Schoolchildren's nutrition and options for "snacks" to school. Food to school: how to make a convenient and healthy snack for a child Sandwiches for a student recipes

School age is a key period in the development of the child's body, in which the formation of the skeleton and muscles is completed, hormonal and neuropsychic maturation occurs. In terms of intensity of growth, school age is comparable only with the first year of life.

Student nutrition requirements:

  • sufficient intake proteins
  • enough minerals(iodine, calcium, iron, zinc, selenium): mineral deficiency reduces learning ability and leads to anemia, leads to growth retardation, osteoporosis, decreased visual and auditory memory, impaired personality formation, impaired learning ability, reduced immune response;
  • enough vitamins(A, E, C, B1, B12, etc.): their deficiency increases the risk of acne, joint diseases, diabetes mellitus, and a decrease in the immune response;
  • taking into account the characteristics of hormonal changes, nutrition should reduce the risk obesity and hormonal skin lesions(acne): it is necessary to avoid high-calorie foods, soda, flour products;
  • taking into account the rhythm of life of a modern child, nutrition should reduce the risk of developing stomach diseases(peptic ulcer, gastroduodenitis): the child should eat regularly and fully (at the same time, avoid hungry pauses);

In order to satisfy all of the above, the child must eat as varied as possible and follow a diet. The child should receive hot meals throughout the day, however, to replenish energy costs and food reserves before the school lunch, if it is impossible to eat in the school cafeteria, or if there is an individual intolerance to a number of dishes, the child should have his own snack on hand. Also, provided that the child stays for an after-school, he needs either an afternoon snack or a snack from home.

Based on the above, "snacks":

  • must not be perishable and must be kept out of the refrigerator for at least 6 hours;
  • should be convenient to eat them outside the dining room, do not get your hands dirty, be compact and not fall apart in the hands of a child
  • should be balanced and include products from each food group:
    • fresh fruit (pear, plum, apple, banana), vegetable (carrot, cucumber, pepper, radish) or seasonal berries (blueberries; gooseberries; cherries); it is better to wash fruits and vegetables not in advance, but in the morning immediately before leaving for school: washed vegetables are stored less.
    • milk or milk product, perhaps even enriched with pre- or probiotics (yogurt, casserole, cheesecakes, cottage cheese, cheese, cheese)
    • bread and its derivatives (lavash, pita, tortilla can be used; it is advisable to use whole grain bread, not white)
    • protein (fish, meat or cheese)
    • water, compote or natural fruit juice (it is undesirable to use commercially produced juices, they have too much sugar)
    • dried fruits, dates, raisins, nuts, you can muesli or a cereal bar from oatmeal, baked in the oven with honey/raisins
  • Packaging should be: strong and tight; you can use containers, paper bags, plastic bags with a zipper; cling film, foil or (optimally place the bag in a container to keep its shape)
    • if food can wrinkle, use solid containers (including banana containers, for example)
    • if you are serving a warm/cold meal, or if you are serving food that does not keep well, you can use a container with a thermal insulation or coolant
  • Do not forget to give your child wet and dry wipes, disinfectant gels.
  • Put the child food for friends?

Many ready meals are perishable products and are not recommended for use after storage without a refrigerator for more than 4-6 hours, as this increases the risk of growth of pathogenic bacteria in them and the risk of poisoning:

  • broths and soups on meat / fish / mushroom broth;
  • second courses of meat, fish, poultry, vegetable stew, mushroom dishes;
  • boiled, stuffed, liver, blood sausages, sausages, sausages, boiled hams, boiled pork (with the exception of half-smoked and boiled-smoked sausages, smoked meats, which are stored at room temperature for up to 3 days)
  • from cold dishes - jelly and jelly, jellied meat and fish,
  • Salads dressed with butter, sour cream and mayonnaise (children may have salad dressing separately)
  • cream confectionery

In addition, I recall a few simple rules for a balanced diet for preschoolers and schoolchildren:

