How to bake oatmeal banana cookies. Oatmeal and banana cookies Banana and oatmeal cookies recipe

First of all, you need to prepare the raisins. A dark or light seedless variety will do. Rinse in running water and pour boiling water for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the raisins will swell and become soft. After the specified time, drain the water and dry with paper towels.

If you plan to make these cookies ahead of time, you can soak the raisins the day before and use any natural juice or strong tea, for example, with bargamot. The taste of the cookies will be even more interesting! You can use liqueur or rum for soaking. When baked, the alcohol will evaporate and the taste will be more aromatic.

You will need a large and ripe banana. Peel it and grind it on a grater. You can mash it with a fork or use an immersion blender.

Beat a chicken egg into the chopped banana. Arm yourself with a whisk or spoon and stir thoroughly until you obtain a homogeneous consistency.

Add cottage cheese of any fat content, or low-fat. Rub thoroughly with banana mixture. You can use an immersion blender at this step if you want a more uniform consistency.

Add honey. Its quantity can be adjusted at your discretion. Stir.

Fill oatmeal. Stir. If you use flakes instant cooking, the dough does not need to be left to swell. It turns out to be a rather thick mass.

For this recipe, buy the simplest and largest oat flakes (No. 1), they contain the most fiber. For a more uniform texture, the cookies can be ground in a coffee grinder or blender-grinder, even down to flour!

Add raisins. Mix it into the dough. Taste the mixture. You may want to add some honey for extra sweetness.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Prepare a baking tray. Cover it parchment paper. Use a tablespoon to scoop out a small portion of the dough and, with wet hands, form a small cake.

For more accurate and quick shaping, take a wide, shallow dish and pour some water into it. It will be much more convenient to wet your palms!

Place on a baking sheet at a short distance from each other. Bake until golden brown on both sides, about 20-25 minutes. Baking time depends on the power of the oven.

Oatmeal banana cookies are ready. Cool it down and invite everyone to take a sample!

Enjoy your tea, delicious and healthy cookies! Be sure to experiment! Baking with banana and oatmeal simply requires culinary creativity!

Dear friends! I bring to your attention a baking recipe without eggs, wheat flour, sugar, butter, milk. This can be considered a dietary and even healthy pastry. This recipe will be especially relevant for mothers who are losing weight, for people who are fasting, for children who are allergic to eggs, who are overweight, for those with a sweet tooth who are trying very hard to normalize their figure and completely give up sweets. they can't. These cookies will not harm your figure and will not add inches to your waist. What are these cookies made of?

Lean oatmeal cookies with banana - a simple recipe

These cookies are made with simple ingredients.

Oatmeal– an important source of fiber, complex carbohydrates that provide energy to our body for the whole day, vitamins and minerals, it is an excellent antioxidant that preserves our youth and beauty. Oatmeal supplies the body with:

- phosphorus and calcium, which nourish nails, hair, bone tissue;
- potassium and iron, which support the cardiovascular system;
— iodine, necessary for the nervous system;
- vitamin B, which regulates digestive processes and maintains the healthy appearance of our skin, and so on.

Bananas– a natural source of sweetness that replaces sugar in baked goods, has adhesive properties, and therefore replaces eggs in the recipe. Banana is an excellent source of potassium, which nourishes the heart muscle.

Dried fruits and nuts– give the cookies a sweet original taste, enrich them with vitamins and nutrients.

Honey– a healthy sugar substitute. So much has been said about its benefits, and everyone knows about it, so I won’t repeat myself.

For dietary healthy snack These cookies are just what you need. It may not look very presentable, but we can say with confidence that it does not contain any harmful additives, chemical flavorings, aromas, preservatives, etc. This is a 100 percent healthy option for dietary baking.

