Cocktail Armored Train - a “roller coaster” for a noisy party

A cocktail is a drink that is made by mixing several ingredients. There are non-alcoholic and alcoholic cocktails.

Today we will tell you the secret of the popularity of one of the most unusual ones, the Potemkin Armored Train. And although he is mixed drink, it does not mix in one glass. Each component in it is drunk separately. In the classic version, the Potemkin cocktail consists of seven different ingredients. But many are trying to supplement this recipe. Every year more and more new and complex recipes appear, and one of the latest was a recipe that no longer contains seven, but 27 different ingredients. All these drinks differ greatly in taste and strength.

The Potemkin cocktail is undoubtedly one of the very strong ones, since after drinking it, a person gets drunk very quickly. To prepare it, all glasses are drunk in a certain order and, at the same time, the degree is constantly increasing.

The Armored Train cocktail is a shot drink, that is, it is drunk in one sip, with a sharp increase in the degree, while the alcohol is washed down with a non-alcoholic drink (juice, Sprite...) each time. The taste of the juice should be absolutely opposite each time. Sweet juice is drunk first, sour juice is next, and then salty juice. Pay attention to the quality of juice and alcohol.

This cocktail is on the menu of many bars. It certainly lives up to its name as it instantly knocks you off your feet. According to customer reviews, it is recommended to drink it at the end of the party, otherwise there is a high chance of sleeping somewhere in a corner throughout the party.


To prepare it you will need to take 45-50 ml of all ingredients. Prepare dishes, alcoholic drinks, juices and lemonade. Place the dishes in the refrigerator for ten minutes to cool. Chill your beer glass too. After cooling, place the glasses in a row on the bar counter, with the beer glass placed last.

So, let's prepare the Armored Train cocktail!

  • tequila;
  • vodka;
  • absinthe;
  • juice (orange);
  • Sprite or lemonade;
  • juice (tomato)

Usually this mixture is washed down with beer at the end. Beer can be taken both light and dark.

All ingredients are poured into a pre-chilled container, then placed in one line and quickly drunk. This killer mixture usually includes an odd number of so-called carriages, that is, glasses or glasses with drinks; there must be at least seven such carriages. The rule of this intoxicating cocktail is to gradually increase the degree. After drinking alcohol, a glass of juice or water follows.

Some bars even have a rule: you drink 25 of these trailers and get the Armored Train Potemkin cocktail completely free!!! But one condition applies: you must drink it in five minutes and, most importantly, not fall yet, but stand firmly on your feet. It's not as simple as it might seem.

For preparation, you can take various alcoholic drinks. It can be liqueurs, cognac, Becherovka, whiskey...

Soft drinks: various natural juices(fruit, berry and vegetable), as well as carbonated drinks such as lemonade, Sprite...

After drinking this cocktail, intoxication occurs very quickly, much faster than when drinking other alcohol. Beginners may even lose consciousness.

Do not consume this killer mixture alone; it is advisable to have your friends with you. And if you decide to drink this cocktail, get ready for a morning hangover.

If you are preparing all this for a house party, be careful about the selection of drinks. Monitor the quality of alcohol. Pay attention to the quality of the juices, do not forget to check their production date.

We wish you a good time in the company of your best friends and that your cocktail party leaves only pleasant memories and bright, unforgettable moments.

Margarita, the recipe for which is quite simple, is very popular with the girls. How to prepare a cocktail?

Alcoholic cocktails are the highlight of any party. Girls love them most, as they have a lightweight composition: one or two alcoholic drinks, juice or tonic and flavorings.

There are three types of cocktails: aperitifs (taken before meals), digestives (during or after meals) and long drinks (large, refreshing drinks served with ice). In addition, lately, short drinks have also been highlighted. The Margarita cocktail, the recipe for which is very simple, is classified as an aperitif and shot.

Who is Margarita?