  • better boiled, steamed or baked than fried
  • do not use refractory fats (mutton, duck, pork, goose), black pepper, margarine
  • limit the use of spices, salt, marinades, smoked meats, flavors, food additives
  • whole grain porridge; avoid fast food cereals
  • avoid smoked, pickled, canned, mayonnaise, vinegar, lard, pork or cooking oil, cream confectionery, jelly / jellies / aspic dishes, mincemeat, black and liver sausage, duck and goose meat,
  • do not abuse bread, pasta and pasta, cereals - excess carbohydrates contribute to the accumulation of fat in the body and serve as a risk factor for obesity
  • offer plenty of fruits and vegetables and herbs
  • no fast food, sweet soda, chips
  • freshly squeezed juice / water / fruit drink is better than store-bought juice
  • protein (from meat, fish, poultry and eggs) is necessary for a growing body; a vegetarian diet is not recommended for children during development and growth
  • milk and dairy products must be present in the child's diet
  • salt is allowed, better iodized
  • meals rich in protein (meat, fish, eggs) are given at 1 noon (breakfast and lunch) (these meals are rich in proteins, fats and extractives (they act exciting and can disturb sleep) and require more digestive juices, and at night the processes of digestion slow down)
  • dinner 1.5-2 hours before bedtime
  • sweet food or pastry recommended - 1 time per day (snack or dinner)
  • entertaining a child with food (TV, etc.) reduces the production of gastric juice and is not recommended
  • avoid spicy, straight, mustard, horseradish, pepper, strong tea and coffee
  • do not use packaged juice
  • it is not advisable to repeat the same dishes throughout the day; make a diet so that every day the child receives: fruits, vegetables, milk and dairy products, butter and vegetable oils, whole grain breads and cereals, and at least 2-3 times a week - fish and eggs


  • small sandwiches or toast: whole wheat bread, pita; without sausage and butter; without tomatoes, but it is possible with a cucumber; do not use mayonnaise / ketchup; you can use: cheese, olives, lettuce, cucumber, tuna, lean boiled meat or turkey / pate / processed cheese, Bell pepper, onion, arugula, sun-dried tomatoes, scrambled eggs, spinach
  • pancakes (rolled into a tube or an envelope) stuffed (cheese, apple)
  • baked bun with cheese / boiled chicken / boiled tongue and tomatoes, olives
  • stuffed baked potatoes (cheese, for example)
  • roll: roll in pita bread, tortilla or Mexican cheese quesadilla: cottage cheese / cheese / cheese / greens, dried fruits, berries, avocado, scrambled eggs
  • stuffed pies: cheese, rice, apple


1. "Sandwich"

Ingredients: a slice of turkey ham, a thin slice of hard cheese, 1/3 pickled cucumber, lettuce, 2 tsp. ricotta, a slice of whole grain bread

PREPARATION: put the bread in the toaster, cut in half. Brush both slices with ricotta on one side. Cut the cucumber into 2 thin strips. Place all ingredients in layers on one slice of bread and cover with another.

2. "Baked potatoes"

Ingredients: 1 large potato, 30 g of hard cheese, 1 sprig of dill, salt to taste, 1 tsp. olive oil, foil

PREPARATION: Wash potatoes and pat dry. Brush with oil and salt. wrap with foil and send for 30-40 minutes in a preheated oven at 200 C. after cooking, do not cut the potatoes in half completely, sprinkle with cheese and dill.

3. "Pancakes with apples"

Ingredients: milk 0.5 l, 3 eggs, 50 g butter, 2 tbsp. sugar, a pinch of salt, flour, hot water (boiling water), vegetable oil for greasing the pan.


1. Separate the yolks from the proteins. Whisk the egg whites into a firm foam.

2. Beat the yolks, milk, sugar and salt in a separate bowl.

3. Continuing to beat, add the flour gradually until the sour cream thickens.

4. Melt the butter and pour into the dough, mix. Gently fold the whites into the batter with a spatula and slowly add boiling water, stirring constantly until the pancake dough is formed.

2. Heat the pan over high heat, grease with oil and pour the dough alternately in a thin layer.

For filling for 1 person: 1 apple, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1.5 tsp water


1. Peel the apple from seeds and peel.

2. Cut into thin slices.

3. Heat the pan over medium heat. Put apples and sprinkle evenly with sugar, add water. Simmer until the apples are soft with the lid closed.

Put the filling on the pancake (each separately) and roll into a tube.

4. "Roll with cottage cheese and herbs"

Ingredients: 3 tbsp. cottage cheese, 1/2 tbsp. sour cream, 1 green onion feather, 4-5 arugula leaves (you can use any greens you like), 1/2 thin pita bread

PREPARATION: finely chop the greens and mix all the ingredients. Spread thin pita bread and spread with a thin layer curd cream, twist into a roll and cut in half.

Bon appetit!!!

Pediatrician and neonatologist, candidate of sciences and mother, Levadnaya Anna. Recipes prepared by Anna Dziuba.

Lunch for a student should be healthy and nutritious, so that he can not only satisfy his hunger and energize, but also enrich the child's body with vitamins. Therefore, every mother should pay special attention to its preparation.

We offer you to get acquainted with the options for healthy and tasty lunches for schoolchildren, which you can easily prepare and give to your child with you, simply by packing them in a lunch box.

