How to bake sweet buns with sugar. Recipes for buns with sugar and how to wrap them beautifully. How to make a rose

This bakery product Many associate it with school or student time. During breaks between classes, these fragrant sweet buns filled students with energy. Today we will prepare Moscow buns. We will make them according to old recipes of Soviet confectioners.

Moscow bun - recipe according to GOST

Kitchenware: oven, baking sheet, 3 bowls, knife, brush, cling film.


Moscow bun - step-by-step recipe with photos

Dough for buns with sugar

How to wrap buns

Video recipe

From the video you will learn how to properly make heart buns with sugar.

Time: 3 hours.
Portions: 16 buns.
Calorie content per 100 g: 312 kcal.
Kitchenware: oven, baking sheet, 2 large bowls, knife, brush, parchment paper, cling film.


How to make heart buns with sugar - detailed recipe

Making the dough

  1. Pour 11 grams of yeast into 500 milliliters of warm milk and mix.
  2. Add 500 grams of flour and mix well.
  3. Cover with film and place in a warm place for thirty to forty minutes. The bowl with the dough can be placed in warm water.
  4. Beat 2 eggs into a large bowl, add 150 grams of sugar, 1/4 teaspoon of salt and grind.
  5. Add 200 grams of melted margarine or butter and mix.

  6. Gradually add flour and knead into a soft, elastic dough.

  7. Place the dough on a table sprinkled with flour. Knead the dough, adding flour little by little.

This sweet and enchanting aroma of fresh baked goods, how can anyone resist it??!!! Fresh out of the oven yeast buns buns remind us all of sweet childhood, the most pleasant moments of our lives.

Modern housewives prefer to buy fresh baked goods rather than spend several hours in the kitchen kneading dough and baking buns. But store-bought buns are not at all like homemade ones, they are made automatically and it is unlikely that the machine puts its warmth and soul into them. But by making curlicue buns yourself in your kitchen, you can fill your home with warmth and comfort, as well as invite all your loved ones to a common table and delight you with wonderful pastries. And believe me, it’s very simple and you can handle baking with ease!

Yeast buns

buns and roses

I suggest you bake very tasty and sweet buns or roses, I also call them curls, which will not leave any of your guests indifferent. You can experiment with the filling - layer. You can mix sugar with ground cinnamon or poppy seeds, you get a completely crazy aroma. You can also add steamed raisins, which will only benefit your baked goods. I often make buns with cottage cheese and raisins or boiled dried fruits, passed through a meat grinder with a large grid.


  • Sifted flour – 1 kg,
  • Eggs – 3 pieces,
  • Milk – 300 ml,
  • Granulated sugar in the dough - 0.5 cups,
  • Butter – 80 grams per dough,
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons into the dough,
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Dry instant yeast - 10 grams,
  • Vanillin – 1 gram,
  • Cinnamon,
  • Raisin,
  • Sugar for sprinkling - to taste
  • 100 grams butter for greasing the dough.
  • Oil for greasing the baking sheet.

Cooking process:

Mix the yeast with a few tablespoons of warm milk and let stand.
Melt the butter and add to the milk.
Sift the flour and combine with sugar and vanilla.
Beat eggs with a pinch of salt.

Combine the liquid ingredients, add odorless vegetable oil and stir in the flour. Knead the dough for buns.

Leave it for two hours to proof and ripen in a warm place. You will need to knead it a couple of times during this time.

From half of the dough you can make curl buns in the shape of roses, and from the other half you can make buns.

To do this, roll out a large flat cake. It is important to generously grease the dough with melted butter; thanks to the butter, the buns inside will remain soft and will not dry out during baking.

The ingredients for curl buns, namely: sugar, cinnamon, raisins or poppy seeds, should be placed on the rolled out cake. We do the same thing in another version with cottage cheese or crushed mass of dried fruits.

Roll the resulting flatbread into a roll and then cut it into small pieces (short rolls) no more than 3 cm wide.