This cocktail was first discussed in Mexico. The time frame of its appearance dates back to the period before the Second World War and several years after it. Today there is not a single definitive version of the origin of the name of the cocktail, but they all mention the name of the mysterious woman Margarita. Maybe a girl with that name really loved tequila (the main alcoholic component is tequila), and could not drink it in large quantities, so her admirer decided to dilute the drink in order to prolong the pleasure of drinking it. Everyone chooses the version they like best. In the world by the twenty-first century, many variations of this cocktail have gathered.

Classic Margarita cocktail recipe

A well-made cocktail can intoxicate you unnoticed - that’s what it’s all about main secret its preparations.

Ingredients of 1 glass:

Half a glass of tequila;

1/4 Cointreau liqueur;

A whisper of salt;

A piece of lime.

In the classic version of the Margarita, it is necessary to use high-quality blue agave tequila (“silver” or “reposado”). Orange Cointreau must have a triple sec label on the bottle. You need to mix everything in a shaker. If the cocktail is sour, it is recommended to add a little powdered sugar. For better taste You can sprinkle salt on the edges of the glass and garnish with a slice of lime. If you have ever drank pure tequila, then you already know that salt and lime interrupt the specific taste of the alcoholic drink, making it tastier.

Cocktail Blue Margarita recipe with photo

Ingredients of 1 glass:

1/2 glass of white tequila;

1/4 Curacao liqueur;

1/4 freshly squeezed lime juice;

One tablespoon triple sec

A whisper of coarse salt;

A piece of lime.

How to cook:

Rub the rim of the glass with lime juice and sprinkle with coarse salt. The ingredients are poured into the shaker in the specified proportions and mixed until foam appears. Then everything is poured into a glass and a slice of lime is placed on its rim. From the photo it looks like this:

F1 - calls up Windows Help or the help window of the active program. In Microsoft Word, the Shift+F1 key combination shows text formatting; F2- renames the selected object on the desktop or in the Explorer window; F3- opens a search window for a file or folder on the desktop and in Explorer. The Shift+F3 key combination is often used to search backwards; F4- opens a drop-down list, such as the address bar list in the My Computer window or in Explorer. Keyboard shortcuts Alt+F4 in Windows is used to close applications, and Ctrl+F4− is used to close part of a document or program (for example, tabs) ; F5- refreshes the active window of an open web page, desktop, explorer, etc. In Microsoft PowerPoint, F5 starts showing the slide show from the beginning, and the key combination Shift+F5− from the current slide; switches between screen elements in the window or on the desktop. In Explorer and Internet Explorer - move between the main part of the window and the address bar; F7 - checks spelling (in Word, Excel; when loading the operating system, selects the loading mode in the Word editor. from the initial to the final position of the cursor occurs without holding down the Shift key. Pressing the F8 key again selects the word closest to the cursor. The third sentence contains it. Fifth - document. You can remove the last selection by pressing the key combination Shift+F8. You can disable the mode using the Esc key; F9-- in some programs updates the selected fields; F10- activates the full menu, and the key combination Shift+F10 activates the context menu; F11 - switches the window to full screen mode and back, for example, in Internet Explorer; F12 - goes to selecting file saving options (File -> Save As). On a standard PC/AT keyboard, the alphanumeric block consists of 47 keys and includes keys for entering letters, numbers, punctuation, arithmetic, and special characters. The effect of these keys depends on the case (lower - upper) in which these keys are pressed. The control keys Shift, Ctrl, Caps Lock, Alt and AltGr (right Alt) are also called modifier keys, since they are designed to change the actions of other keys. Shift (read “Shift”) is an uppercase key (non-fixed switching). Used in conjunction with other keys, such as the alphanumeric block keys for typing capital letters and uppercase characters. Additionally, the Shift key is used as a modifier in keyboard shortcuts and mouse clicks. For example, to open a link in a separate window in a browser, you need to click on the link with the mouse while holding down the Shift key. Ctrl (read “control”) - used in combination with other keys, for example: Ctrl+A- in Windows, selects all text in the window; Ctrl+B- in the MS Word editor switches the font to “bold-normal”; Ctrl+C- in programs with WinAPI copies text to the buffer, and in console programs it ends the command; Ctrl+F- in many programs opens a search dialog; Ctrl+I- in the MS Word editor switches the font to “italic-normal”; Ctrl+N- in programs with a multi-window interface opens a new empty window; Ctrl+O- in many programs opens a dialog for opening an existing file; Ctrl+P - in many programs, sends text to print or opens a print dialog; Ctrl+Q - in some programs exit it; Ctrl+R- in browsers refreshes the contents of the window; Ctrl+S - in many programs saves the current file or opens a save dialog; Ctrl+T- in browsers opens a new tab; Ctrl+U- in the MS Word editor toggles text underlining; Ctrl+V- in programs with WinAPI pastes the contents of the clipboard; Ctrl+W- in some programs closes the current window; Ctrl+Z- in many programs undoes the last action; Ctrl+F5- in browsers updates the content; Ctrl+Home - in programs with a text field, moves to the beginning of the document being edited; Ctrl+End - in programs with a text field, moves to the end of the document being edited; Ctrl+- in Total Commander navigates to the root directory of the disk. Alt (read “Alt”) - used in conjunction with other keys, modifying their action. For example: Alt+F4- in all programs closes them; Alt+F7- in some programs opens a search dialog; Alt+F10 - in some file managers brings up the directory tree; Alt+Tab- in Windows navigates to the next running window; Alt+letter - in some programs calls menu commands or opens menu columns. Additionally, the keyboard shortcuts Alt+Shift or Ctrl+Shift are commonly used to switch keyboard layouts. Capslock (read “Capslock”) - switch to uppercase mode (fixed switching). Pressing the key again cancels this mode. Used when typing text in CAPITAL letters. The Esc control key (read “Escape”), used to cancel the current operation or last change, minimize an application, go to the previous menu or screen, or remove a selection, is located in the left corner of the keyboard next to the function key block. In the Windows operating system, the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Esc opens the Task Manager. Tab (read “Tab”) - in text editors, enters a tab character and works with indentations, and in graphical interfaces moves focus between elements. For example, moving between the desktop, Start button, Quick Launch, taskbar, and system tray. The AppsKey action is equivalent to right-clicking the mouse and brings up a context menu for the selected object. Line feed key Enter (Enter) - used to enter a line feed when typing text, selecting a menu item, issuing a command or confirming an action, and so on. Backspace (read “Backspace”) - in text editing mode, deletes the character to the left of the cursor, and outside the typing area - returns to the previous screen of the program or web page in the browser. Delete (read “Divide”) - deletes the selected object, selected text fragment or character to the right of the input cursor. The Insert key (read “Insert”) is used to switch between insertion modes (the text appears to move apart) and replacement modes (new characters replace existing text) when editing text. The Ctrl+Insert key combination replaces the “copy” command, and Shift+Insert replaces the “paste” command. In the Total Commander and FAR Manager file managers, the key is used to select a file or folder. PrtScn (print screen) (read “Print screen”) - takes a screenshot and places it on the clipboard. In combination with the Alt key, a snapshot of the currently active window is copied to the buffer. The ScrLk (Scroll Lock) service key (read “Scroll Lock”) blocks scrolling and when activated with the cursor keys, the contents of the entire screen are shifted, which is very convenient when editing large tables, for example, in Excel. Pause/Break (read “Pause” or “Break”) - pauses the computer. In modern operating systems, this key is only relevant when the computer boots. The up, down, right and left arrows refer to the cursor keys and allow you to navigate through menu items and move the input cursor in the corresponding direction by one position. When combined with the Ctrl key, the arrows move a greater distance. For example, in the Microsoft Word editor, Ctrl+← moves the cursor one word to the left. Using the Shift key selects a block of text. The Home and End keys move the cursor to the beginning and end of the current line of a document or list of files. What hotkeys are useful to know? The Ctrl + Shift + Esc key combination is indispensable when the computer freezes; it calls up the “Task Manager”, with which you can end a process, cancel a task, or shut down the computer. Alt + Tab keys allow you to switch between open windows. A panel with all open applications appears in the center of the screen, and when selecting the active window, you need to hold down the Alt key and press the Tab key several times. The combination Alt + Space (spacebar) opens the window system menu, with which you can restore, move, maximize, minimize and close the window without using the mouse. Alt + Shift or Ctrl + Shift – switch keyboard layout. Using Win + D you can minimize all windows and show the desktop, and the Win + M keys minimize all windows except dialog windows. Win + E opens the My Computer folder. Win + F – opens a window to search for a file or folder.