1. Vegetables, fruits and whole grain bread

This version of a school lunch is one of the simplest and at the same time very useful, because mom does not have to cook anything, but it will be possible to fill the needs of the child's body in vitamins, minerals and fiber.

You can easily put such a lunch in a lunch box into three compartments:

  • Cherry tomatoes;
  • a slice of whole grain bread;
  • fruits - it is better to give the child hard varieties, after cutting them into pieces (pears, apples, bananas are suitable).

When preparing lunch for a student, be sure to take into account his preferences and give only those foods that he likes. Then lunch will definitely be eaten, and the child will be full.

2. Brown rice, chicken and fresh vegetables

This is a complete lunch that will satisfy the needs of the child's body for complex carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins.

First you need to cook rice:

  • take the required amount of cereal and rinse in cold water until it becomes transparent;
  • put water on fire at the rate of 2.5 parts of liquid per 1 part of brown rice;
  • after boiling water, add the washed cereal, a little salt and cook until tender (about 40 minutes).

The next step is cooking the meat. Give preference to chicken or turkey fillets.

You can cook fillet tasty and healthy like this:

  • rinse the fillet and cut into small slices 1.5 - 2 cm thick;
  • lightly beat off the meat;
  • salt, add spices if desired and leave to marinate for 10 - 15 minutes;
  • fry the fillet on both sides in a preheated pan without adding vegetable oil(or with a minimum amount).

As for vegetables, put in a lunch box those that your baby loves. Suitable cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, lettuce. They can be cut into pieces or strips if desired.

Such a lunch is perfect for children who still attend extra classes, circles or sports sections after school.

3. Sandwich, tomato and nuts

An excellent lunch option for children who experience increased intellectual stress.

To make a sandwich you will need:

  • 2 slices of whole grain bread;
  • 2 lettuce leaves;
  • 2 slices of ham;
  • a slice of hard cheese.

Fold the sandwich in the following order: bread, lettuce, ham, cheese, ham again, lettuce, slice of bread.

Cherry tomatoes and a handful of nuts (but not salted) will be a great addition to the sandwich. Instead of nuts, you can offer your child oatmeal cookies.

4. Broccoli, chicken nuggets and fruit

A light, tasty and healthy lunch for a schoolboy of broccoli, nuggets and fruits will energize for a long time.

To prepare it, you will need fresh broccoli florets, which must be thoroughly washed under running water and sent to a pot of boiling salted water.

Tip #1: boil fresh inflorescences for 5 - 7 minutes, while frozen - 10 - 12 minutes.

Tip #2: so that broccoli does not lose its beautiful green color and retains its vitamins as much as possible, it is recommended that after the end of the cooking process, lower the inflorescences into a container with ice water for 10-15 seconds.

Let's move on to chicken nuggets, for the preparation of which you will need:

Cooking chicken nuggets is quite simple:

  • rinse chicken fillet, dry and cut into strips up to 3 cm thick, salt, add spices to taste;
  • beat the egg with a whisk;
  • roll strips of chicken fillet alternately in flour, then in egg and breadcrumbs;
  • fry in a hot pan with a little olive oil.

Complement your lunch with your child's favorite fruits or berries.

5. Vegetable mix, chicken and dried fruits

This is an easy and satisfying lunch option that you can prepare quickly and easily.

Cut the chicken fillet into slices and boil in salted water until fully cooked (put the fillet in boiling water and cook for 30 minutes).

We supplement the boiled fillet with a vegetable mix consisting of sliced ​​​​cucumbers, sweet peppers and carrots.

You can also put a small piece of whole grain bread.

As a healthy dessert, give your child some dried fruits - dried apricots, dates, raisins.

6. Sandwich, vegetables and pancakes

A sandwich made from whole grain bread, a slice of hard cheese, baked homemade meat or boiled chicken is a great solution for a school lunch. You can supplement such a sandwich with straws of vegetables - cucumber, bell pepper, carrots.

As a dessert, offer your child delicious homemade pancakes, which you can cook in the morning with the following ingredients:

  • milk - 300 ml;
  • flour - 100 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp.

Recipe for pancakes:

  1. We beat the eggs.
  2. Add sugar, salt and olive oil.
  3. Heat the milk (but do not bring to a boil) and pour into the egg mixture.
  4. Slowly add the flour sifted through a sieve, constantly stirring the pancake dough (this will help avoid the formation of lumps).
  5. As a result, you should get a dough that resembles liquid sour cream in consistency.
  6. It is important to pour the pancakes into a well-heated pan, greased with a small amount of oil. If the pan is warm or slightly hot, your pancakes will cook rather than fry.
  7. Fry pancakes on both sides.