Place the buns in curls on a baking sheet (greased vegetable oil or lined with oiled paper) and leave in a warm place to rise.

You should not pack it tightly; the yeast dough will increase in volume during proofing.

But in order to make buns, you need to roll out the dough like pies - into small round cakes. Brush each flatbread with melted butter and sprinkle with sugar. Then we roll it into a roll and fold the resulting roll in half.
We secure the edges and, turning them over, lightly press the double sausage, you get a double-layer roll. Then we take a knife and make a cut in the middle, not reaching the ends. Slightly open the resulting bun at the cut site.

When the buns with sugar are ready on the baking sheet, place them in a well-heated oven.

Bake sugar yeast buns and curls in the oven at 220° for 35 - 40 minutes.

I put a frying pan with water down in the oven, because I am afraid of the quirks of my oven, and it would be a great shame if the buns were burnt. And so everything baked perfectly, and the sugar flowed out of the buns a little and melted, creating a caramelized bottom crust. Lovely!

For the recipe and step-by-step photos of preparation delicious buns with sugar we thank Slavyana.

The Recipe Notebook website wishes you a pleasant tea party!

Try some more sweets cottage cheese cookies, you must like it!

It's hard to believe someone who claims to not like sugary buns. It is understandable if a person has a diet or contraindications related to the ban on flour, but it is very difficult to refuse a lush, aromatic delicacy. Even if you just save the recipe for delicious sweets, you will still return to it after a while.

Dear housewives, most likely you are familiar with the picture when loved ones, sensing the smell of baking, begin a massive attack on the kitchen. After all, preparing buns at home is not at all difficult, and the pleasure and joy that your loved ones will experience is worth repeating the preparation of this recipe over and over again.

Buns are prepared from yeast dough, which is usually kneaded with the addition of a large amount of baking. No less tasty are lean buns, the recipe of which contains kefir or just water.

When the dough is ready, equal portions are made from it and rolled into flat cakes, which must be greased with butter and applied with the filling, which was prepared in advance or sprinkled with sugar. After this, the rolled dough is formed into butterflies or bows - a traditional shape for buns.

Yeast dough buns with kefir

One of the ways to prepare buns of this type is a recipe for kefir buns, which turn out incredibly tender, while having a crust that is crispy and sweet. If you grease them with butter immediately after taking them out of the oven, the aroma and special taste will conquer your loved ones.

Even if these yeast dough buns were not baked in the oven, but browned in a frying pan, they still come out fluffy and very airy. These baked goods can be stored for almost a week, and if you heat them in the microwave, they will regain the softness of a fresh loaf.

For those who have long wanted to try baking, but were afraid, a recipe for yeast dough with the addition of kefir will be an excellent option for beginners. It is not capricious, rises quickly and lends itself to the formation of the necessary products. By spending a minimal amount of time and effort, you can surprise and delight your loved ones by preparing sweet buns for them. And if you make them using our recipe, they will thank you for a long time.

The main thing is, don’t waste time, get to work quickly and your reputation as an excellent housewife is guaranteed!

Required Ingredients

Products for kefir buns are quite standard for yeast dough. Prepare the following ingredients for working with the dough:

  • kefir 1% fat - 0.5 l (2 cups);
  • sunflower oil - 250 g (1 glass);
  • chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • wheat flour - 6 cups;
  • fresh yeast - 35 g;
  • sugar - 250 g (1 glass);
  • melted butter - 100 g (0.5 cups);
  • salt - to taste.

So, the products have been selected - you can start preparing sweet buns.