Armored Train Potemkin is a powerful cocktail, the composition of which can cause you a severe morning hangover. Several glasses of alcoholic beverages and different types of juice drunk in a row create a high probability that the next day you will not remember much, maybe nothing at all.

Historical information

Cocktail Armored Train Potemkin belongs to the category of shooters (Shuters). Each glass of 50 milliliters is drunk in one gulp. It all starts with the glass with the lowest degree.

They wash down the Armored Train Potemkin with three types of juice, which differ sharply in taste. The combination of sweet, sour and salty may seem completely incompatible. But this is only before the first test.

The Armored Train Potemkin cocktail is eccentric and extravagant and is on the menu of many bars. Its effect on a person is lethal: it knocks you off your feet, justifying its name. If the Potemkin Armored Train has 25 "cars" of alcohol and soft drinks, you might not even be able to drink them all.

Drink proportions

The composition of the Armored Train Potemkin cocktail is simple. To prepare the recipe you will need to take 45 milliliters:

  • Tequila Sunrise;
  • vodka;
  • absinthe;
  • orange juice;
  • lemonade - Sprite or 7up;
  • tomato juice.

The dishes are pre-cooled. Then all the ingredients are poured into it, placed in a row and drunk.

Explosive composition recipe

Some options for Armored Train Potemkin cocktails contain whiskey, liqueurs, cognac, Becherovka, and tequila sunrise. They wash it all down with juice, carbonated drinks, and sometimes beer. As a result, you get drunk very quickly, because it is the composition - the combination of alcohol and sweet liquid - that leads to accelerated absorption of alcohol into the blood.

The classic cocktail “Armored Train Potemkin” is prepared from three alcoholic and three without alcoholic drinks, which are served in separate glasses and washed down with a glass of beer.

The Armored Train Potemkin cocktail usually includes an odd number of “cars” - glasses with various drinks.

They are filled in such a way that each subsequent drink is stronger than the previous one. The basic rule of a cocktail is to increase the degree. You can see in the photo of the Armored Train cocktail various options for its preparation - the number of cars can be any, but not less than 7.

To wash down alcohol, the next car is loaded with water or juice, which has amazing different tastes- sweet, sour and even salty.

Preparing the “Armored Train” cocktail begins with preparing small glasses, into each of which alcoholic drinks and juices are poured in order, alternating one at a time. Place them in one row and pour in the following sequence: white vermouth, vodka, absinthe, Orange juice, lemonade, tomato juice.

The most popular options for filling the carriage of this intoxicating train are: liqueurs of various strengths and colors, tequila, Becherovka, cognac, and various types of whiskey. With a non-alcoholic base, carbonated drinks and natural fruit and berry juices are popular.

The last to be placed is a glass of cold beer - it can be either light or dark.

Watch the video of the Armored Train cocktail and you will see how this amazing drink is served and drunk.


Today you won’t even believe that there was a time in which no one had even heard of what an alcoholic cocktail meant. And this is not even to mention trying it. The profession of a bartender simply did not exist. And alcoholic drinks were poured by barmaids or simply by restaurant customers themselves.

What does a bartender have in his arsenal?

Before perestroika began, people drank the most common drinks, such as moonshine, vodka, wine, champagne, and of course beer. At the same time, there was almost nothing to choose from, so few could try liqueurs or vermouths. Such luxurious drinks were an extraordinary luxury and rarity. They were brought from overseas countries or obtained through great connections.

And today, on the menu of almost any normal bar you can see drinks with popular names that are familiar to many “ Green Mexican", "Sex on the Beach", "B-52", "Pina Colada". Such drinks came into our everyday life due to the fact that a new product appeared on the market. alcoholic products, brought from a number of other countries.