Advice: removing the pancake from the pan, grease it with butter, then it will turn out incredibly fragrant and juicy.

We wrap the pancakes with an envelope and send them to the lunch box.

7. Lavash with vegetables and chicken, grapes

You can cook an unusual, but at the same time nutritious and healthy lunch in pita bread with the addition of vegetables and chicken fillet.

First, let's prepare the meat:

  • take the chicken fillet, rinse it, dry it and cut into strips 2-3 cm thick;
  • strips of meat can be lightly beaten off, salted, peppered and left to marinate for a quarter of an hour;
  • then fry the chicken fillet in a dry heated frying pan until fully cooked.

Fform pita bread:

  • take half a sheet of pita bread and put a lettuce leaf, fried in the middle chicken breast and vegetables, cut into strips (cucumbers, sweet peppers);
  • wrap pita bread, bending both its edges;
  • fry a little on both sides.

In addition to such a hearty meal, you can put grapes (or other fruits if desired).

8. Cheesecakes, fruits and nuts

Sometimes you can please a diligent schoolboy with a sweet lunch. Cheesecakes will be an excellent option, which will satisfy the feeling of hunger and saturate the child's body with milk protein.

Cheesecake Ingredients:

  • cottage cheese 9% fat - 500 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • flour - 5 tbsp.

Preparation of cheesecakes:

  • Mash the cottage cheese with eggs with a fork (there should be no large lumps in the resulting mass).
  • Add sugar, salt to the curd and mix thoroughly.
  • Add flour and mix the curd mass again.
  • Grease a frying pan with a little sunflower oil and set to warm up over medium heat.
  • Form curd balls, roll them in flour, shape them into small, and at the same time not very flat cakes, and send them to the pan.
  • Fry cheesecakes on both sides for 2 minutes (until golden brown).

You can supplement this lunch with fruits or dried fruits.

A handful of nuts will help to activate brain activity and satisfy hunger.

What foods should not be given to a student as lunch?

If you want your child to eat a balanced diet, it is not recommended to use the following products as lunch for a student:

  1. Sausages and smoked products. Not only do they have nothing to do with proper nutrition, but they can also become a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria, as well as a pungent odor that is hardly appropriate.
  2. Dairy and dairy products. They have enough short term suitability and can only be stored in a refrigerator. After lying half a day in a backpack (especially in the warm season), such a meal can cause a child to become poisoned.
  3. Chocolate, candy, filled biscuits. These products can only dull the feeling of hunger for a while. In addition, they contain a huge amount of sugar, which, if consumed daily, can lead to tooth decay.
  4. Chips and croutons. They contain a lot of preservatives and chemical additives. Children should not use such products not only at school. It is better to exclude them from the child's diet altogether.
  5. Soft fruit varieties. Peaches, apricots, oranges are certainly good for health, but giving them to school is not the best solution. It is extremely inconvenient to eat them at school, besides, the excessive juiciness of the fruit can cause stains on the clothes, books and notebooks of the child.

From childhood, introducing a child to the right diet, you take care of his health and form the right eating habits in him, which will certainly come in handy in adulthood!

Lunch options for kids at school

Complete and proper nutrition is the key to good health for many years. It is especially important to eat right for a child. Often school meals are not as tasty and healthy as we would like. In our article, we will tell you what you can bring your child to school with you.

A lunch box to school is a rational solution that will allow your child to keep healthy.

Healthy eating rules for a student

Before leaving for school, the child must eat a hot breakfast. It is best to give foods containing starch for breakfast - potatoes, pasta and porridge.

Teach your child to eat slowly, and never force him to finish everything that is on the plate - he should eat as much as he wants.

Nutritionists do not recommend giving your child packaged juices, however, if you decide to bring a juice bag with you to school, pay attention to the inscriptions - the juice must be 100% natural and contain no preservatives. It should be noted that taking juice on an empty stomach is undesirable, especially orange juice which can irritate the stomach lining. Overweight children can be given juice every 10-14 days.

The break between meals in school-age children should not exceed 4 hours, a long gap can lead to stagnation of bile. It is good if a full-fledged hot meal is organized at the school, but even this pleasant fact does not always help - today the number of children suffering from various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, who are not suitable for food from public catering, has significantly increased. To avoid health problems, do not give your child sweets, pastries, chips and crackers with you to school. An excess of sweets leads to disruption of metabolic processes and can provoke the development of diabetes.

Give up sausage products and sandwiches with butter. It is quite enough that a child can eat such a sandwich for breakfast.