How do you feel about fast food? I'm sure it's negative. How do your children feel about him? Kids, of course, will only eat what their parents allow them, and schoolchildren, teenagers... We can’t control what they eat all day long, can we? And the forbidden fruit is so sweet! I found a compromise solution to this problem a long time ago. Sometimes, about once or twice a month, I let my son buy something from fast food or order it home, for example, from kfc . I try to choose something that is most healthy and not too fried. The son is quite happy with this agreement, but he is not at all trying to buy something secretly; the process is under control. You can cook burgers, fries, nuggets, and so on at home, but for some reason teenagers really like exactly what is prepared in a cafe...

Let's get back to our healthy diet oatmeal banana cookies.

Lenten oatmeal banana cookies recipe, ingredients, cooking process

To make these simple oatmeal cookies you will need the following ingredients:
- oatmeal - 1.5 cups;
- bananas - 2 pieces;
- honey - 1.5 tablespoons;
- dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes) - a quarter cup;
- nuts (almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts) - a quarter cup;
- sunflower, pumpkin, flax seeds - optional;
- soda - half a teaspoon (quench with lemon juice);
- cinnamon - half a teaspoon.

Lenten oatmeal cookies with banana - preparation process:

1. I used oatmeal, for cookies, I ground it in a kitchen machine into flour, but not too finely. You can use oatmeal.
2. Bananas need to be either mashed with a fork or chopped in a blender.
3. Mix oatmeal, chopped bananas, honey.
4. Wash dried fruits, steam, chop (except raisins). I only used prunes.
5. Chop the nuts, but not too much, I used walnuts.
6. Add dried fruits, nuts, seeds (I used 1.5 teaspoons of flax seeds) to flour, bananas and honey.
7. Add cinnamon and soda, slaked with lemon juice.
8. Leave the prepared dough for about 40-60 minutes.
9. The oven must be preheated to 180 degrees.
10. Cover a baking sheet with parchment, grease it with vegetable oil, form cookies, place them on the baking sheet at a distance from each other.
11. Bake for 15-20 minutes.

It turned out very aromatic, sweet, crispy, recipe very simple, everything is quick, the cooking process took me 40 minutes. This is of course not sponge cake with chic decorations, but very tasty for a Lenten table diet cookies, which not only does not spoil the figure, but is also useful for it. Cook with pleasure! Treat your children and loved ones to healthy and delicious cookies!

Bon appetit!

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If you are one of those who likes to pamper yourself with delicious food, but at the same time appreciates... proper nutrition, this article is for you! Today we’ll learn how to make cookies from banana and oatmeal so that they turn out soft, moderately sweet and truly healthy. We also won’t find any butter, wheat flour, or even eggs in its composition, so it can safely be classified as a lenten and vegan dish.

What, then, are dietary oatmeal cookies made from if they do not contain a single “unhealthy” ingredient, because in terms of their nutritional value, the amount of minerals, trace elements and fiber, they will give odds to any muesli bar from the supermarket.

For those readers who do not adhere to a strict diet, we offer cookie recipes with a richer composition.

Oatmeal Banana Cookie Products


We use only classic Hercules, and in no case dry instant porridge, otherwise all the benefits will come to naught and we will end up with ordinary store-bought baked goods.


We choose fruits of varying degrees of ripeness depending on our goals. Darkening, soft, overripe bananas will not only bind the dough, making it more pliable, but will also add a sweet caramel tint to the flavor.

However, such a carbohydrate component will also add calories, so we recommend greenish bananas to everyone who is losing weight. They will still perform the binding function, but there will be significantly less sugar in the cookies.


We choose any to our taste. Cashews and almonds will add flavor and slightly sweeten the cookies, walnuts will add piquancy, especially in combination with spices like cinnamon or cloves, the flesh of fresh coconut will add a tropical taste, and sesame seeds will enrich the texture, making the baked goods more crumbly.

Pumpkin, flax or sunflower seeds will also add variety and add to the useful composition vitamin E, selenium and zinc.