Cooking recipe

  • Step 1. It is necessary to slightly heat kefir and sunflower oil in the microwave or in a water bath. If the liquid is hot, the prepared yeast may die. Now add the egg, 5 heaped tablespoons of sugar and beat the mass very well so that there are no heterogeneous particles.
  • Step 2. Then dissolve the yeast in the dough and carefully pour a glass of flour into the bowl. Mix the contents of the dish and leave for 10 minutes in a warm place.
  • Step 3. When the required time has passed, add another 4 cups of flour to the dough and leave it aside. Only this time, it needs to be done for about 30 minutes.
  • Step 4. After half an hour, we turn on the oven so that it is still heated to 180 degrees, and add the last flour to the dough and knead it a little to create smoothness. The main thing is to watch so as not to spoil the dough and make it hard.
  • Step 5. Now let’s melt the butter in the microwave and begin dividing the dough into several small portions.
  • Step 6. Next, roll out each piece into a layer and brush with melted butter. After that, sprinkle it with sugar.
  • Step 7 There is a little secret in the bun - the correct folding, which each housewife does in her own way. We suggest rolling the layer, sprinkled with sugar, into a roll, which we fold in half and secure the ends. Now, to make a heart, cut the roll all the way down the middle. We beautifully turn the edges out and admire the heart that should eventually come out. This should be done with all the dough.
  • Step 8 After all the yeast buns have been formed in this way, they need to be placed on a pre-greased sheet. Finally, grease each product with melted butter and sprinkle sugar on top. So we end up looking at a recipe that turns out to be very simple to use at home.

A fluffy and aromatic bun with sugar made from yeast dough is a good addition to a cup of tea or coffee on a weekend. Baking such buns is not easy, because you need to have the skills to prepare the dough and cut it in a special way, which gives the buns a layered structure. But, having learned, the hostess will understand that baking cakes for tea is not difficult.


Before preparing the buns, you need to collect all the components of the dough so that you don’t have to be distracted during the process of creating it. Products must be removed from the refrigerator in advance so that they acquire approximately the same room temperature. Sift the flour so that it is saturated with air, the lumps crumble, and foreign inclusions remain on the sieve. This preparation of products is important for creating air test, which will produce baked goods with many small bubbles that raise the dough.

Yeast can be taken either dry or compressed. The difference between them is only in quantity: for every 1 g of dry powder there corresponds 3-3.5 g of pressed fungi. In order for the yeast to come to life and begin its work of fermenting the dough, it must be awakened by placing it in a warm environment.

Milk is traditionally used to create a suitable environment for the development of culinary fungi. If necessary, it can be replaced with water or kefir. The fat content of dairy products does not play a big role, but they must be of good quality and fresh.

Growing yeast fungi require nutrition in the form of sugary substances. Sugar is added to the dough not only to improve the taste, but also to feed the growing yeast. When carbohydrates are processed, microscopic creatures release carbon dioxide, which expands and raises the dough during baking. But excess sugar is harmful to yeast, so you need to add it exactly according to the recipe.

To improve the taste, butter, eggs, vanillin and other ingredients are added to the dough. These products must be added in the quantities specified in the recipe. So, in order to bake Moscow buns with yeast and milk, the housewife will need:

  • milk - 1 glass;
  • yeast - dry (8 g) or pressed (25 g);
  • butter (you can take refined vegetable oil) - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - ¼ tsp;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • vanillin on the tip of a knife;
  • premium wheat flour - 500-600 g.

In addition to the indicated products that will be used to prepare the dough, you will need another 50-80 g of butter, about 100 g of sugar, 1 egg and a little flour for cutting buns.

How to make buns with sugar from yeast dough

Manufacturing process buns at home is divided into stages, each of which is important for the final result:

  1. Preparing the dough. During the first stage of dough creation, the yeast changes from an inactive state to a living state. Too high a temperature is dangerous for microscopic fungi, but they will not be able to develop in an environment that is not warm enough. The suitable temperature for active reproduction of a yeast colony is about +30°C.
  2. Kneading the dough is the next step. The remaining ingredients are added to the dough, the mass is kneaded and left to rise in a warm place.
  3. Cutting buns is a creative task. Below are photos of how to bake buns that are not only tasty, but also beautiful. This is well demonstrated and we will show you how to make buns of this shape.
  4. Baking must also be done according to the rules. We’ll talk more about how long the proofing should last and how to grease the surface of the yeast buns with sugar later, when it’s time to put the baking sheet in the oven.