School snack

For elementary school children, choose bright boxes for school lunches. , divided into several parts. You can easily place sandwiches, dried fruits, vegetables and fruits in such a container. When choosing a lunch box, pay attention to whether it opens easily. Remember that the break at school lasts 10-15 minutes, the child should not waste time trying to open the package. When putting together a school lunch, remember that children love to share with friends! The main rule of the school lunch box is that the smaller the portion, the more varied the menu will be.

What can you give your child to school for a snack?

First of all, pay attention to the dishes that your child likes. But remember, it is not recommended to combine hot and cold food in one package.

  1. It is clear what to put mashed potatoes and a steam cutlet in a lunch box, we are unlikely to be able to, but we can always make a sandwich or small canapes with the same cutlets only flatter.
  2. Instead of sausages and cutlets, you can use boiled or baked meat.
  3. An original and useful addition to such a dish will be a piece of hard cheese, carrot sticks, cucumber slices and sweet and sour fruits.
  4. Vegetables are an invaluable product rich in vitamins and useful microelements. Take your child to school with baked vegetables and cereals.
  5. Cheesecakes are a good and healthy snack. Cheesecakes for school are best baked in the oven, so you will avoid the need to use a large amount of oil, and the cheesecakes themselves will have an attractive and appetizing golden crust.
  6. Cottage cheese casserole.
  7. You can also use light crackers and biscuits as a snack. Avoid products with creams and fillings, as well as brittle cookies.
  8. Fruits are best if they are apples, pears, grapes and bananas.
  9. Perfectly satisfy the feeling of hunger and dried fruits, 50-70 grams of figs, dried apricots or raisins are excellent food for the brain.
  10. Nuts.
  11. Celery with cream cheese and raisins.
  12. Polka dots.
  13. Yoghurt, especially now it is in a drinking package available to the school.
  14. Meat rolls (ham, dietary sausage) with cream cheese and herbs inside.
  15. Hard-boiled eggs.
  16. Cheese cubes.
  17. White beans with carrots and mini pita.
  18. Muesli from grains of nuts and dried fruits.
  19. Fruit purees (preferably with cream) for children in convenient packaging.
  20. You can make a sandwich from cookies with a curd layer.
  21. You can make puff pastry.
  22. Homemade muffins (cottage cheese, chocolate).
  23. Homemade buns.
  24. Bread fried in egg batter with sugar.
  25. Casseroles.

Recipes for kids lunch boxes

rice casserole

It will take

  • 3 spoons of milk;
  • 80 g of boiled rice;
  • 3 quail eggs.

How to cook:

  1. Mix rice with milk and eggs.
  2. AT silicone molds, greased with oil, lay out the mass.
  3. You can cook them for a couple or in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 25 minutes.

Chicken and vegetable soufflé

You will need:

  • 50 g of cauliflower;
  • 100 g fillet;
  • 30 g carrots;
  • 2 quail eggs;
  • ½ slice of a loaf;
  • ½ small onion.

How to cook

  1. Boil cabbage for about 5 minutes.
  2. Grind meat, bread and vegetables in a blender, add eggs and mix again.
  3. Sprinkle some breadcrumbs into greased baking dishes, lay out and level the minced meat.
  4. At a temperature of 190 degrees, bake the dish for 40 minutes. Remove and leave to cool for 10-15 minutes.
  • You can choose a thermos container and alternate between cold and hot snacks. From such a jar-thermos it is convenient to eat cottage cheese with berries (jam), warm porridge, fresh salad.
  • Involve your child in collecting the school lunch box and always keep a pack of wet wipes with you so that he can clean his hands before and after a snack. It is best if these are antiseptic wipes without a sharp and unpleasant odor.
  • In addition, in your child's backpack there should always be a bottle of drinking water, fruit drink, compote. . The volume depends on the time spent at school and the age of your child.

What to do if the child does not eat school lunch with "himself"

  • Perhaps you did not wash his box well enough, and an unpleasant smell remained in it.
  • The child does not like the design of the box.
  • Too dry food. Add sauce or put in a couple of circles of tomato.
  • Lunch is boring. Change ingredients every day.
  • Don't like food. Assemble the baby lunch box together, let the kids choose.
  • Isn't it too much? If so, just reduce the portions.
  • It's uncomfortable to eat. Many children do not eat homemade food because they are afraid of getting dirty due to inconvenient packaging.
  • Does not have time to get hungry while studying. Make sure your child has a hearty breakfast and eats well when they come home from school. Maybe this is enough?

How to teach your child to eat healthy

Does your child love hamburgers? Buy a whole wheat bun, bake a flat patty, put a tomato and a lettuce leaf on them. Here is a healthy snack for you, which the child will eat with a bang!

