Insanely delicious cake in half an hour. The taste is somewhat similar to “Ryzhik” and “Napoleon” combined. Honey Napoleon - saffron milk cake History of the saffron milk cake

Recipes for making cakes at home with photos


2 hours

260 kcal

4.63/5 (16)

Today I will share with you a recipe for a cake with the funny name “Ryzhik”, honey with sour cream and butter cream. I find it tender, fragrant, soft. Moreover, it is nourishing and healthy, since it contains honey and sour cream. In general, one that is perfect for kids and will definitely appeal to many adults. This cake is for those who love delicious homemade cakes, but does not have much time for culinary delights, it is one of those simple but tasty recipes that are prepared in a hurry.

The classic honey Ryzhik recipe is usually made either with sour cream, or with condensed milk. I'm putting everything together. A little more expensive, but also much tastier. The cake is prepared quickly, easily and from available ingredients. Even inexperienced cooks will master it the first time without any problems.

  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: bowl, pan, surface for rolling out cakes, parchment paper, rolling pin, mixer, baking dish, oven.

Required Products

Features of product selection

When choosing sour cream for a cake made from Ryzhik shortcakes, I give preference to 15%. You can also take 20%. If the sour cream is more fatty, the cake may be too greasy and dry. Please note that sour cream should not be too sour.

The “Ryzhik” cake is sometimes also called “Honey cake”.

The history of the Ryzhik cake

Before making the “Ryzhik” cake, I want to tell you about the history of its origin. The legend of its origin dates back to the time of Empress Elizaveta Alekseevna, the wife of Alexander I. She could not stand honey and dishes containing it. However, the new court chef did not know this and prepared a delicious honey cake.

The Empress was delighted and demanded to know the recipe. To the surprise of all the courtiers, having learned that the cook had put honey in it, she did not punish him, but rewarded him. Since then, the pie has been passed down from generation to generation and does not lose popularity today.

Now, every time before you prepare the Ryzhik cake, remember this story with a good ending and set yourself in a positive mood. And, believe me, the cake you will make is simply delicious.

How to make Ryzhik cake at home

So, let’s prepare the “Ryzhik” cake according to the classic recipe with photos step by step.

  1. Mix 2 eggs with 0.5 cups of sugar and beat the mixture well until a stable foam forms. If you do this by hand, it will take a little longer; if you beat with a mixer at high speed, it will take 5 minutes.

  2. Place 100 g of butter and 0.5 cups of sugar in a saucepan with thick walls. Stir and put on fire. Stirring constantly until the sugar dissolves.

  3. After dissolving the sugar, add 3 tbsp. spoons of honey. Without stopping stirring, bring the mixture to a boil. Add 2 teaspoons of soda. The mass will begin to increase quickly. Keep it on the fire for a little (about a minute), and then remove and cool.

  4. The mass removed from the heat must stand for some time to cool to a warm temperature. Then very slowly pour in the beaten eggs and sugar. Mix all ingredients well.

  5. Place the pan back on the stove. Add a glass of flour very slowly. At the same time, stir the mass well. Then add another glass of sifted flour. Mix the ingredients well and remove the pan from the heat. Allow the mixture to cool for 5-7 minutes. After this, add about another glass of flour. Add flour until the dough is soft and easily kneaded with your hands.

  6. Divide the finished dough into 10 equal parts.

  7. Roll out each part thinly (3 mm thick). It is better to do this on parchment.

  8. Bake each cake in the oven until cooked (brown color) at a temperature of 180 degrees. Baking one cake will take approximately 5-7 minutes.

Recipe for cream for Ryzhik cake

While the cakes are baking, you need to prepare the cream for the Ryzhik cake according to the following recipe. First, 400 g of butter must be removed from the refrigerator so that it is at room temperature when preparing the cream. Then beat it thoroughly with a mixer until it becomes fluffy.

Cake "Ryzhik", except sour cream and butter cream, you can also lubricate with condensed milk with butter, semolina cream, custard, sour cream and kefir cream.

How to beautifully decorate and serve the Ryzhik cake

Decorating the “Ryzhik” cake in the classic recipe at home is done using crumbs from crushed cake (leftovers) or nuts, which are generously sprinkled on the top cake and sides. However, you can try to give the pie a more elegant look.