Dried fruits

Almost any dried berries and fruits work well: cranberries and kumquats, cherries and candied fruits, prunes and figs, dried apricots and dates. The main thing we remember is that all dried fruits are quite sweet and very carbohydrate.

So, for example, add very few dates and then only if the banana is not sweet or there is a lot of cottage cheese in the dough. But you don’t have to skimp on prunes - their rich aroma will make oatmeal cookies even more appetizing.

If dried fruits are too hard, you can grind them in a blender or soak them for 30-40 minutes and cut them with a knife.

Cottage cheese

Cookies made from oatmeal with banana and cottage cheese are rightfully considered a champion in the content of nutrients, since they contain both proteins and slow carbohydrates.

For those losing weight or actively exercising, it is better to choose low-fat or low-fat varieties, because the lower the percentage of fat, the higher the protein content.

So where should you start when preparing?

Oatmeal banana cookies


  • Oatmeal - 1 - 1.5 cups + -
  • Banana - 1 pc. + -
  • Nuts - 2 tbsp. + -
  • Dried fruits - 3 tbsp. + -
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp. + -

Cooking recipe

  1. Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder or blender until it becomes coarse flour. If you want to get a very delicate consistency, grind it completely. If, on the contrary, you like it when there is “something to chew,” we leave large inclusions.
  2. Depending on ripeness and softness, mash the banana with a fork or puree it in a blender.
  3. We chop the nuts and also chop the dried fruits with a knife. Pour them into the banana puree, mix and only then gradually begin to add the chopped oatmeal.
  4. By adding them at the end, we can control the thickness of the dough without drying it out.
  5. When we are completely satisfied with the consistency, add baking powder or ½ tsp. soda, slaked with vinegar or lemon juice.
  6. Preheat the oven to 180°C, line a baking tray with baking paper and place the dough on it with a spoon or your hands. Form the cookies and bake for 25-30 minutes.

Let the finished delicacy cool and serve. Bon appetit!

We prepare it similarly to the previous recipe, only slightly changing the proportions.

  • For 2 cups of oatmeal we need 1 banana and 150 g of cottage cheese.

In this cookie recipe, you don’t have to grind the flakes - this will only add additional deliciousness, but the cottage cheese should have a paste-like consistency. It is best to puree it together with banana in a blender.

Combine dry oatmeal with curd mass, knead into a homogeneous dough, add chopped dried fruits - dates and figs are especially suitable here to add additional sweetness.

  • Add 1 tsp. baking powder or ½ tsp. slaked soda, mix again and place on a lined baking sheet.
  • Bake at 190°C for 20-25 minutes depending on the size of the cookies. As soon as they turn brown, take them out and remember that as they cool, they will become harder - you shouldn’t overcook the delicacy.

Now you know not only the basic recipes for making oatmeal cookies with banana, but also some subtleties. Grind the flakes into flour, add dried fruits, nuts, seeds and experiment! And in the comments we share our recipes or photos of the finished dessert, friends!

Do you prefer healthier products instead of butter and cream products? Then try making, for example, oatmeal cookies with banana. The recipe is quite simple and can vary depending on the desired taste and expected calorie content of the finished product.

Benefits of cookies

Everyone probably knows about beneficial properties In principle, other dishes made from oatmeal have the same qualities. First of all, their beneficial effect is on the digestive system: intestinal function accelerates. Oats, rich in fiber, tend to swell, creating a feeling of fullness for a long time. If you don’t have time to cook porridge in the morning, you can sometimes serve dietary oatmeal cookies. In combination with milk or tea, several of these products will be equivalent in calorie content to one serving of cooked rolled oats. Especially useful for cooking. After all, in this case you will be absolutely sure of the absence of artificial additives and fillers. In addition, you can try the combination with additional ingredients such as cottage cheese, bananas, nuts, dried fruits and honey. Nutritionists recommend consuming oatmeal cookies for various diseases, replacing them with baked goods and cakes with cream.