Boiled meatballs and buckwheat are certainly useful. However, they will not cause delight in children. Come up with an interesting design for a familiar dish for your child and complement it with your favorite sweet.

The child will eat cottage cheese for both cheeks, if you cook a casserole, decorate it with fruit.

Instead of store-bought juices, cook herbal tea, smoothie or cocktail.

Lunch box to school: photo ideas

Gnawing at the granite of science is not an easy task, requiring a lot of energy. How can you help your child successfully cope with school loads? We are compiling a menu for an excellent student by joint efforts.

bouncy oatmeal

What to prepare a student for breakfast? Pediatricians help us with the answer to this question, reminding us that a child’s day should begin with something hearty, warm and moderately sweet. Oatmeal fits this description perfectly. Pour 6 tbsp. l. hercules 2 cups of milk, put 3-4 tsp. tablespoons of honey, stir and put in the microwave for a couple of minutes. So that oatmeal does not bother, it can be supplemented with various tasty additives. It can be apple or pear slices, banana, berries, nuts, dried apricots, raisins, homemade jam. And do not forget to put a piece of butter in the hot porridge before serving.

inspirational casserole

Healthy breakfasts for schoolchildren cannot do without cottage cheese casseroles. Beat 200 g of cottage cheese, 1 egg, 2 tbsp. l. sour cream, 6 tbsp. l. sugar, 3 tbsp. l. semolina into a homogeneous mass and leave it for 10 minutes. Then add chopped banana. Lubricate the baking dish with oil, put the curd mass into it and bake for 35 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C. This breakfast is sure to inspire academic feats.

Vitamin soup for smart girls

Soups should certainly be on the menu for a primary school student. Cut up a medium onion and fry until translucent. Cut 4 chicken thighs into pieces, remove the bones, grease the pulp with salt and pepper. We send the chicken to the onion, and after 10 minutes add 4 potatoes, cut into cubes, and dill stalks tied with thread for 5 minutes. Then we shift all the ingredients into a saucepan, pour 1.5 liters of water, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes. Then we take out the stems, and instead of them we pour the chopped dill greens. Add ½ tsp. dried paprika, your honor student's favorite pasta and cook the soup for another 2 minutes. After such a hearty meal, the child’s strength will noticeably increase.

Vegetable source of energy

For middle school students, you can include more complex meals, for example, hearty vegetable stew. Fry 150 g of chopped bacon in a saucepan. After 3 minutes, add the chopped onion, petiole celery, a couple of stalks of leek, chopped carrots and zucchini, 1 potato, cut into cubes. Fry the vegetable mixture for 5 minutes, then add 4 medium-chopped tomatoes. Pour 500 ml of hot water into a saucepan, salt and pepper to taste. Next, lay out 100 g of champignons. Simmer the stew for 5 minutes and let it brew. Such a dish will allow the child to have a good meal and quickly cope with homework.

Dinner for little heroes

Slow carbohydrates and proteins in the menu of a healthy student are irreplaceable elements. Pasta with meatballs contains both. Mix 500 g minced turkey, onion fried with garlic, 3 tbsp. l. bread crumbs soaked in 200 ml of milk. Put in minced parsley, salt and pepper to taste. We make meatballs and bake them in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 220 ° C. Fry 3 cloves of garlic in a saucepan, add 800 g of peeled tomatoes and simmer for 20 minutes. We spread the meatballs and cook the sauce for another 15 minutes. At the same time, boil 400 g of spaghetti and combine them with hot sauce. For a hearty balanced dinner, this dish is what you need.

Fritters for drummers study

Fritters in the fall are still relevant. Boil 600 g of cauliflower in salted water, cool and finely chop. Add grated boiled carrots, onion fried until transparent and 5-6 sprigs of chopped dill. Lightly beat 2 eggs and pour them over the vegetables. We pour out 3 tbsp. l. flour and knead the dough - it should not be very liquid. At the end, add 150 g of feta, mashing it with a fork. We spread the pancakes with a spoon on a baking sheet with parchment paper at a great distance from each other and put in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 25 minutes. Pancakes are healthy food for a student, which is also convenient to give him to class.

Berry brain recharge

Do not forget to pamper your hardworking child with healthy desserts. Let's take 500 g of frozen berries stored since summer. It can be currants or pitted cherries, raspberries or fresh blueberries. Using a blender, make a puree of 300 g of berries and 50 g of sugar. In a separate bowl, beat with a whisk 500 g of natural yogurt with 50 ml of honey into a homogeneous mass. We spread a handful of fresh berries on the bottom of the bowl, cover it first with a layer of berry puree, and then with a honey-yogurt mass. Save this treat for the rest of your lunch or dinner in the fridge. Garnish with whole berries, candied fruits and mint leaves before serving.