In addition to products, when making buns you will need kitchen equipment, which it is advisable to collect in advance. You need containers for the dough (bowl, bowl larger than 1 cup) and kneading the dough (large bowl), a spoon or paddle for kneading, and clean cloth napkins.

Bun dough recipe

Prepare yeast dough For buns with sugar, we start by setting up the dough. Milk or kefir needs to be heated to a slightly warm state, poured into a container, and then pour 1 tbsp into it. l. sugar and yeast. The pressed briquette needs to be crushed. Stir until yeast and sugar dissolve. Place the container in a warm place for 15-20 minutes. The revived yeast will rise into a high cap of foam. You need to keep an eye on them: if the container is too small, some of the dough may spill over the edge.

Prepare the base for the dough. Beat the eggs in a large bowl with the remaining 4 tbsp. l. sugar, add salt and vanillin, mix. Melted butter or pour the vegetable into the mixture, add the suitable dough there. Add sifted flour in small portions, kneading the dough until it reaches a thick consistency. When it becomes difficult to work with a paddle, they begin to knead it with their hands until a soft and elastic mass is obtained that does not stick to the fingers and the walls of the dish.

Lightly dust the dough with flour, roll into a ball and leave in a bowl, covering it with a napkin. The container should be placed in a warm place (+25°C). A heating radiator, the edge of the stove on which food is cooked, etc. are suitable for warming the dough. You can pour hot water into a large saucepan and place a cup of dough there. The water will have to be changed as it cools. The dough rise lasts about 1 hour. The ball should increase 2-3 times. When this happens, you can move on to cutting the buns.

How to make buns with a heart?

Classic Moscow buns are heart-shaped. Cutting the dough this way is quite simple:

  • Dust the table with flour, cut off a small piece of dough (about 100 g);
  • roll it out or stretch it with your hands, giving it an oval or close to rectangular shape;
  • grease the surface with melted butter and sprinkle with sugar; if desired, you can add cinnamon or a little poppy seed, sesame seeds, etc.;
  • roll the dough sheet lengthwise into a roll;
  • bend it in half, lightly press the ends together with your fingers;
  • use a sharp knife to make a cut across the fold, leaving the glued ends intact;
  • Unfold the roll halves, cut sides up, to form a heart shape.

If there was enough oil, a characteristic layered pattern will be revealed on the cut. Place the finished hearts with sugar on a greased baking sheet, leaving at least 2-3 cm of free space between them.

Video on how to form a bun

How to make butterfly buns?

A more complex way to make buns with sugar is dough butterflies. Despite the complex shape, making butterflies is not at all difficult if you have already mastered cutting with a heart. Each butterfly represents a double heart. First, all operations are performed in the same way as when making a heart: they roll out the layer, lubricate and sprinkle it, and roll it up.

To make it easier to make butterflies, the width of the layer is made slightly larger than for the heart. The ends of the finished roll are folded down. They should come together halfway through the roll. Using a knife, cut both folds, leaving the middle of the workpiece untouched. The cut ends are unrolled, as when making hearts. The buns are placed on a baking sheet.

How to make curl buns?

Curls can be made in two in different ways. The simplest is to roll out the dough into a large layer, grease it with butter and sprinkle with sugar and other additives as desired. Roll the layer into a roll and cut it crosswise into pieces about 5 cm wide. When laying out on a baking sheet, the roll pieces are placed cut side up.

Another method of cutting with curls also requires making a roll. It should be long, at least 20 cm. Choose the thickness to your taste: the diameter of the buns depends on this. Cut the roll in half lengthwise with a knife. Unfold the halves with the cuts facing up and twist them into a spiral, like a snail. As an option for this cutting, you can wrap both ends of the roll halves in a spiral: in the opposite direction or in different directions. Depending on this, you will get different types of curls. Place the finished curls on a baking sheet at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other.