So, You can add chocolate and coconut flakes to the mixture for sprinkling. Using a stencil, you can depict any interesting or thematic design.

I saw a photo of “Ryzhik”, flooded chocolate icing. I read that some housewives also decorate it with fruits, dried fruits, and pieces of jelly. You can paint the cake with sugar pencils.

So that you can prepare the “Ryzhik” cake according to the classic recipe, and it will turn out the best for you, I suggest you familiarize yourself with some recommendations.

The cakes must be baked as thin as possible. This way they will be better soaked and will give the impression that they are melting in your mouth.

To ensure that they are the same thickness and size, you can use a kitchen scale when dividing the dough into equal parts for accuracy.

When baking, the baking sheet should be sprinkled with flour or covered with parchment.

It is important not to overcook the cakes in the oven. Since they are very thin, they bake quickly. As soon as the cake is slightly browned, remove it from the oven. If this moment is missed, the cake may become bitter. By the way, to prevent burning, you can place a frying pan with water on the bottom of the oven.

Once cooled, the cakes will become hard. This should not bother you - when the cream saturates them, they will soften.

After preparing the “Ryzhik” cake, keep it at room temperature for 1.5-2 hours. room temperature and then place in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours. This will allow the cream to soak the cakes well and make them softer.

It is better to trim the edges of the cakes using a plate or lid that is smaller in diameter. This procedure can be done both before baking and after.

It is convenient to sprinkle the sides of the cake with crumbs or nuts using a smooth rectangular spatula.

To quickly prepare crumbs, the cake scraps are placed in a plastic bag, tied and rolled out using a rolling pin.

Video recipe for “Ryzhik” cake

You can see how to bake the Ryzhik cake here:

Watching the video recipe will not take you much time, it is very concise. You will be able to see how thin the cakes should be rolled out and what the finished cake looks like.

Invitation to discuss the cake and possible improvements

I hope you enjoy making the Ryzhik cake, and mine step by step recipe with photos and videos will greatly simplify the task. Share in the comments how you like to cook honey pie. Do you prefer the classic version, or with the addition of lemon zest or other additives? I'd love to read about your successes.


Melt butter and sugar in a bowl over a water bath, add eggs, honey and baking soda.

and keep on fire until the mass increases in volume, stirring all the time.

Remove the bowl from the water bath and add enough flour to knead very soft dough. While the dough is hot, it will seem like there is very little flour, don’t worry, when it cools down it will become denser. Place the bowl of dough in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.

Dust the table with flour, lay out the dough, and dust a little flour on top as well.

Form a rope from the dough and divide into 8 - 10 parts. Roll the dough pieces into balls and place on a floured board.

Roll out each ball quite thinly, place on a floured baking sheet and bake until golden brown. Don't overdry!

Trim the edges of the cakes using a suitable sized lid or plate. Save the trimmings (from all the cakes) - they will be needed to decorate the cake (you can trim the unbaked cakes directly on the baking sheet and bake along with the trimmings).

Grease each cake with cream, stack on top of each other, decorate with crumbs, nuts or decorate with cream as desired.

For cream: beat sour cream with sugar, whip cream separately and combine with sour cream. (you can read about how to make the necessary high-fat cream yourself if you don’t have it on hand). The resulting cream is a little runny, don’t be alarmed, it will harden a little in the refrigerator. This saffron milk cap has a delicate creamy taste.

It is convenient to use for beautiful decoration for celebrations and holidays.

It is quite possible that summer will come someday in the middle zone. This means that it still makes sense to supply bread kvass. It will take at least a week to prepare a good starter, and as forecasters promise, by that time the air temperature should rise above 20 C (daytime).