And what do you prepare for your excellent students so that they please you with school success? Share interesting ideas and selected recipes your kids will love.

The school year has begun, which means that any child who goes to the preparatory group kindergarten or already in school, the daily routine becomes quite busy. After studying, many children go to sections, additional classes in academic disciplines, and there is no time to run home and eat normally. Of course, you can just give your child pocket money so that he can eat somewhere. But it is unlikely that the child would prefer to eat something healthy, he will buy soda, fast food, just to fill his stomach. Therefore, every conscious parent needs to control what their child eats so that he does not have any health problems. We offer you options for quick and healthy snacks that you can give your child with you to school and beyond.

There is a heated debate among modern parents about whether children need a snack. The crux of the argument is that people just don't understand the difference between healthy and messy eating:

  • If a child constantly chews something (it can be sweets, cookies, sandwiches, other fast food), then this is not a snack, but a messy diet that will definitely not bring any benefit to the child's body.
  • If a child eats a small portion of low-calorie food between main meals, and he does this constantly at the same time, then this is the right snack, which helps him replenish the calories burned and not feel very hungry until the next main meal.

Important! Children under 5 years of age must have a snack in the form of lunch (second breakfast) and an afternoon snack. At this age, they are quite active, mobile, and their body needs to consume at least 1400 calories per day. For breakfast, lunch and dinner proper nutrition the child cannot eat so much, so it is imperative to ensure that the baby has a snack. Otherwise, he will have problems with the digestive system.

The conclusion is that the child needs the right snacks. However, getting a baby to eat when he is very passionate can be extremely difficult. So that parents do not have problems with teaching a child to snack, we made a small cheat sheet with tips:

  1. Buy your child an interesting lunch box. It should be childish, capacious. It is desirable that it has a lot of divisions. Your child will even be interested in filling and carrying such a lunch box.
  2. All the food you want to put in the lunch box must be prepared. They need to be cleaned, finely chopped, giving the original shape to each piece. The child should simply open and eat what his parents gave him with him.
  3. Don't put your baby on large items. Replace everything with small portions of berries, fruits and cookies.
  4. Do not give your child a new product every day. He must get used to it. It is enough to use the new ingredient once a week, and preferably in 12 days, because that is how much time the baby needs to get used to the diet.
  5. Turn snacking into a game for your child. For example, let him assemble a sandwich himself from what you give him with you (just place each ingredient in the appropriate compartment in the lunch box).

What to give for a snack

Now let's figure out what you can give your child to school so that he has a snack, and what is better not to:

  • Dairy products are very healthy, but they are perishable. So don't risk and don't put anything milk baby in a lunch box. From dairy, you can give your baby only a piece of hard cheese.
  • Vegetables cut into small pieces are a great option. But these should be vegetables that are not very juicy and easily soiled, because the child can get dirty when he eats them. Give preference to radishes, celery, carrots, cucumbers and sweet peppers.
  • From fruits, put small apples (only it is better not to cut them, because they will become weather-beaten and will not cause your child's appetite). You can also give your child grapes or any other, but not juicy.
  • From meat, you can give either homemade boiled pork or boiled chicken fillet. Be sure to season the meat with spices and salt. In no case do not give the child sausage, because there are always many doubts about what quality it is, what it is made of.
  • Boil an egg, preferably a quail one, as it is healthier, and it will be more interesting for the child to eat it, because it is small.
  • Coarse flour bread is a great option. A couple of pieces of this healthy bread sure to recharge the child with energy and bring great benefits to the body.
  • Don't forget about water too. It is clean water that is best given to a child, instead of various teas and compotes. Teach your child to the correct drinking regimen, because water allows all organs and cells of the human body to work properly.

Healthy snacks

Remember that the snack should be small in size and in the number of calories it contains. Based on this principle, we have compiled the following list of healthy snacks:

  1. Seasonal fruit and a small handful of nuts. It can be an apple and 20 g of walnuts or hazelnuts.
  2. A sandwich made from whole grain bread and home-cooked cold meat or fish. You can also add cucumber or any vegetables cooked in the oven here.
  3. Dried fruits. For a child to eat them, they just need to be prepared in an unusual way - grind in a blender, form balls, roll in honey and cool.

Snack ideas for school

  1. Cut vegetables or fruits into thin slices and dry it all in the oven. You will get chips that children love very much.
  2. Bun with meat filling. Take an ordinary roll, take out all the crumb from it, and fill it with a mixture of meat, cheese and herbs. To make it even tastier, place a piece of butter on the bottom of the bun, and season the meat dressing with tomato sauce.
  3. Pita with meat or steam cutlet from minced chicken. Such a dish is very similar to fast food, but it belongs to the category of healthy fast food.