Absinthe, sambuca, Chardonnay, Blue Curacao liqueur and other alcoholic drinks have seriously interested the post-Soviet people. The profession of bartender arose. And now such a profession is even compared to a kind of art. Cocktails have gained the highest popularity. And today the highest degree of interest is shown in them.

The “Devil's Fantasy” alcoholic cocktail is a drink that is obtained by mixing a number of components. In general, most cocktails have a relatively mild effect. Thanks to this feature, it is girls who mainly order such interesting drinks like cocktails.

However, there are also stronger cocktails available, after drinking which you can simply fall off your feet a couple of minutes after drinking them. One of these is the Armored Train cocktail.

The name of the cocktail speaks for itself. The effect of this drink on a person and its components fully correspond to its name. Having tasted this devilish drink, the original idea of ​​the bartenders, few people will be able to stay sober. The main feature of this “hot” alcoholic drink is that alcoholic drinks of different strengths, as well as a variety of juices, are poured into small glasses, of which there are exactly 25 (they are often called “shot glasses”), and in a given order. The task is to drink the contents of 25 glasses, starting with the 1st and ending with the 25th. And at the end you can still drink a glass of beer.

Of course, you can drink the entire cocktail called “Armored Train”. After drinking, you will definitely live. However, the next morning, most likely, you cannot call good and kind. You may have a very bad headache, like after drinking a large portion of alcohol.


The Armored Train cocktail has very strictly limited limits in its composition. The alcoholic drinks that are part of this cocktail are necessarily high-quality absinthe, excellent vodka and real dry vermouth.

This explosive mixture is diluted with juices (orange and tomato) and Sprite.

The method for preparing the Armored Train cocktail is as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to put 25 glasses in a row.
  2. Then pour 40 ml of dry vermouth into the 1st, 7th, 14th, and 20th glasses.
  3. After this, the 2nd, 8th, 15th, 21st glasses should be filled with orange juice (40 ml).
  4. Then pour 40 ml of vodka into the 3rd, 9th, 16th, 22nd glasses.
  5. After them, you should fill the 4th, 10th, 17th, and 23rd glasses with tomato juice.
  6. Then absinthe is poured into the 5th, 11th, 18th and 24th glasses.
  7. And at the end we pour sprite into the 6th, 12th, 19th and 25th glasses.

Drinks should be poured in the following order: first vermouth, then juice, then vodka, then tomato juice, then absinthe and finally sprite. Everything needs to be repeated 4 times.

What is his strength?

What makes the Armored Train cocktail so powerful? The whole point is that alcoholic drinks have different strengths, and lowering the degree, as you know, leads to unpleasant consequences. This cocktail creates a kind of “swing”: to absinthe from vermouth, and then to vermouth from absinthe. And this way more than once. It is worth adding that sweet orange juice, as well as the carbonated drink Sprite, together with alcohol, create a reaction. Due to this, a person gets drunk very quickly.

Novice bartenders are generally not recommended to drink such drinks in clubs. It’s better to conduct such experiments at home. It won't be so dangerous. But those who have already risked trying this devilish alcoholic drink and are hungry for even more thrills have the opportunity to add another glass to the standard set of the “Armored Train” cocktail, because 25 is not the limit. In conclusion, I would like to add that you should always use your head so as not to overdo it and accidentally end up in the next world.

Armored Train Potemkin is a powerful cocktail, the composition of which can cause you a severe morning hangover. Several glasses of alcoholic beverages and different types of juice drunk in a row create a high probability that the next day you will not remember much, maybe nothing at all.

Historical information

Cocktail Armored Train Potemkin belongs to the category of shooters (Shuters). Each glass of 50 milliliters is drunk in one gulp. It all starts with the glass with the lowest degree.

They wash down the Armored Train Potemkin with three types of juice, which differ sharply in taste. The combination of sweet, sour and salty may seem completely incompatible. But this is only before the first test.