Low-calorie classic recipe with banana

There are many ways to prepare these baked goods. Try making oatmeal banana cookies classic recipe. To obtain a smooth and homogeneous dough, you will need a blender or mixer. Grind two very ripe bananas with it, add 150 g of melted unsalted butter and the same amount of sugar. Add 2 separately beaten fresh chicken eggs into the mixture and mix. Then add a pinch table salt, 1 incomplete tsp. baking powder, 2 full tbsp. l. raisins and chopped nuts. Then gradually, in small portions, add flour (250 g). As the last ingredient, add 250 g of oatmeal (fine or medium grind) to the banana dough. Make round balls from the thick mixture and place them on a greased or paper-lined baking sheet. Bake cookies for 15-20 minutes in a preheated oven at medium temperature. You can serve immediately upon reaching readiness.

Cooking oatmeal cookies with banana, cottage cheese and spices

To make baked goods original in taste, various additional ingredients are often added. How else can you make oatmeal banana cookies? The recipe below also involves the use of cottage cheese and aromatic spices. Mix 0.5 cups of sifted warm wheat flour with 1 full cup of sugar, 0.5 tsp. dry baking powder, 1 partial tsp. salt, 0.5 tsp. spicy cinnamon and a pinch of ground nutmeg. Grind the mixture with 150 g of low-fat dry cottage cheese until a consistency in the form of crumbs is formed. Mash 3 medium-sized bananas with a fork and 1 chicken egg and mix with the previously prepared bulk mass. Then add 0.5 cups of small oat flakes and chopped nuts to the dough. Bake in an oven preheated to 180°C for about 15-20 minutes. The finished oatmeal banana cookies will be an attractive golden brown color.

Recipe "Honey"

You can prepare healthy cookies from oatmeal in a slightly different way, excluding some of the sugar and replacing it with fresh honey. If you are using last year's thickened one, you must first melt it slowly in an aluminum saucepan or in a water bath. It is best to use medium-ground oatmeal. They need to be fried a little before adding to the dough. To do this, heat 1 cup of the bulk component over low heat, while stirring continuously, for 8-10 minutes.

After preparing the specified components, proceed to preparing the dough. First, mix 1 flour with a packet of baking powder (1 full tsp), and 2 tbsp. l. Grind unsalted butter with 3 heaped liters. Sahara. Combine these two mixtures and add to them first 2 beaten small eggs, and then 2/3 of a glass of liquid or very soft honey. The mass will not be very thick in consistency. Add completely cooled oatmeal to it and mix well. Spoon onto a baking sheet and bake for 12-15 minutes at medium temperature.

Like oatmeal?

To ensure that the product does not contain components that are partially or completely contraindicated for certain diseases, some changes can be made to the recipe. For example, if the composition contains a fatty base in the form of margarine or butter, completely exclude them from the recipe. Use this ingredient instead vegetable oil, taking it three times less than the original volume. Sugar, which is different not so much useful product, can be replaced with honey or a slightly increased amount of dried fruits. Pieces are added to the dough both in crushed and whole form. When making sure that you get a completely dietary oatmeal banana cookie, do not add wheat flour to the dough. To obtain the desired thickness, only a dry oatmeal base will be enough. Perhaps such baked goods will turn out to be somewhat different in taste. appearance from traditional cookies, but the benefits will be guaranteed!

Hello my dears! I’ll tell you a little backstory: my dad asked me just now how to make healthy oatmeal cookies with banana, so that he could accidentally give my mom the recipe, maybe she would be worthy of baking it)) And what do you think? I counted - I have at least 8 oatmeal cookie recipes on my website, and, to my shame, not one with banana. Well, I don’t count the two-ingredient hyper-diet recipe “that blew up the Internet.” Dad won't eat this.

Therefore, dad, I decided to make healthy but TASTY oatmeal cookies with banana especially for you and immediately write down the recipe so that you can slip it to your mom.