Delicious snacks

  1. You can make the so-called onigiri - these are rice cakes with meat or fish filling inside. They are prepared simply: the rice is boiled, the filling is made, the finished rice is stuffed, balls are formed from this, which collapse in sesame seeds. To prevent the ball from crumbling, it is best to wrap such onigiri with a sheet of nori.
  2. Puff pastry envelopes with any filling. Envelopes with cheese and chicken fillet are very tasty. Instead of chicken fillet, you can use salmon.
  3. Muffin with raisins or milk chocolate. Each mother can bake such deliciousness at home from biscuit dough, which children love very much.

Light snacks

  1. You can make your child several different canapes. It is modern, tasty, healthy and not very high in calories.
  2. Fitness bars. These sweets are called so, but in reality they simply belong to the category diet food. They are made from muesli and honey. Such sweets will not bring any harm to children, so they can be safely given as a snack.
  3. Croissant with cheese filling. It is advisable to cook it from puff yeast-free dough to get a really light snack, and the child after it did not experience heaviness in the stomach.

Snack Recipes

  1. Ciabatta: These are rolls made from lavash and different fillings. Roll out pita bread, grease it cheese sauce, and top with omelette slices, ham, vegetables and herbs. After that, twist everything into rolls and bake in the oven.
  2. Chicken snacks: Boil the chicken fillet, cut it into pieces, and then roll each piece in chopped nuts with an egg and bake in the oven. To make your child enjoy a bite to eat, put some sauce that he likes in his lunch box.
  3. apple with peanut butter : Take an ordinary apple and cut it into several pieces horizontally. Lubricate each piece of apple with nut paste and sprinkle with raisins or seeds. Honey can be added as a sauce.

Snacks for teenagers

A teenager is already an adult who is able to independently make some not very difficult decisions. For example, he decides whether he needs to snack or not. But if from childhood to teach such a child to eat something between main meals, then there will be no problems with this. If you are the parent of a teenager, then here is what you can feed him in snacks:

  1. A piece of boiled or baked dietary meat with grilled vegetables. You can also give your child compote or herbal tea, which tonifies him.
  2. Cottage cheese casserole with berries and chamomile tea.
  3. Ham sandwich and some fruit. You can also give smoothies from those berries that he likes. Dairy products do not add to smoothies, because this can make the drink unusable.

Healthy and healthy snacks

  1. Vegetable muffins. You can add pieces of vegetables directly to the dough or make a separate filling.
  2. Carrot or pumpkin pie.
  3. Carrot sticks with cheese sauce and a slice of whole grain bread.
  4. Steam cutlet of minced turkey and cherry tomatoes.
  5. Cupcake with meat filling. You can replace it with any sweet homemade muffin.

Low calorie snacks

  1. An ordinary apple or a couple of carrot slices with a cucumber is not very hearty snack, but it is considered dietary. In any case, until lunch, the child will not experience hunger.
  2. A handful of almonds - literally 10 pcs. If you eat more, then there will be too many calories.
  3. Ham rolls stuffed with herbs and lettuce.
  4. Banana is a very satisfying fruit, which, by the way, contains the hormones of happiness. It will not only saturate your child, but also cheer him up.
  5. Citrus and herbal tea. Tangerines are a storehouse of vitamins that will help your child feel cheerful throughout the day.

Quick snack recipes

  1. Prepare a pancake, grease it with peanut butter, spread a banana sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin slices on top of it, and put an almond on each slice. This is definitely a satisfying snack. Therefore, it should be small in size, and as a drink, you can give the child either water or herbal tea.
  2. Pizza in the form of rolls. Spread out puff pastry and cut it into triangles. Stuff them with meat and cheese, and then put them in the oven for 15 minutes. Everything must be cooked at a temperature of 200 °.
  3. Ham rolls: Brush a slice of ham with cheese sauce, add some other sliced ​​vegetables (carrots, celery or cucumber). Roll up the ham.
  4. Apples in honey and cinnamon. Cut the apple into slices without removing the peel from it. Drizzle with honey and sprinkle with cinnamon to taste. Send to the microwave for 15 minutes. Cook on grill mode.
  5. Take 2 bananas, cut them into pieces of the same size. Dip each piece in Greek yogurt with any fruit topping and refrigerate overnight.

Even when preparing a light snack for school for your child, choose foods that you are absolutely sure of. There should not be anything raw in a child’s lunch box - every meat or dairy product must undergo heat treatment, and vegetables and fruits must be washed under running water.

Video: "Snack for a child at school"