The Armored Train Potemkin cocktail is eccentric and extravagant and is on the menu of many bars. Its effect on a person is lethal: it knocks you off your feet, justifying its name. If the Potemkin Armored Train has 25 "cars" of alcohol and soft drinks, you might not even be able to drink them all.

Drink proportions

The composition of the Armored Train Potemkin cocktail is simple. To prepare the recipe you will need to take 45 milliliters:

  • Tequila Sunrise;
  • vodka;
  • absinthe;
  • orange juice;
  • lemonade - Sprite or 7up;
  • tomato juice.

The dishes are pre-cooled. Then all the ingredients are poured into it, placed in a row and drunk.

Explosive composition recipe

Some options for Armored Train Potemkin cocktails contain whiskey, liqueurs, cognac, Becherovka, and tequila sunrise. They wash it all down with juice, carbonated drinks, and sometimes beer. As a result, you get drunk very quickly, because it is the composition - the combination of alcohol and sweet liquid - that leads to accelerated absorption of alcohol into the blood.

The Potemkin armored train is prepared in a certain sequence:

  1. 25 glasses are displayed in a row.
  2. At 1, 7, 14, 20 Tequila Sunrise is poured.
  3. 2, 8, 15 and 21 are filled with orange juice.
  4. 3, 9, 16 and 22 are filled with vodka.
  5. B4, 10, 17 and 23 pour tomato juice.
  6. Absinthe is poured at 5, 11, 18 and 24.
  7. 6, 12, 19 and the last one are for the sprite.

Tequila Sunrise, vodka and absinthe must be original and natural to avoid fatal poisoning. Drinks for diluting explosive mixtures must not have passed their expiration date.

Each glass is repeated 4 times in a certain sequence. The cocktail is a kind of “roller coaster”. The degrees rise, then fall, then rise again.

Cautions for use

Don’t forget to adequately assess your capabilities before drinking a cocktail, so that the next day you will only have pleasant memories of the party.

Don't conduct experiments in the club. If you are a beginner, try drinking this amount of alcohol at home first. Do not use if you are sick or have contraindications.

It is possible to get a more thrilling experience when the standard set of glasses becomes more than 25. And in the end everything is washed down with beer. Think with your head and don’t overdo it so that you don’t need to seek help from an ambulance.

Attention, TODAY only!

There are so many cocktails you won't find in bars... "Red Dog", "Boyarsky" and even "Armored Train"... If you are looking for a recipe for a drink that will surprise you with its strength, we recommend making the "Armored Train". Just a couple of drinks and you'll be ready for adventure!

Cocktail “Armored Train”: composition, recipe

This drink is very popular among men; girls do not like it too much. And no wonder, because it is very strong. Where does such an interesting name come from, why is the cocktail called “Armored Train Potemkin”? It's simple - its effect is reminiscent of a roller coaster ride, which is exactly how you'll feel after a couple of drinks. To date, it is unknown who became the author of this explosive mixture.

What is included in the Armored Train cocktail? To prepare it you will need 3 main ingredients: absinthe, vodka and vermouth (dry only). Not for the weak, is it? The absinthe alone is worth it!

The recipe can be adjusted; in some bars the drink also contains whiskey and cognac. After you drink the shot, you need to wash it down with soda or juice.

If you are a beginner and drink less often and in limited quantities, do not use this explosive mixture under any circumstances. Alas, in some cases everything ends in failure and only an ambulance can help.

Unlike other cocktails, the recipe for “Armored Train” is complex and will surprise you. You don't need to mix multiple drinks. The idea is that you will have to drink 25 shots in a certain order, thus creating a contrast. Not everyone can pass this test, but if you are a real daredevil, then why not try?

Be prepared for the fact that you will get drunk very quickly, so ask your friends to control the situation.

One shot contains 40-50 ml of drink. They are poured into glasses and placed in a row in the required sequence.

Vermouth will be in shots number one, seven, 14 and 20.

Orange or other juice - number two, eight, 15 and 21.

Classic vodka goes under numbers three, nine, 16 and 22.

Tomato or other vegetable juice - four, ten, 17 and 23.

Strong absinthe - numbered five, 11, 18 and 24.

