritional value, yellowing occurs, the oil turns sour

If suddenly the product hits direct sun rays and turned yellow, the situation can be saved. You need to do the following:

  1. Remove the top yellowed layer.
  2. Place the rest on a heated frying pan. Wait until the butter is completely melted.
  3. Remove the top substance and dispose of the sediment.

Did you know that...

Butter contains about 20 essential fatty acids, vitamins A, D, E, K. Under the influence of high temperatures and UV rays, substances oxidize and their beneficial qualities disappear.

Butter or spread – how to tell the difference?

Not every buyer knows the difference between an oil-like product and butter. Some do not notice the differences, others tend to consider the spread a “low-fat” creamy product. What is it really?

The basis for making butter is cream. Normalized in special production separators, it is divided into skim milk and high-fat cream. Next, the latter are whipped using oil presses, resulting in the formation of oil. Everything in it is natural - if food additives are included in the composition, then in extremely small quantities.

May additionally include:

  • natural dye carotene (no more than 3 mg/kg) for color;
  • vitamin preservatives (vitamin A no more than 10 ml/kg);
  • vegetable dye annatto (not more than 10 mg/kg);
  • bacterial starter;
  • salt;
  • drinking water.

Did you know that...

Butter can be a product made from cream with a fat content of at least 72.5%. Products containing other components are automatically classified as spreads and margarines. This product is cheaper than the real thing.

The spread is based on 2 parts:

  1. Dairy: cream, milk, buttermilk.
  2. Vegetable: corn, coconut, palm and other types of oil.

By carefully studying the composition, you can understand whether it is a spread or an oil. Also, natural cream products have GOST R-52969. If there are different numbers on the packaging, this is a vegetable fat product or margarine, which are manufactured according to other GOST standards, which allow the inclusion of flavors, preservatives, and emulsifiers. Thanks to this, the shelf life of the spread can reach up to 100 days.

Since 2014, GOST has been introduced for an independent product - butter with fillers: chocolate, honey, herbs, seafood and meat products, berries, fruits, vegetables and their mixtures

The following ways to independently distinguish spread from butter are popular among housewives:

  1. Place in the freezer, after 10 minutes take it out and cut a piece of paper. If the product crumbles, then it is a quality product; if not, then this is a sign of a spread.
  2. Natural butter has a characteristic pleasant smell and a dull yellow color. Yellow and orange indicate the presence of dyes. To detect them for sure, you need to put a piece in 40% alcohol. Coloring of the liquid indicates the presence of dyes.
  3. Warm up the speed and add the product. The butter will quickly melt and hiss, and a pleasant smell will be heard. The spread will gradually begin to melt, and the resulting “aroma” will cause the need to ventilate the kitchen.

But these methods are not always justified.

Or it doesn’t last long in the refrigerator beneficial properties: its main component - milk fat - is well tolerated low temperatures. When defrosted, the product acquires its original taste and smell, provided that the oil was stored according to all the rules.

Can butter be stored in the freezer?

100 g of natural butter contains:

  • fat - 72.5–82.5 g;
  • proteins and carbohydrates - about 1 g.

Mineral composition: selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium, zinc, potassium. Vitamins: A, B2, B4, B12, D, E, K.

In order to preserve the benefits of the product for a long time, it is important to create optimal conditions for it. At a temperature of -24...-18°C, the properties of salted butter are preserved for a whole year, at -12°C - for 9 months. For unsalted, the values ​​are reduced to 5 and 3 months, respectively.

Storage methods

The product is kept for up to 20 days in a butter dish with a tight lid, 21 days in foil, 10 days in parchment, for the period specified by the manufacturer in the original packaging.

Advice! Utensils made of stainless steel, ceramics, porcelain, and food-grade plastic are suitable for oil. In a glass container it will quickly deteriorate.

At an optimal temperature of 0°C...+6°C, the product does not oxidize and does not absorb foreign odors.

In the freezer

First, the butter is cut into small pieces, each one is wrapped in foil and placed in a container or tight bag.

Closed containers are placed in the freezer. As you use it, take out 1-2 pieces. Repeated freezing is unacceptable.