How to bake buns correctly?

The baked goods cannot be placed in the oven immediately after cutting. Such buns may not rise and will lose all their attractiveness. Before baking, the molded products must go through a proofing stage. It lasts 25-30 minutes and takes place in a warm place. Before proofing, brush the surface of the buns with beaten egg.

During proofing, the yeast continues its work and again saturates the dough with bubbles of carbon dioxide. The buns increase greatly in size. While the buns are rising, you can preheat the oven to +180°C. When the proofing process is over, the baking sheet is carefully placed in the oven. Sweet buns are baked for about 20 minutes. You can judge the readiness of the products by the browning of the surface and the pleasant aroma of fresh baked goods. After removing the buns from the oven, remove them from the baking sheet, place them on a tray and let them cool slightly under a napkin.

I love making homemade buns... There is no clear answer to why, but there are a few observations.

Firstly, this is the yeast dough from which it is made. I like the way it rises, I like looking at this ball of dough and touching it with my hands.

Secondly, this is the form. It’s one thing to simply eat buns and quite another to penetrate the secret of how to twist them. Do you know how to give a bun the shape of a bun? No? But I know, and I write this proudly, because now I am no longer a green housewife, but a more ripe one.

And thirdly, it's taste. I don’t know who came up with buns and when, but the author was clearly in a good mood since he managed to make a bun with caramel.


  • Water or milk 250 ml
  • Pressed yeast 40 g
  • Eggs 1 piece
  • Butter 40 g + 10 g
  • Flour 550-600 g
  • Sugar 100 g

Crumble the pressed yeast a little and place it in a deep bowl suitable for kneading dough.

Add warm water (milk), pre-melted but not hot butter, beaten egg and mix well.
As you have already noticed in the recipe, you can choose to use milk or water. I recommend water when there is no milk in the refrigerator. If you try to compare to understand the difference, then the dough prepared with milk tastes better. But believe me, the buns with sugar and water also turn out decent.

Add 1 tablespoon of sugar, 0.5 salt and stir.

Add flour in two additions. The first portion of flour can be mixed with a large spoon. For the second one you will have to use your hands.

When the dough forms a ball, transfer it to the table, start kneading and continue with the same activity for about 2-3 minutes. In turn, the dough should stop sticking to your hands (or easily fall behind without leaving marks on them).

Good kneading is important for yeast dough, so don't skimp on the effort, you'll benefit from it. At some point, the dough may begin to stick more, if you feel that the work has become more difficult, sprinkle a little flour on the table and continue.

Place the dough back into the bowl, cover with something and place in a place where there is more heat than usual if the weather outside is not the warmest. In comfortable conditions, it will fit you faster. At the moment when it increases by about 2.5 times, you can begin to form homemade buns.

How to roll a bun with sugar, method No. 1:

Divide the dough into two parts. Roll out the layer to a thickness of 4-5 mm. There is no need to make it too thin, as this may cause damage. appearance finished products. Grease the entire surface with melted butter and sprinkle with sugar.

Roll the layer into a roll and cut into equal pieces.

Cut each piece lengthwise, not reaching one end. Move the pieces apart, like butterfly wings.
By making buns with sugar in this way, you will end up with small and neat products.

Method of rolling buns with sugar No. 2:

There is another way to form buns, in which they turn out larger and look more familiar.

Roll out a layer with a diameter of about 15 cm. Also grease it with butter, sprinkle with sugar and roll it into a roll.

Bring the ends together and press until they stick together.

Cut lengthwise, without reaching the end (it is convenient to do this using scissors) and straighten the resulting parts to the sides.

Place the homemade buns on a baking sheet and leave for 20-30 minutes until they rise. Brush with beaten egg and bake until golden brown.