Sprite or other sweet soda - number six, 12, 19 and 25.

As you can see, each drink is repeated 4 times. The shots are placed in a row, and the glasses and drinks are cooled beforehand. Such experiments are not for the faint of heart, and if you are not confident in your abilities, we advise you not to drink the “Armored Train” cocktail.

If you do reach the final and drink all the shots, at the end you are served a glass of beer. For him it is unknown. Most likely, to make your hangover even worse.

How to drink the Armored Train cocktail correctly: video

Surely you will be interested in how to properly serve shots and how to serve them. As we have already said, everyone has their own methods and recipes, but the principle remains the same. You will be surprised by the variety of tastes and aromas, this is the whole point of the cocktail. Alas, you are unlikely to find a video on how to properly drink the hot mixture. Probably because after such a cocktail it’s unlikely that anyone will be able to stay on their feet.

The Armored Train cocktail cannot be called a drink for “wimps”. According to the original idea of ​​bartenders, few people manage to stay sober after the last glass. Do you also want fun and excitement? Then this multi-ingredient drink is exactly what you were looking for.

1 What is the trick of the idea?

The full name of the cocktail – Armored Train Potemkin – fully lives up to its name. After all, according to the creators' idea, this is a real "roller coaster". We all know very well that it is necessary to drink alcoholic beverages strictly in increasing degrees. So, in this cocktail all edges of known rules are completely erased. First you drink, then you move on to and then everything is exactly the opposite.

For such a cocktail, only natural dry vermouth, absinthe and vodka of the highest quality are used.

This is a sample list of shots of alcohol that are part of the general "cocktail train". The composition is also sometimes supported by Becherovka, liqueurs, whiskey, and cognac. But that's not all. After each shot of alcohol you drink, you wash down the explosive mixture with juice and carbonated drinks, which, at first glance, are absolutely incompatible in taste (sour, sweet, salty).

Important to know!

The destructive effect on the brain is one of the most terrible consequences of the influence of alcoholic beverages on humans. Elena Malysheva: ALCOHOLISM CAN BE DEFEATED! Save your loved ones, they are in great danger!

2 How many glasses are there?

We present to your attention unusual cocktail, consisting of 25 shot drinks, alternating alcohol of varying degrees of strength, soft drinks and juices. The combination of sweet drinks and alcohol allows alcohol to be absorbed into the blood much faster, therefore intoxication occurs at the “speed of light”.

If you “survive” after twenty-five glasses of a wide variety of alcoholic shades, then you will probably be offered to consolidate your journey with a glass of cold beer. Even experienced alcohol tasters cannot avoid headaches in the morning, but the pleasure experienced the day before will justify all the consequences.

3 Putting drinks in their places

Twenty-five chilled glasses with a capacity of 40 ml are placed in one row. Correct order their filling is as follows:

  • 1, 7, 14, 20 – dry vermouth;
  • 2, 8, 15, 21 - orange juice;
  • 3, 9, 16, 2 – vodka;
  • 4, 10, 17, 23 – tomato juice;
  • 5, 11, 18, 24 – absinthe;
  • 6, 12, 19, 25 – sprite.

Vermouth, orange juice, vodka, tomato juice, absinthe - in this order, all alcoholic and soft drinks repeated 4 times. We warn you - be careful and sensibly assess your body’s capabilities before such a party!

And a little about secrets...

Russian scientists from the Department of Biotechnology have created a drug that can help treat alcoholism in just 1 month. The main difference of the drug is ITS 100% NATURAL, which means it is effective and safe for life:
  • Eliminates psychological cravings
  • Eliminates breakdowns and depression
  • Protects liver cells from damage
  • Helps you recover from heavy drinking in 24 HOURS
  • COMPLETE RIDGE from alcoholism, regardless of stage!
  • Very affordable price.. only 990 rubles!
A COURSE RECEPTION IN JUST 30 DAYS PROVIDES A COMPREHENSIVE SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM WITH ALCOHOL. The unique complex ALCOBARRIER is by far the most effective in the fight against alcohol addiction.