But even though our oatmeal cookies are delicious, they are cooked without flour and sugar. Only healthy ingredients. In a word - PP.

And at the same time, for pp lovers, I will write another recipe for oatmeal cookies without banana, but with whole grain flour. Keep me seven! It seems to me that if you add anything to oatmeal cookies, they will always be incomparable.

So, recipe number 1.

Banana Oatmeal Cookies Recipe

Let's take for it:

Makes 12 cookies

  • ripe banana, mashed - 150 gr. (≈1.5 pcs.)
  • ground cinnamon - ½ tsp.
  • oat flakes - 200 gr.
  • coconut flakes - 75 gr.
  • raisins or chocolate - 80 gr.
  • honey or maple syrup— 60 ml
  • vegetable or butter melted - 60 ml (I used coconut)

The riper your banana, the more flavorful and sweet the oatmeal cookies will be.

Cooking method:

  1. Preheat the oven to 130ºС. Line a baking tray with baking paper or a silicone mat.
  2. Place all the ingredients in a deep bowl, mix with a spoon, and then knead the dough, kneading thoroughly with your hands until the mass becomes plastic and homogeneous.
  3. With hands lightly moistened in water, form 12 identical balls and press lightly with your hand.
  4. Let's bake oatmeal banana cookies in a preheated oven for 30-35 minutes until lightly browned.

And recipe number 2.

Oatmeal cookies with whole wheat flour

It was this pp-cookie that I talked about in my Instagram, when she said that the children devoured it, that it was cracking behind the ears and then, for a week, they probably asked to make more.

To be honest, I didn’t expect this from children who were fed pancakes, pies and cakes. I was sure that at the age of 6-7 years their tastes were quite heavily blurred by all sorts of sweeteners, flavorings and other nonsense. It turned out not. Even children who consume sweets on a daily basis can appreciate healthy treats.

So, I will not stop repeating to new parents: do not rush to introduce sugar to your children. Let them grow up and decide for themselves whether they want to eat the way we eat, or choose the path healthy image life.

After all, remember, when you and I were children, we didn’t have such a huge choice. At least, until a certain age (up to about 10 years old), my brother and I had mostly preserves and jams from sweets. Sugar consumption was several times less than that of modern children. And there certainly weren’t any chemicals like monosodium glutamate, titanium dioxide and other flavor and color enhancers.

But what can we say about children, when even my husband, being a decent gourmet in the field of sweets, always enjoys any oatmeal cookie, no matter what I slip him.

Agreed? Now let's get down to business.

For this recipe we will need:

Makes 15 cookies

  • oat flakes, finely ground - 100 gr.
  • whole grain flour - 90 gr.
  • baking powder - 1.5 tsp.
  • ground cinnamon - 1.5 tsp.
  • salt - 1 pinch
  • coconut oil or butter, melted - 28 gr.
  • egg, room temperature— 1 pc.
  • vanilla essence - 1 tsp.
  • honey or maple syrup - 120 gr.
  • raisins or chocolate - 40 gr.

If you only have regular oatmeal, lightly grind it in a blender with a few pulses.


  1. In a bowl, mix oatmeal, whole wheat flour, baking powder, cinnamon and salt.
  2. In another deep bowl, mix melted and cooled butter, egg and vanilla essence. Then add honey and mix again.
  3. Lastly, stir in the raisins or chopped chocolate and let the mixture sit for 30 minutes.
  4. Preheat the oven to 160º and line a baking sheet with baking paper or a silicone mat.
  5. With hands slightly moistened with water, form the dough into 15 identical balls slightly larger than a nut and press lightly with your hand.
  6. Bake oatmeal cookies in a preheated oven for 11-14 minutes. Then cool on the baking sheet for 10 minutes and transfer to a wire rack.

I made the first cookie recipe with raisins, and the second with dark chocolate. I liked the second option more. But even with raisins, oatmeal cookies turn out very tasty and sweet.