How long you can store butter in the freezer depends on its packaging. Parchment paper loses moisture faster. The material does not protect the product from foreign odors; a dark coating forms on it.

Safer options are foil and sealed plastic containers.

Shelf life

Factory-produced packs are stored for 1 to 3 months.

Advice! If a shelf life of more than 90 days is indicated, this means that the product contains a lot of chemical additives, due to which it does not spoil for a long time, but its benefits are reduced to zero.

  • 10 days - in parchment;
  • 15 days - in a polymer container;
  • 20 days - in foil.

What do they depend on?

How long oil is stored depends on its quality, proper transportation and conditions in the store.

Manufacturers indicate on the package:

  • name: “Creamy”, “Peasant” or “Amateur”;
  • Ingredients: cream, whole milk, salt, lactic acid bacteria;
  • mass fraction of fat - not less than 72.5%;
  • GOST 32261-2013.

Deviations from these indicators indicate poor quality composition. The phrase “made according to GOST” without specific numbers is not enough. The names “Maslitse”, “Homemade” and others indicate the presence of vegetable fats.

The shelf life depends on:

  • composition;
  • fat content;
  • air temperature;
  • packaging.

Shelf life of butter with a fat content of 72.5–82.5% according to GOST 32261-2013, in days:

The product is stored longer with:

  • preservation: chemical additives extend shelf life, but make the oil less useful or even dangerous;
  • pasteurization, which destroys pathogenic microflora;
  • homogenization: raw materials are made more homogeneous, thereby increasing shelf life;
  • vacuum packaging: moisture is not removed from the oil, as with the screw method, and it is not made over-dried;
  • sourdough: a sour cream product with sourdough differs in taste and is stored longer than a cream product.

Storage at room temperature

The shelf life of oil without refrigeration is no more than 20 days.

Storage methods:

  1. In saline solution. The product is cut into pieces of 100–150 g, each wrapped in foil. Place in a container and fill with a cold brine solution of 2 liters of water and 40 g of salt. Cover with a wide saucer and place under a load. Keep the container in a cool, dark place. The solution is changed every day.
  2. In vinegar. The oil in foil is placed in a glass jar and filled with vinegar. Cover with a tight lid and keep in a cool, dark place. Another option is to wrap the pieces in a cloth soaked in vinegar and place them in an airtight container. Pieces of refined sugar are placed on top.

Signs of spoiled oil

Prolonged storage of a product under incorrect conditions leads to changes in its taste, color and benefits.

Positive temperatures and light weaken the aroma and cause a stale taste. The oil quickly deteriorates, becomes coated, and acquires a bitter odor. The oxidation of fats produces aldehydes, ketones and other harmful compounds.

How to check product freshness:

  • look at the expiration date and date of manufacture;
  • cut off a piece to look at the color inside: fresh oil is whitish or light yellow, the cut area is shiny and dry;
  • pay attention to the smell.

The main signs of a spoiled product:

  • bright yellow color;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • bitter taste.

The appearance of a yellow coating indicates the rapid spread of bacteria. This oil is disposed of or melted down and used in baking. Sometimes a deep yellow color indicates a large amount of food coloring.

Attention! Upon purchase dairy product on the market, dubious private producers have a risk of contracting an infectious disease - salmonellosis. In small industries, the quality of raw materials is poorly controlled. Salmonella in the milk of infected cows is not destroyed for 6 months.

Mold occurs when the integrity of the packaging is compromised. Removing the damaged area will not save the rest of the oil: fungi penetrate deeply and damage the entire product. This product is not used for food.


A high-quality natural product meets the standard - GOST 32261-2013, contains milk, cream, lactic acid bacteria, salt. The inscription on the packaging is always clear and precise: butter “Cream”, “Krestyanskoe”, “Lyubitelskoe”.

Store the product in paper-based foil, parchment, and airtight containers. Keep in the freezer in portions.

When purchasing, pay attention to the expiration date, date of manufacture, and integrity of the packaging: dented packs indicate a violation of the temperature regime during transportation or in the store.