How to prepare sourdough for
homemade bread kvass


  • 2 liters of cold water;
  • 0.5 loaves of Borodino bread or 100 grams rye flour+ 100 grams of rye bread;
  • 4 tablespoons granulated sugar;
  • 3 grams of yeast.
  • Preparation time - 5-6 days

How to put kvass:

  • Fry the flour or pieces of bread until they darken (but do not char; with black bread it is sometimes difficult to tell whether it is just toasted or already burnt).
  • Dissolve yeast and 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar in lukewarm water.
  • After 10 minutes, add a third of the flour or breadcrumbs.
  • Drain almost all the water, add the same amount of fresh water, another spoonful of sugar and another third of crackers or flour with crackers.
    And insist again for a couple of days.
    Drain again, add the remaining crackers (or flour with crackers) and sugar. And fill it with fresh water again.
    During this time, the leaven will lose its insolent yeasty taste and unpleasant bitterness and it will be possible to use it for drinking kvass. To do this, once every 1.5-2 days three liter jar with the prepared sourdough you will need to add water, sugar to taste and a large handful of fresh rye crackers, first removing some of the old soggy ones that have sunk to the bottom. For taste you can add raisins, mint, ginger, honey...
  • recipe in notebook

    For tea


    • 100 g butter
    • 300 g flour
    • 150 g honey
    • 2 large eggs
    • walnuts
    • teaspoon soda

    Cooking method

    • Heat honey to 90 degrees and butter, add flour.
    • IN choux pastry add eggs and 2 more tablespoons of flour.
    • Divide the dough into 8-10 parts, roll each into a very thin crust.
    • Bake at 180 degrees for 3-5 minutes.
    • Grease the cakes with cream and leave in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours.

    Not far off new year holidays, it’s time to add themed recipes to the site. The selection opens with everyone’s favorite cake “Ryzhik”, classic recipe The photo will provide step-by-step detailed instructions that will help you prepare honey cakes and sour cream. This delicate cake is prepared almost in the same way as a honey cake, the only difference is in the thickness of the cakes and a slight difference in proportions. If I make six layers for a honey cake, then the more there are, and the thinner they are, the more tender it will be ready cake. The classic recipe for Ryzhik is made with sour cream, which requires good fat sour cream.

    The most successful and delicious Ryzhik honey cake is obtained if the cake dough is cooked in a water bath. Very intense honey taste, the cakes are tender, porous, and absorb cream perfectly.


    To prepare the classic Ryzhik cake with sour cream you will need:

    • butter – 50 g;
    • sugar – 1 glass;
    • soda – 1.5 tsp;
    • eggs – 2 pcs;
    • thick honey - 2 tbsp. l;
    • wheat flour – 2.5 cups (140 g in a cup) + for adding and rolling.
    • homemade thick sour cream – 700 g;
    • sugar – 200 g.

    How to make a classic Ryzhik cake. Recipe

    From the dishes you will need a deep bowl for beating eggs with sugar and two pans for a water bath. I select the size of the pans so that one fits into the other, but does not dangle in it, but sits tightly on the rim (this is important, while preparing the dough you will have to stir for a long time and intensively). Break two eggs into a bowl and add half a glass of sugar.

    Using a mixer, I begin to beat at low speed until the ingredients are combined.

    When the mass thickens and brightens, I increase the speed to almost maximum and continue beating for about three minutes. You should get a fluffy, airy mass of cream or almost white color, like a sponge cake.

    I pour enough water into the large pan so that the water does not reach the bottom of the smaller pan. I put it on medium heat, and as soon as it boils, put the butter cut into pieces into a small saucepan. I melt it.

    I heat the oil thoroughly, it begins to foam. Add the rest of the sugar, stir and leave to melt. It should be noted that the crystals will not completely disperse, but after five to seven minutes they will partially melt.

    I add thick natural honey. If yours is runny, add three spoons for a more intense cake flavor. I mix honey with butter and sugar. Once it warms up and softens, the sugar grains will melt and the mixture will become smooth.

    Pour the egg-sugar mixture into the pan, stirring so as not to overcook the eggs.

    I stir very well until the mixture becomes homogeneous, with air bubbles.

    I add soda. In the classic recipe for Ryzhik cake, soda is added unslaked; vinegar is not needed. It will be extinguished by honey (it contains acid) and there will be no specific taste.

    After adding soda, the mass will become fluffy and begin to increase in volume. The consistency will be like custard or condensed milk.

    As it heats up, the color will change to yellowish-golden and there will be more and more bubbles. The mass will become very airy and slightly viscous.

    In total, I cook the dough base for 30-35 minutes until it has an intense honey color. I stir almost constantly, occasionally taking breaks for a couple of minutes. The base will begin to darken first near the walls of the pan and gradually the entire volume will turn reddish. If you leave the dough light, then when you add flour it will lighten even more and the cake layers for the Ryzhik cake will not be golden, but light.

    Without removing from the heat, I add a glass of sifted flour and immediately vigorously mix it into the honey base.

    Grind thoroughly and stir until the mixture becomes homogeneous. I add a second glass and mix in the same way. The dough will thicken, but will remain loose and sticky. Remove from heat, let cool slightly, about five minutes.

    It is very important not to overfill the flour, so I add just a little bit at a time. If the dough is made dense, it will quickly harden, making the cakes very difficult to roll out. I pour half a cup of flour onto the board. I dump the dough onto the flour and begin to quickly knead. I needed exactly half a glass of flour, you may need more. Add the next portion only after the first one is completely mixed into the dough. Focus on density. The dough should be soft, very plastic, like well-kneaded plasticine.

    I immediately give the workpiece the shape of a flat sausage, this makes it more convenient to cut pieces of the same size.

    To prevent it from sticking to the knife, I sprinkle it with flour, and I also dip the knife in flour. I divide it into ten parts (you can make 8 or 12, depending on the diameter of the cake you want).

    The oven is already preheated to 200 degrees, I warm it up in advance so that the workpieces do not have to wait. I sprinkle the board well with flour. I knead one piece into a flat cake and roll it out with a rolling pin into a cake about 2 mm thick.

    Advice.Roll out the dough using flour, it is very delicate and may stick to the table or rolling pin. Then sweep the flour off the finished cakes with a brush.

    I sprinkle the baking sheet with flour (be sure to, otherwise it will stick!), transfer the cake and prick it all over the surface with a fork. I put it in the oven on a medium level for literally three to four minutes. Maximum five, just to darken a little, but not brown. While one is baking, I roll out two or three more and place them on the table on flour. Ready cake Immediately, while hot, I cut it to the desired size. Once it has cooled down, it will not be possible to cut it; it will harden and break. I use the bottom of a springform pan with a diameter of 20 cm. I place it on the cake and trace it with a sharp knife. I remove the trimmings, they will be used for decoration.

    Advice.You can use a lid or plate as a template, the main thing is to do everything quickly while the cake is soft.

    I lay out the finished cakes on the table. When it has cooled completely, I brush it on all sides with a brush and stack it on a flat dish.

    While the cakes are resting (by the way, they can be baked in advance and kept in a tightly closed bag), I make sour cream for the Ryzhik cake. I buy sour cream at the market, I take thick homemade sour cream with a high percentage of fat content. Store-bought cream does not whip up; you need either a fixative or some other additives. I prefer to buy natural sour cream, which will definitely make a thick, delicious cream. Transfer the sour cream to a tall container and add sugar.

    Beat with a mixer at the lowest speed. Here you need to monitor the condition and consistency of the cream so as not to overfill it (fat sour cream can separate into butter grains and whey). I do this: I work with the mixer for about a minute, then leave the cream at room temperature for 10-15 minutes so that the sugar dissolves. And beat again until fluffy. The consistency will be smooth, fluffy, thicker than sour cream. So that you can spread it on the cakes, and not pour them.

    I place the cake on a flat dish and coat the entire surface with cream. Each one takes 3-4 tbsp. l. sour cream.

    I grease the sides and top cake with the remaining cream and smooth it out using a flat spatula. The cake turns out to be quite high, but then the cakes will be soaked and it will settle a little.

    I grind the scraps from the cakes in a meat grinder or in a blender into different-sized crumbs. It will be useful for decorating the cake.

    Sprinkle crumbs on the sides of the cake. I adapted to decorate using a spatula or a flat knife. I scoop up the crumbs and lightly press them at a slight angle onto the cream-coated side of the cake. And I stretch it up. It sticks very well and lays down in an even layer.

    I also sprinkle the top with crumbs, making the layer thicker. I then brush off what has fallen off with a brush.

    I definitely leave the finished Ryzhik cake to soak. Five to six hours is enough. I adjust the preparation so that it sits in the refrigerator overnight or from lunch until the evening.

    The photo shows how successful the Ryzhik cake turned out; the classic recipe is impeccable in every way. Thin honey cakes soaked in velvety sour cream - the perfect combination of flavors and presentation appearance. Enjoy your tea! Your Plyushkin.

    For those who like to look at everything in detail, a video version of the recipe